Black Lagoon

Night Shadow

Mar 14, 2005
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I recently found out about this anime while I was flipping throught one the Starz channels the other day, and it is freaken awsome! The plot, and characters are kick ass. What do you all think of the show?
Does it have subtitles?

I just watched the the 1st one it had them, but I thought it was cool.

Gotta still watch the 2nd and finish DL'ing the rest, after I'm done with Ergo Proxy.
Does it have subtitles?

I just watched the the 1st one it had them, but I thought it was cool.

Gotta still watch the 2nd and finish DL'ing the rest, after I'm done with Ergo Proxy.

What I saw was the english dub.
I watch it. I like it. I haven't learned all the names yet, but that main character chick is badass.
Man I wish got Starz channel so I can see it ,going to have to wait till it comes out on a box set before I see it.
So do Revvy and Rock ever shack up?

Kind of sucks about Geneon going under, so now they can't finish Black Lagoon. That and Hellsing OVA.
I love this anime, i need to get back into it again cos i didnt finish it.
Well you still have to wait since it's licensor has gone under :) .
Man since GENEON went under it mess up alot of anime up!
I watch it. I like it. I haven't learned all the names yet, but that main character chick is badass.
I take it back. After 10 episodes I kinda hate her. In fact, I'm finding myself rooting against the main characters more often than not. I mean they're basically bad guys with one of their ranks acting as the voice of reason. Though this is still one of the best animes I've seen thus far.
Well this is what happen when fans constantly download fansubs :p .
OK I mean, I'm not going to get on a pedestal and say I've never looked at fansubs. But I mean I have tried to support the industry by buying the titles I really dug. However, the industry really took a flawed approach with some titles, licensed a lot of stuff that wouldn't sell and licensed stuff beyond their capacity.

But all the fansubbing downloads is starting to take effect with the loss of Geneon.
So in tonights episodes, episodes 21 and 22, did those guys rape Yukio or did they only strip her? The anime was very vauge about that. It seems like they might have based on the way they were treating her and how she was acting, but based on the dialogue, it seemed like they hadn't completely stripped her yet. I hope they didn't do it. Yukio is one of the few characters 'i actually feel sorry for in this anime, and if she was raped that'd just make it worse.
So in tonights episodes, episodes 21 and 22, did those guys rape Yukio or did they only strip her? The anime was very vauge about that. It seems like they might have based on the way they were treating her and how she was acting, but based on the dialogue, it seemed like they hadn't completely stripped her yet. I hope they didn't do it. Yukio is one of the few characters 'i actually feel sorry for in this anime, and if she was raped that'd just make it worse.

They never did rape her (read the manga).
When will the entire first season come to dvd, preferabley as a box set?
i know season 1 part is possibly out or comming out soon at least and part two is out soonish to. but im basing this on uk dates so it depends where your from. pretty sure America already has them all out.
I live in the U.S. but couldn't find them anywhere.

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