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Wolverine and X-men Anime Series Comings


Aug 25, 2006
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About all we know about the X-Men anime is that Warren Ellis is still writing it (or at least "re-imagining" the team) and that it will be 12 episodes long (or, roughly one season on the old Kid's WB). Given that Ellis sometimes runs late on comic book work, who knows what the schedule for this is. The preview was only for the Iron Man anime, which will debut first.
It'll look better. Thats something from the mid 90s and animation technology has improved considerably since then. The Iron Man Anime trailer looked good enough and Id imagine the XMen will feature a similar style
They showed some of the Wolverine designs at the show.

Wolverine has his traditional civilian, non-uniform look. Mariko Yoshida, Omega Red, and Yukio will all be in the series. I imagine it will mostly be set in Japan.

I think most of the shows will be about sort of the MU characters going to Japan and dealing with Japanese culture.

It is very interesting these shows will be on G4. However, keep in mind, these shows probably wouldn't work as well on Disney XD or whatever. There isn't really a Disney network for these types of shows. This is a big coup for G4 who have some good original programming but its my understanding the network has had frequent problems with low ratings that usually don't get reported. G4 has had original animation before with shows like Code Monkeys which lasted a couple seasons. They also showed stuff like Kaiju Big Battle, GI Joe, and some other Transformers cartoons. But lately they've been shoving reruns of Cops and Cheaters down our throats.
They already showed the trailer for wolverine and iron man last year and since i never heared from it again i thought it was canceled, i spent the entire 2010 year waiting for the trailers of blade and x-men.
LOL. Nothing is canceled. Iron Man's premiere did get delayed though. The first episode of the Iron Man anime was shown at Comic-con. New designs were shown for Wolverine.

Basically if you are put off by the design in the Wolverine trailer, don't worry. He does NOT look like that in the show. That trailer was basically an animation test.
I just want the next X-Men series to not specifically cater to Wolverine. All I want is a nice balanced use of an ensembled cast (preferably including Colossus). Is that really too much to ask for?
I just want the next X-Men series to not specifically cater to Wolverine. All I want is a nice balanced use of an ensembled cast (preferably including Colossus). Is that really too much to ask for?
Considering Wolverine is getting his own solo series, I think its almost safe to say the Xmen one wont cater specifically to him. He'll just be another member like the rest, not the main star as he was in WatX
Considering Wolverine is getting his own solo series, I think its almost safe to say the Xmen one wont cater specifically to him. He'll just be another member like the rest, not the main star as he was in WatX
Fingers crossed.
In case anyone missed the story on Superhero Hype! from a few days ago, here's the summaries for each show:

X-Men - The X-Men are reunited following the death of a teammate, and are summoned by Charles Xavier to Japan following the abduction of Hisako Ichiki (Armor). There, they confront the U-Men, a lunatic cult that steals and transplants mutant organs to further strengthen their own army, and the battle for justice is on.

Wolverine - Based on the popular graphic novel by Frank Miller, the series begins in Japan, where Logan is challenged by Shingen Yashida, the notorious leader of a powerful mafia clan. When Shingen's employee Yukio, a female assassin, falls out of Shingen's favor, she must kill him or be killed. Teaming up with Logan, the pair seek out the villain to exact their revenge.
Ohh, the Wolverine series is based on the Claremont/Miller novel! I might just try to catch that next year.

It looks like the X Men series will feature the Astonishing X Men line-up, which makes sense since Ellis is writing it. Oh well, no Gambit then. As long as it's good, I can live with that.
TheVileOne states that the earlier images of "anime Wolverine" was just test animation by Madhouse and that the finished product looks more like the Wolverine we know (leather jacket and all). It isn't as if this is the first time Madhouse has worked with Marvel; they've done the animation to quite a few of their projects (including "HULK VS." and "PLANET HULK"). The "Marvel Anime" is simply a way to get attention to the projects as well as to allow Madhouse to probably put in some design elements to appeal to Japan. I imagine Warren Ellis also has that audience in mind. But it overlaps. Americans enjoy Japanese cartoons, while the Japanese enjoy American cartoons and characters as well as their own. Hell, anime as we know it was inspired originally by Disney animation (hence the large eyes). So it all comes full circle.

The WOLVERINE series being based on the original 80's mini series with Mariko and Lord Shingen is a good idea. That's a story that the format works well for.

As for X-MEN ANIME, I imagine Ellis will use the team of X-Men he has in the monthly comics he writes (even if they don't come out monthly). That roster consists of Cyclops, Emma Frost, Wolverine, Beast, Storm, and Armor. The latter is specifically mentioned in the blurb about the series. The first five are, frankly, the X-Men who Marvel would probably consider most recognizable internationally at this time. Ellis dropped Colossus, Brand, and Lockheed from the Astonishing roster when he took over from Whedon with issue #26, and uses that line-up for his XENOGENESIS story. Plus, aside for Storm and Armor, those other X-Men were the roster Grant Morrison used for his original U-Men story (only without Beak, Xorn, or "Angel").

When Grant Morrison took over the X-Men, Colossus was still dead and he gave Frost her diamond form to make her look visually distinctive. Without Colossus, she apparently served the role of a visually distinctive person with was nigh-invulnerable (although unlike Colossus, she lacked super strength and combat prowess). Colossus would eventually be resurrected by Joss Whedon in AXM, but Frost remains a far more popular and utilized character in comics and animation since his resurrection. I sincerely doubt Ellis would insert Colossus into his Astonishing team for another medium when he hasn't bothered to use him before.

On the other hand, since Wolverine is getting his own anime, I do imagine he'd simply be "part of the team" in the X-MEN anime. Historically in AXM, Logan was never the feature star; he'd have his segments and moments, but he never overshadowed the run when either Whedon or Ellis were on it. Armor wasn't really showcased in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN and for a time, she was considered an important new X-Men character. She's been less brutalized then the cast of ACADEMY X, for instance, and seems to be filling the "Logan sidekick" role that Shadowcat and Jubilee once filled.

Colossus probably would have been part of the regular roster of an X-Men cartoon had PRYDE OF THE X-MEN really gotten a show in 1989, although it probably would have been a G.I. JOE style clone with spandex attached. That was probably his best chance at making it as a regular on a small screen X-Men cast. Ever since, Colossus has been long overshadowed by other characters, both newer or more distinctive. The 90's show had Rogue to perform his feats of strength, as well as other new characters like Jubilee and Gambit to fill out the team alongside the older X-Men of the 60's and 70's. "X-MEN EVOLUTION" clearly didn't seem interested in Colossus until they needed a big man to fill an adversarial spot, whether due to creative choice or network lecturing, or both. Part of me does like to imagine Piotr may have been there if Spyke wasn't a character the creators wanted to introduce and utilize. He would have apparently played a larger role in Season 2 of W&TXM, but that never happened, and I wouldn't hold my breath about any DTV "specials" to revisit that show. It's possible, but not probable. To be honest, Colossus is a character that the comics have had trouble handling for ages. Visually, he's a great design, but writers struggle with writing him. The angle of a "good, noble Russian man" seems less unique after the Cold War. I see him as the character the closest to Superman in terms of morality on the X-Men, which is usually made up of anti-heroes. To many, that usually makes him seem boring, and thus replaceable. Fans hardly even mentioned him in Internet conversation until he died in X-TREME X-MEN. For quite a while I've imagined the character has no future in the X-Men franchise (where I suspect he'll remain a background character forever) and should be allowed to explore others, much as Beast and Pete Wisdom have. So as much as I go on about this, I can't really fault the animation department with having no more vision or tolerance for Colossus than Marvel editorial do. In fact I imagine the only reason Colossus wasn't killed again for SECOND COMING was because he'd already died once within the decade, and they feared being predictable. At best he's seen as "Kitty's boyfriend", but if Kitty isn't around, no one knows what to do with him, and that's been true for at least 15 years.

Onto the positive. I imagine this'll give Steve Blum more time to reprise his role as Wolverine outside of SUPER HERO SQUAD, since W&TXM is no more. In fact I can imagine quite a lot of the cast of W&TXM being tapped for the X-MEN ANIME, which'd be good. If Ellis gives Storm more to say and do, that could appease her fans who've been disappointed in her for at least ten years in cartoons. Plus, it'll be nice to see a Cyclops who isn't treated as Logan's toilet paper again, but closer to an equal, on TV. Armor will probably look amazing in animation. And the U-Men are a creepy, twisted unique set of adversaries for the X-Men to face, and it isn't simply Magneto or Sentinels for the 100th time, but something new. With some well paced action and some sweet animation, this could at least be a decent consolation prize for embittered W&TXM fans.
It would be interesting to hear if Nolan North could pull off fearless leader Cyclops as opposed to misguided misfit Cyclops. Playing a completely different version of Cycke in a different series might make that easier if they choose to bring him back.
Nolan North's playing some voice roles in AVENGERS: EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES (I think as Balder and probably other parts), and he's Superboy on YOUNG JUSTICE now. But if he's available, I don't see why not. :up:
And on another network I don't get at school. Geez, what is it with Marvel and airing shows on networks I don't get?
And on another network I don't get at school. Geez, what is it with Marvel and airing shows on networks I don't get?

I don't know what's with Marvel. But, they're the same guys who're eagerly pricing as many of their comics at $3.99 during the worst economic recession in 20 years when both retailers and readers are struggling financially. :dry:
Just to point out, we don't know about English dubbing or reversions of the Marvel anime.

G4's John Rieber hinted at the shows being broadcast on G4 in Japanese with English subtitles but that discussions would be held on how to best present the shows. G4 does have a history of broadcasting shows from Japan like Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Banzuke in Japanese with English subtitles something you hardly ever see in the US. Granted Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Banzuke are crazy game shows.

Marvel, GIVE DREAD HIS ANIMATED COLOSSUS ALREADY! Chibi-Colossus on SHS is not enough!
I can't imagine that Marvel, as they are now, would commission anime and not dub it. FUNimation and VIZ Media still dub everything they have, and they don't have Disney behind them. Hell, even what is left of Anime Works or whatever company ADV has become still dubs a lot of their stuff. Supposedly, anime DVD's without a dub track tend to sell less, or at least that was one factoid I read somewhere.

I imagine the Marvel Anime would be packaged like a lot of anime is, with both a dub and sub track. Whatever G4 chooses to air may be up to them.

And no, Chibi Colossus is not enough. I mean, I can imagine fans of other X-Men characters having more reason to be bitter, such as Havok, Banshee, or even Psylocke fans. Still, though, I don't like all the teases. He's distinct, damn it! Who would've thought a character who is bullet proof and super strong and has a nice shiny design would be too much for Western animation to handle. I mean, I can't think of any other farm raised, well mannered, morally upstanding character who wears red and yellow with that power set and is a man of steel who has ever displayed awesomeness in a cartoon in the west. :o
I can't imagine that Marvel, as they are now, would commission anime and not dub it. FUNimation and VIZ Media still dub everything they have, and they don't have Disney behind them. Hell, even what is left of Anime Works or whatever company ADV has become still dubs a lot of their stuff. Supposedly, anime DVD's without a dub track tend to sell less, or at least that was one factoid I read somewhere.

Sentai Filmworks is starting to dub certain shows but most of their releases are sub-only. Gintama which does have a loyal following in the US and its manga is already published here gets a sub only release.

Funimation releases all their shows here with an English dub. But Bandai is now starting to do sub-only releases.

The thing is, Marvel might commission a dub, but G4 still might air it sub-only.
Sentai Filmworks is starting to dub certain shows but most of their releases are sub-only. Gintama which does have a loyal following in the US and its manga is already published here gets a sub only release.

Funimation releases all their shows here with an English dub. But Bandai is now starting to do sub-only releases.

The thing is, Marvel might commission a dub, but G4 still might air it sub-only.

That's fine. The anime industry has been contracting for years. DVD sales as a whole have fallen off, and anime companies have taken the brunt. Ironically, DVD's actually gave fans a good deal once cheaply priced thin-packs of series became the norm about 3-4 years ago, so some companies may actually be seeing less profits since VHS was abandoned in 2002-2003 by the anime industry collectively. Plus, an entire generation of illegal downloaders has probably taken a toll.

I know some of the smaller anime distributors, such as Discotek Media, and others, are seeing sub-only as a cheaper alternative. But the two biggest, FUNimation and VIZ Media, still dub I'd say at least 80% of their releases, if not 90%. I cannot imagine Marvel wouldn't add a dub track to their anime, even if G4 aired the sub. I doubt they would want to risk any sort of loss in DVD sales.

I usually prefer dubs anyway. If I wanted to read a movie, I'd read it as a book or a manga. ;)
I pretty much agree. Marvel can more than likely afford it. And if they got a big name to play Tony Stark in the anime like say Downey that would pretty much guarantee the dub would be broadcast. Downey did the Iron Man videogames. And the show is not a long show so it probably wouldn't take too much of his time.

Just to give an idea, Bruce Greenwood did all his recording for Batman Under The Red Hood in 1 day, so I bet they could figure something out for the ADR of these shows.
The anime for Iron Man looks a little sticky,not as fluid as anime should be but I realize it's a preview,not the final run.As far as the X-Men & Blade,I hope they do the characters justice & show some mayhem and destruction.Too bad it's on G4 which some people don't receive but I figure the DVDs will be out soon enough.
I just saw a Iron Man Anime Episode #3 with Logan in it. He looked pretty good had like a red full sleeve shirt with a wife beater underneath and had blue jeans. He was in there for like 3 minutes I hope Steven Blum voices him

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