Blade Runner: The Workprint
In September 1989, film preservationist Michael Arick stumbled across several 70mm film canisters while at work searching through the TODD-AO film vaults in Hollywood. Labeled "Blade Runner," these cans would go on to be one of the most important finds in the history of the seminal sci-fi film.
As documented in great detail in Paul M. Sammon's terrific book "Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner," these canisters turned out to house 70mm blowups of a workprint used for two crucial test screenings of the film held in Denver, Colorado and Dallas, Texas on the evenings of March 5th and 6th, 1982.
With word about the find spreading among fans and excitement growing, Warner Brothers made a 35mm reduction dupe of the 70mm Workprint and, in September 1991, began a four-week engagement of the print at Los Angeles' NuArt Theater. This was followed by a two-week run at San Francisco's Castro Theater, where I luckily caught a screening.
What played at those venues was a rough workprint (WP) without color-correction, plenty of scratches and dirt, an uneven sound mix and a temp score on the last thirty minutes of the film. Yet despite all of this, the WP was a startling experience because it was so radically different from any other released versions of the film.
In 1992, a hastily prepared "Director's Cut" was officially released by Ridley Scott and Warner Brothers. Aside from the major deletions of the voice-over (VO) and the "happy" ending, as well as the addition of the long-fabled "Unicorn" sequence, this cut was the same as the 1982 R-rated release.
Sadly, the WP has been locked away and unseen for 15 years. All that remains of it publicly is a bootlegged camcorder copy taped in '91 by persons unknown. The footage is quite low quality, with heads bobbing into view and occasional talking and coughing. However, it is an important document of a version of Blade Runner that is unlikely to ever resurface. Enjoy.
There are lots of screen caps along with descriptions of shots. It sure would be cool if this ended up on the SE they've been making for 5 years, but I doubt it. maybe someday we'll be able to see it.