Blair Witch

Alex The Great

Sep 22, 2007
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Discuss Blair Witch here. (no. there not making a 3rd one if your wondering!)
pics gifs w/e :woot:
It says at Box Office Mojo that the production budget for Blair Witch was 60 thousand dollars. My question is, where did the other 59 thousand dollars go to?

Go Brady Go!
When i saw the first movie i thought it was true.
Come to think of it,i still don't know if its true.
it's not real. that's why i love camcorder filmed movies.....realistic and this movie is living proof of it.


It says at Box Office Mojo that the production budget for Blair Witch was 60 thousand dollars. My question is, where did the other 59 thousand dollars go to?

Go Brady Go!

"Actors", gas, and food.
"Nothing's happening.....nothing's happening....nothing's happening....and the movie's over. A lot of people look pissed."
yeah it was! i couldn't drive near any wooded area after that!
lol. if i go camping in a forest again i'll make sure that there's rangers, guard dogs and security is NEAR BY!
Talk about unwarranted backlash; people love to hate on this one.

It's a modern classic, one of the few horror films in the last 20 years that deserves a place in the canon. Most people that hate on it are either a.) Still bitter about being duped by the brilliant marketing or b.) Pissed that they didn't think of it first.

I'd take one original film like Blair Witch over a billion crappy sequels and Asian horror remakes (see One Missed Call; I mean don't).

Kudos to the filmmakers for making a creepy and innovative film on a shoestring budget instead of blowing tens of millions on flat, uninspired animated ghouls (I Am Legend).
indeed. :up:

it was a risky move that worked. the final few seconds is perfect. the way she goes HUUH!?! at the end. it either sounds like a HUH? wuts that or HUH! she had bin hit by the witch. The Ending was amazing..
Most people that hate on it are either a.) Still bitter about being duped by the brilliant marketing or b.) Pissed that they didn't think of it first.

Maybe, just maybe, it's because many of us just thought it was a bad movie. Just a thought.
It's a modern classic, one of the few horror films in the last 20 years that deserves a place in the canon. Most people that hate on it are either a.) Still bitter about being duped by the brilliant marketing or b.) Pissed that they didn't think of it first.

Or it could be, c.) when people see a "scary" movie, they expect to be SCARED. Oooh, he's facing a wall! Oooh, scary!
The thing with Blair Witch is, you have to see it in the right environment. No other noise, all the lights off, preferrably alone...

A little rain doesn't hurt.

Then it becomes scary as hell. Especially Josh screaming out in the woods...
I liked it. The second was trash, but the original did a pretty good job of telling the story. The ending was creepy in a WTF kinda way and put the cap on an entertaining 90 minutes or whatever.

I had my doubts, but wasn't 100% positive it was all staged until I saw that the cast members would be appearing at Comic-Con. :ninja:
It would have been much better if at least gave you a glimpse of the scary witch monster. Hell, the 2nd one totally ditched the whole "it could be real" aspect, and still no scary witch.
Talk about unwarranted backlash; people love to hate on this one.

It's a modern classic, one of the few horror films in the last 20 years that deserves a place in the canon. Most people that hate on it are either a.) Still bitter about being duped by the brilliant marketing or b.) Pissed that they didn't think of it first.

I'd take one original film like Blair Witch over a billion crappy sequels and Asian horror remakes (see One Missed Call; I mean don't).

Kudos to the filmmakers for making a creepy and innovative film on a shoestring budget instead of blowing tens of millions on flat, uninspired animated ghouls (I Am Legend).

I like you.
i hate it... if i had a list of movies id never wanna watch again this would be at the very top.

it wasnt scary.... it was trees and grass.

At least the movie Open Water showed the damn sharks... and it was clear what was happening, it made everything alot scarier.

blair witch just plain sucked...
how that movie was released instead of a better independent film is beyond

and now here comes the poughkeepsie tapes....lmao
Or it could be, c.) when people see a "scary" movie, they expect to be SCARED. Oooh, he's facing a wall! Oooh, scary!

True fear is relative. I'm a horror buff but few if any horror films actually "scare" me. What has scared you?
I've never been scared by a horror movie. Ever. I don't know why, but these things don't affect me at all.

I can't believe how people thought this was real. :hehe:
At least the movie Open Water showed the damn sharks... and it was clear what was happening, it made everything alot scarier.

I never understand that complaint. Not showing something is always scarier than showing it... at least to me.

I liked the Blair Witch Project for what it was. From a marketing point of view, they did an amazing job. What made the movie scary for those of us that saw it the first week it was out was that it was promoted in such a way that you were lead to believe it was real. Watching it now, knowing it is fake, I can understand the criticism the movie receives, but when I saw it opening weekend it scared the hell out of me.
I thought it was very scary when I first saw it. I grew up in the woods and there were very few things scarier than getting lost in the forest with only an hour or two of sunlight left.
I remember using the Internet to go and find out about the film before seeing it. It felt like a big secret I had to learn about. Me and my buddy went to see it thinking it was 100% real. Only to learn days later that it was fake. Watching it back it is a total dump flush but at the time and given my age it was very real and scary to me.

The ending was the best of course as you had about an hour of wood suspense. Mikey in the corner in the basement...standing just like the witch has been said to make her victims stand. Then a full pan shot of the room and smack end of movie....

I swear the whole cinema was on edge and did not say a word throughout.

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