Bob Stoops Jokes


Sep 26, 2005
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Why does Bob Stoops eat cereal from a plate?

If its in a bowl he would lose it.

Whats the difference between Bob Stoops and Cocopuffs?

Cocopuffs know what to do in a bowl.
I have a friend who went to Oklahoma State, and he went to a game against OU, where a guy who sat a row behind him held a sign that said "Stoops Smells Like Poops".....
Why does Bob Stoops eat cereal from a plate?

If its in a bowl he would lose it.

Whats the difference between Bob Stoops and Cocopuffs?

Cocopuffs know what to do in a bowl.

Bahahahahaha dood you're the king :woot:
Three college football coaches were flying across the country when their airplane crashed and all three died. They all noticed God up in the clouds sitting in a chair. God motioned for one of them to come into the clouds.

God wanted to know three things: "Who are you? What did you do? What did people think of you?"

The first coach said, "I'm Joe Paterno. I coached Penn State from 1966 to 2008. I won 372 games, 23 bowl victories, 2 national championships, and won Coach of the Year 4 times. The people of Pennsylvania think I'm great." God said, "Fine, Joe, stand at my right side."

The next person said, "I'm Bobby Bowden. I coached Florida State University from 1976 to 2008. I had a .816 win percentage, played in 14 bowl games in a row without a loss and won a national championship after beating Nebraska. The people of Florida think I'm great." God said, "Fine, Bobby, stand at my left side."

The third coach stood before God and said, "I'm Bob Stoops. I took over a storied Oklahoma program that had won 6 national championships and held many NCAA records but had fallen to the lowest of the low. In the 3 years prior to me taking over the Sooners they went 3-8 (worst season in 102 years of football), 4-8, and 5-6, beating Texas only once and not beating Colorado or Nebraska, not to mention losing to OSU. I coached the Sooners for a season and a half, going 7-5 in my first year beating a top-15 Texas A&M with my unranked team and taking the Sooners to a bowl game. 7 games into my second season we were undefeated and I took the Sooners to #1 in the AP poll, Coaches poll, and BCS poll. We beat #10 Texas 63-14, #2 Kansas State in Manhattan 41-31, and #1 Nebraska 31-14. Our quarterback was the frontrunner for the Heisman trophy, we were in the driver's seat for the national championship, and the people of Oklahoma think you are sitting in my chair."

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