The Dark Knight Booty-Water Ruins Action Scene


May 19, 2007
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The Associated Press (via CNN) reports that a scene that was to be filmed in Hong Kong for The Dark Knight was cancelled because of pollution in Hong Kong's iconic harbor (Spoiler ahead!):

A scene in which Batman was to drop from a plane into the harbor has been axed after the movie's producers found the water quality could pose a potential health risk, the South China Morning post reported in its Sunday edition.

"The plan was for Batman to be seen jumping into the water and then climbing up some bamboo, or something similar," the Post quoted an unnamed production official as saying.

"But when they checked a water sample, they found all sorts of things; salmonella and tuberculosis, so it was canceled. Now the action will cut to inside a building."

Let's start over.
damn that water
nolan shouldve done his prep work
that scene sounded class
he's runied it
I really hope they don't scrap the whole stunt because it sounds badass. Hopefully a soundstage could work just as well.
Yeah, they're just going to do the scene on a set now, no big deal, it just won't be on a grand scale like it would have been outdoors.
yea but thats rubbish
i like location shoots
bloody hell
i thought they were gonna make it realistic
Yeah, they're just going to do the scene on a set now, no big deal, it just won't be on a grand scale like it would have been outdoors.

Nope it says the scene will cut to inside a building.

Which means they cut the action scene out of the movie and we just see Bats inside a buidling...

Hong Kong isn't turning out so great for action sequences.
They could have seen that coming from miles away.
The location scout should have known that.
yea cobblepot ur right
stupid scout
do u think nolan was pissed off?
I hope Hong Kong doesn't mess this movie up. Too many scenes that are either being stunted or thrown out all together because of that place.
Yeah, they're just going to do the scene on a set now, no big deal, it just won't be on a grand scale like it would have been outdoors.

Where did you hear that?

Sounds like there is always something wrong going on with this movie. This movie is cursed. Haven't there been other action scenes cut as well? I think this movie is down to one action scene. :csad:
Where did you hear that?

Sounds like there is always something wrong going on with this movie. This movie is cursed. Haven't there been other action scenes cut as well? I think this movie is down to one action scene. :csad:

:dry: Wait. Because some man was killed in one accident, and that they can't shoot in Hong Kong - the film is now cursed? You might as well say that most movies are cursed because they deal with location change almost all the time.
:dry: Wait. Because some man was killed in one accident, and that they can't shoot in Hong Kong - the film is now cursed? You might as well say that most movies are cursed because they deal with location change almost all the time.

Having someone die carries a lot of weight and there was the fire in Chicago as well and one of the IMAX cameras broke.
Calm down. One stunt was cut and you're acting like the whole movie is f'ed up. One stunt. Happens a lot of times in Hollywood.
Nope it says the scene will cut to inside a building.

Which means they cut the action scene out of the movie and we just see Bats inside a buidling...


Yeah, inside a soundstage with a water tank.
It says "cut out" , not "shot at"...
Also... if the actor's or stunt-man's health would be at risk, wouldn't you cancel this stunt aswell? ;)
these types of things happen with all major stunt movies... that's what makes some directors great and some just good. the great ones find ways to work around the speed bumps that pop up during the shoot.
Calm down. One stunt was cut and you're acting like the whole movie is f'ed up. One stunt. Happens a lot of times in Hollywood.

The movie is beyond f'ed now. In fact, if I was WB, I would consider direct to video now for its release. :woot:
How dare they put a stuntman's health above my entertainment!!

WB you have obviously got your priorities askew.

I still don't know what's all the fuzz. Do you even know how many stunts get in action movies all the time?
I think, due to the writer's strike, that they can't change a scene. Meaning if it can't be filmed as written, they're sol.

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