All New X-Men #4- Another solid issue of this book. Bendis is doing a great job. This issue has the confrontation that everyone's been looking forward to: Young Cyclops vs. Modern Cyclops. Great issue and Immomen's art was fantastic. I loved seeing modern Cyclops's optic blast being out of control while young Cyclops's blast were thin and perfectly straight. Loving this series.
Avengers #2- This series looks to be setting up a lot of things, so it feels kind of slow, but I'm still loving it. Hickman's created some intriguing new villains and an epic overall feel. It seems like **** is going to go down next issue and I'm very much looking forward to it.
Avengers Arena #2- I'm still liking this title for what it is: A silly, mindless book that's a lot of fun and is introducing me to a lot of cool new characters. These characters totally aren't really dying, too. Hopeless is spending a lot of time developing these characters and I can't believe that he's going to waste this development on this little series and never have them pop up again. Avengers Academy fans should rest easy... Everything is going to be okay.
Cable and X-Force #2- This issue was better than the last, but still nothing special so far. I'm still only reading this for Colossus. It's nice to see Piotr uneasy with what's going on. That said, I'll probably stick around for awhile.
Captain America #2- I enjoyed this issue way more than the last one. I felt the last issue was great, but I found myself wanting for a more grounded, Brubaker-ish Cap... Remender's Cap totally did it for me this issue. I'm all in now. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Daredevil #21- This is such a fun series. Waid is just a master of creating fun, exciting titles. This issue finished off with a pretty fun little cliffhanger which I wasn't expecting. It's gonna be great to see how that shakes out.
FF #2- I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this issue. I originally wasn't planning on buying this series but caved in because of Allred's involvement and how much I enjoyed Fraction's first issue of Fantastic Four. I didn't really like the first issue, but this issue was absolutely fantastic. Seeing Ant Man and company dealing with everything as **** hits the fan has been a blast. Great title.
Green Lantern #15- Does anyone else feel that this arc has been going on forever? I'm over it already. I loved this relaunch when it first started. The teamwork between Hal and Sinestro was very interesting... Ever since they introduced the new Green Lantern, I've found myself losing interest. It's not even that I don't like the new Green Lantern, because I do, but I'm really missing the Hal/Sinestro dynamic. Hopefully this arc will start picking up soon and get back on track.
Hawkeye #6- Every month I'm surprised by how fantastic this title is. I've always like Hawkeye, but I never really felt that he could maintain a solo title like he has with this new series. Fraction has done an AMAZING job of writing a superhero who's just a normal dude who's just trying to do the right thing.This issue might've been the best of the series so far. Also, Aja's art is just fantastic and a perfect matchup with Fraction's writing. The panel where Clint is just standing in the snow waiting with his bow was ****ing awesome. If you're not buying this series, you're really missing out.
Indestructible Hulk #2- Again, Waid is just a great writer. I've always liked the Hulk but I always felt that he's just a hard character to write. Waid gets him and he still has found a way to take the character in a new direction. The dynamic between Banner and Stark in this issue was great. Waid has made Hulk fun again and not such a drag.
Nightwing #15- I really like this issue a lot. I think Higgins has done a decent job with this series so far. Dick is just a great character and I feel like Higgins does a pretty good job with him. It's never really been great, but it's never been bad either. Just a consistently solid title. I feel like this is the best issue to come out of the series in awhile. It really showed the difference in the way that Dick and Bruce approach things. I figured Joker would attack Dick in the way he did and I can't wait to see what happens in the next issue, especially with Higgins talking up how these next couple of issues are going to completely change the landscape of the series.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #15- I bought this just for the DOTF crossover and I found myself really liking it. The way Joker is ****ing with Jason is really interesting and you're starting to see him crack. One thing I wasn't completely sure of because I don't read Teen Titans is how did Tim end up in the same pit as Jason? But yeah, I heard that this was a pretty bad-mediocre title, but I found myself really liking this issue, so I may actually stick with it after the DOTF tie in.
Saga #8- I feel that if you're not buying this series, you're just an *******. Vaughn is writing his masterpiece. He's totally just hitting on all cylinders here. And Staples is just absolutely killing it in the art department. I feel like there's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said about this series. Just buy and enjoy.
Thor: God of Thunder #3- Another NOW title that is going great. I'm loving what Aaron is doing with this title. Seeing the progression of cocky, young Thor to weary, modern Thor to defiant, old Thor is just ****ing awesome. You can see how his experiences with the God Butcher has completely changed him as a character. In this issue, you get to see some cool moments with all three different Thors. I do hope that we soon get to see some more old Thor as I feel that he hasn't gotten as much of a spotlight as everyone else.
Thunderbolts #2- Another dud of an issue. I really want to like this series, I really do. It's got a great team. But it's pretty ******. I'll probably give it until the end of the first arc but of all the NOW titles, I feel that this is by far the worst that I've read so far.
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #18- I feel like this is a title that people don't talk about enough. It's pretty great. It's nice to see that Ultimate line go in a completely different direction than the 616 universe. When it first started, I feel like it pretty much followed along with the 616 universe save for a few changes. Now, they're completely different. Anyway, Miles is a great character and Bendis is doing a good job of depicting the craziness that is going on in the Ultimate universe though the eyes of a child.
Uncanny X-Force #35- I'm really, really sad to see this title go as it's been one of my favorites. This was a really good finale issue even though it did kind of feel that it was Remender's way of fixing all the toys that he broke and putting them back in the toybox. The teams disbanded, each of the characters are much more ****ed up than they were when the series just started, and a character that I was upset was gone is now back, but in a different way. Plus, there's a great moment between Deadpool and Evan in this issue that I really, really liked. But yeah, super bummed this over now. Remender better start kicking ass on Uncanny Avengers soon to make up for leaving this series.
Venom #28- This series has become pretty mediocre since Remender left. It's not terrible, but it's not really good either. I feel like it's picked up after the Minimum Carnage event. I like the Philly aspect to the book as Philly's a city I really enjoy. I don't like the supernatural turn this book has taken since Bunn took over. I miss Remender's take on the character.
But yeah, this might get dropped soon.
Wolverine and the X-Men #22- I'm super bummed at how uninteresting this title has become. This used to be one of my favorite titles and now it's so "meh" it's crazy. I feel like this circus arc has been going on FOREVER and it's terrible. I hope Aaron gets back on track after this arc and gets back to what this series is great for: The interactions between the teachers and students in the school setting.