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Bought/Thought Thread for Dec. 8 - Spoilers and Squirrel Girl!!!

Aguirre-Sascasa did write the Fantastic Four for a little while. He wrote the book simple entitled "4" a few years back, and I think the artist was Steve McNiven.
Yes. I'll be charitable and say it was underwhelming.
Just saw the new Thor trailer. Wow, I'm impressed. Looks so much better than Green Hornet or Green Lantern trailers. Can't wait for May 6th!
Yeah, I loved the Thor trailer. I've watched it like 10 times between today and yesterday.
WooHOO!!! I Have Comics!!! Turns out my shop didn't get After the Fall due to it being shipped wrong so we'll get it in two weeks. I've not finished reading everything yet but it feels good to finally not have to dodge spoilers on here. I don't know what's new and what's old so I'll just review everything I read. I'm not done reading yet, but this is the Marvel stuff.

Generation Hope 2 - I'm just not liking this title. I think it's the 5th Light guy. I just don't like him at all. In fact, the only Light I do kinda like is the blue chick. because of my X-Student ****edom I'll continue buying this but if it doesn't pick up by maybe the end of the second arc I may drop it.

Thunderbolts 150 - I know this is old but since After the Fall didn't show up and I opted to pass on Ant Man & Wasp I thought I'd pay the extra cash for this. The title's on the fence for me but it's not quite gone yet and it's bugged me that I never got this issue.

That said, waist of money. Not that the issue was bad, it just wasn't worth the price asked. I liked Crossbones's powers better when they were in front of his head and not covering his head. I like that Ghost is quickly going more noble. And I like that they're still working on Juggernaut, again. It was a decent read, though I still don't like the art. Not great, not bad. It would have been worth the $2.99, but not at all the $4.99. And the rest of the crap tagged on to the end of the issue was just crap.

The New Avengers 7 - This was definately better than the previously two reviewe titles. Most people would call this a boring talking issue but they don't bother me as long as they serve a purpose. We get some idea of what people think of Victoria Hand. We get Squirrel Girl. We get Stephen Strange officially joining. We get Wong. We get an idea of how the team is being managed, etc. Yeah, there's better ways to get all this but Bendis's simple style here just crammed all that in instead of dragging it out and now we can move on. I'm cool with that :up: Still wishing Spider-Woman was on the team instead of Ms. Marvel but oh well.

And as an old fan of Fantastic Force, the one panel cameo of Devlor made me smile.

Incredible Hulks 618 - Heh, Phaed, they tell you everything I told you about Zom within the first few pages of the issue and even has a footnote saying it was in WWH :)

And this issue was definately good. I've been debating on dropping this one due to the price but have been back and forth due to the price dropping. Last issue was the best dropping point and I didn't know if I was going to get it or not so I opted to buy this issue and see if I'm still interested post-Hiro-Kala. Well, yes I am. I love this group and you can't go wrong with Pelletier's artwork. I'm dropping a lot of titles recently so I think I'll just hold onto this one. I enjoy it more than other titles I still buy so why drop it?

Also, I've bought the first three issues of Chaos War for the sake of understanding this tie-in and the X-Men tie-in. I'm glad you don't really need it for this. They explain things well enough going in so I don't feel as compelled to finish buying Chaos War.

Shadowland 5 - Okay, obviously this has been a weaker story than a lot of Daredevil stuff and I'm kinda glad it's done, but all in all I can't say I'm not happy with the story. I like that in the end it was Iron Fist who took down Daredevil and Elektra who helped him come back. I like that Fisk is now in charge of the Hand with both Lady Bullseye and Typhoid Mary working under him. I like that Matt is now on a path of forgiveness. I like that Bullseye stayed dead. Oh, and I like that the big bad looking black dude with the earing was being beat down by the nerdy guy in glasses. :)

As I said, not the best of stories but likely that's in comparison to most of the DD stuff through this past decade. It was still a good story with a lot of great characters involved. I notice an art error in that in one panel you see Wolverine behind Spider-Man then a few panels later Spider-Man has to dig him out of some rubble that fell on him during the fight. You'd think an editor would have caught that but oh well.

So for me Shadowland was a good read that I enjoyed very much but I'm glad it's done and we can move on to the next thing.

Daredevil 512 - I felt that this was a great epilogue and I wonder what After the Fall has left to detail. We have Black Panther becoming the new Man Without Fear. We have Fisk set up with the power of the Hand. We see the result of the Black Tarrantula plot. We have a warrent out for Murdock/Daredevil and Kurtz asigned with the task of bringing him in. And we have Matt beginning his journey of redemption.

All in all it was a good issue and I really like the art. I'm eager for Daredevil Reborn and just the small scene here actually has me a little curious about Black Panther. I haven't decided if I'm going to buy it or not but I figure if he's taking on Fisk or his forces I may have to check it out. I don't expect it to last more than a year anyway.

Heroes For Hire 1 - Jury is still out on this one. I like the rotating cast and I like most of the people IN that cast. I like Misty Knight playing the role of Oracle. I do not, however, like that Puppet Master is playing with her making her do this and I don't much care for the art. It's not bad but I didn't much care for Walker in Guardians of the Galaxy and I don't much care for him here. I'm definately keeping up with this title for a while to see where it goes but I'm not as pleased with it as I thought I was going to be.

Okay, I'll be back later with my last four issues: Brightest Day 15, Batgirl 16, Echo 26, and Project Superpowers X-Mas Special.
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I loved how Heroes for Hire seems to be an attempt to integrate the old team-up anthologies into a more serialized format with Misty as the crux of it all. It's a formula that works pretty well as of issue #1. You wouldn't catch me reading a Moon Knight comic to save my life, but this issue didn't miss a beat when it switched over to him as the main character. I like it. Good idea, well executed.
Was HfH that good?

Damn... I hate getting new books that will get the axe by the 18th issue, but maybe I'll give it a try...

It was good but I don't know what to expect of it or how well it's going to do.
My Hawks are getting killed...but, thankfully I'm still alive in this week's Hype Football pool. Anyway, figure I might as well do some more reviews.

Thunder Agents #2

This second issue did not disappoint. We meet the first member of the new T-Agents, and Spencer does a good job letting us (and the new member) know just how serious being an Agent is. I just hope somewhere down the road we get some more information on the people who are headhunting these new recruits. (Oh, and the art looks pretty good, too.)

Yep, this title could fast become my favorite DC comic. :yay::yay:

Star Wars: Knight Errant #3

This comic looks good...it reads pretty good...yet, fans of the original trilogy will still have a bit of disappointment, because there isn't any of the fun associated with it. Seriously, I would care less if the main character died next issue or not. She's got very little in terms of a personality; and, this adventure she's on is nothing that special. Still...it will entertain the casual fan well enough. :yay:

What If? Wolverine: Father

What a crappy, crappy issue! The art is horrible, and the story very uninspired. It's basically "What If Wolverine raised Daken as a baby to adulthood." Having to wait a full year for a new installment of What If, you'd think Marvel would come up with something better. I guess we'll never get a monthly series with stuff like this.

Oh, and the back-up story, What If Venom possessed Deadpool, is a waste of time. The story is extremely campy, and not to be taken seriously at all. The idea is interesting; but, how terrible of Marvel not to give it the respect it deserves.

Yeah, this just might be the worst of the week. I enjoyed Wolverine: The Best There Is much more than this pile of poo. :csad:

R.E.B.E.L.S. #23

Another good issue of R.E.B.E.L.S.; but, I do have a couple complaints. First, I'm sure I'm not the only person who reads DC that are a bit tired of the Green Lantern Corps. This story felt a bit more inspired that others, thankfully..and, it's kind of what I want more of from Green Lantern Corps (featuring new members, while being trained and instructed by some old favorites). The other is the quick return of Starro The Conqueror. It feels as if we just had that storyline put to rest, and bringing him back so fast makes me feel like Bedard can't quite come up with something else to compare.

That said, I loved the conclusion to this storyline. Glad to see Braniac doesn't always get what he wants. :yay::yay:

Thor: The Mighty Avenger #7

This is a much better Thor series than Fraction's. It's got that sweet innocence of yesterday about it; and, each issue (generally) gives you a full story. (Not so this issue. We get our first "to be continued.") It's a Marvel Adventures style of story; but, much better than the minis, like Captain America: Korvak Saga. :yay:
House Of Mystery #32

I'm not sure why I'm still getting this book. It hasn't been that good for a long, long time; and, all of Fig's family bores the holy heck out of me. This book has become more about fig than the House Of Mystery; and, I wish Sturges would go back to how this book used to be in the beginning. Only reason I'm still with it is because it's rather inexpensive. :dry:

Marvel Adventures Super Heroes #9

I'm liking this title quite a bit more lately; and, that's mostly because they are finally getting to the Black Widow/Sue Richards/Reed Richards mystery. After the previous issue had Odin warn Thor that there is an imposter in their mix, much of this issue sees Nova (in a very humorous fashion) trying to solve the mystery of who it is. By issue's end, he thinks he knows (Black Widow); but, I think it's Invisible Woman. I kinda hope I'm wrong, though; as, Sue Storm being on this team has been very refreshing. (Plus, I love the side story of Cap falling in love with her.)

On a side note...I find myself liking this Nova a lot more than the 616 version. :yay:

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? #4

Too bad someone, like Slott, couldn't write one of these issues; because, if it wasn't for my daughter, I'd drop it like a hot potato. The stories aren't even that good for kids. The original (and even new) shows are much, much better. (That is, as long as they don't include Scrappy-Doo.) :csad:
R.E.B.E.L.S. #23

Another good issue of R.E.B.E.L.S.; but, I do have a couple complaints. First, I'm sure I'm not the only person who reads DC that are a bit tired of the Green Lantern Corps. This story felt a bit more inspired that others, thankfully..and, it's kind of what I want more of from Green Lantern Corps (featuring new members, while being trained and instructed by some old favorites). The other is the quick return of Starro The Conqueror. It feels as if we just had that storyline put to rest, and bringing him back so fast makes me feel like Bedard can't quite come up with something else to compare.

That said, I loved the conclusion to this storyline. Glad to see Braniac doesn't always get what he wants. :yay::yay:
My biggest problem with REBELS is that, for lack of a better term, it sold out. I guess Bedard got the green light for more popular characters, so he decided to just throw out the old ones and focus entirely on the new. It's still enjoyable, but I miss the quirky, offbeat feel and characters from earlier in the series. Strata's loss was the worst for me, since she and Dox had a great mutual disdain that made for some very entertaining scenes. Meanwhile, even the characters that stayed on from the beginning are practically gone--when was the last time Wildstar or Ciji did anything important? It's like a whole different series with Dox as the only common thread.
NEW AVENGERS What the hell? I ACTUALLY didn't hate this issue! There's no way in hell it was written by Bendis. No way. The conversations weren't repetitive, Spidey was a manchild only ONCE (I'd swear the Poop joke was the ONLY thing Bendis actually wrote this issue), and I actually laughed at some parts. Sure, nothing happened, but I didn't care. If Bendis could produce this kinda quality ALL the freakin' time, I might actually read his books. But, sadly, this is just the tasty carrot of what can never be. And if this book continues to be $3.99 for much longer, I'm gonna start dropping some Avengers books. Overall, they've been incredibly UNDERWHELMING.

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