Aquaman #16- Throne of Atlantis continues. I'm really enjoying this storyline. We see that Batman kind of understands where Aquaman was coming from and isn't pissed that Aquaman is trying to placate the Atlanteans, even though it looks like he's siding with them. Cyborg is also finally doing something instead of just transporting people. Plus, we're able to see some characters that I haven't read much of in the New 52. Namely Hawkman, who's a badass. I'm very excited for JLA to start so I can read more of him. We also see that some of the League members aren't happy that Cyborg summoned the reinforcements because all of the current League members didn't agree to it. That's an interesting development and I'm sure we'll see that plot picked up going forward. Solid issue.
Avengers #4- This issue is the first issue without Opena. Kubert took over. While Kubert's great, I missed Opena this issue. I totally understand the artist switch though because the release schedule for this title is absolutely crazy. #4 came out last week, #5 came out this week, and #6 comes out next week. It's getting into All New X-Men territory. This issue focused on Superman clone Hyperion, who I've never actually read before. I actually really enjoyed his origin story and I'm excited that he's on the team. This was a very cool issue. Hickman's just fantastic.
Batman Inc. #7- I'm not Morrison's biggest fan, but the last few issue of Inc. have been absolutely incredible. It seems like he's gotten read of all of the fluffy, "this is so clever" ******** and just gotten to wrap up his story. And it's great. I'm such a Damian fanboy that I'm going to be devastated if anything happens to him. Morrison has taken a character that I pretty much hated when he was first introduced and made him one of my favorites. Anyway, I can't wait to see where Morrison is going with this.
Batman and Robin Annual #1- This was another great Damian issue. Damian sends Bruce on a wild goose chase around the world so he can be Batman in Gotham. Damian adopts his Batman 666 costume and beats the **** out of some criminals. While he's doing that, Bruce is going through pretty much a guided tour of his parents history that Damian personally arranged. So this issue was great in that we got to see the two sides of Damian: The badass side and the sweet side.
Batman: The Dark Knight #16- This issue was Ethan Van Scriver's first issue on the series and his art was fantastic. The story, however, was lacking. I think I might be dropping this series soon. I already read too much Batman as it is and this one is my least favorite of the bunch.
Hawkeye #7- I absolutely love this series, but this was the first issue that didn't wow me. This issue focused on Hawkeye reacting to Hurricane Sandy. I don't quite remember how, but this issue is somehow going to donate some money to the Sandy Relief Fund so it's definitely for a good cause. That being said, it's pretty clear that this issue was shoehorned in. In the letters column, the editor talked about how they kind of dropped everything in order to have this issue and it shows. It's not necessarily a bad issue, but not as good as the previous. It just doesn't have the feel or charm that makes me love this series so much.
Invincible #100- I'm a relatively new Invincible reader. I've been wanting to jump into Invincible for awhile and finally said **** it a couple of weeks ago and bought the trades and back issues that got me caught up from about issue #50. This is a great super hero title that kinda breaks the norms that other superhero titles follow. I enjoyed this issue. I accidentally saw the first few pages of this issue a week ago and was really bummed out about what happened, but Kirkman pulled a switcheroo so I was fine. I was worried that he was going to go for a Walking Dead #100 status quo changing issue, but really, he kind of settled down the craziness and that's a relief. I'm excited to see where this title goes going forward.
Superior Spider-Man #2- This issue was pretty good, but it's the prefect example of why people shouldn't flip out over solicitations and covers. Everyone saw the solicitation and covers and went right to "OMG, SPIDER-MAN IS GOING TO BECOME RAPER-MAN, DIE DAN SLOTT." Here's the thing, I know it's not above a writer to not have common sense, but I think that Slott and co. were very aware of what the repercussions of a SpOck/MJ relationship would be, especially with his previous troubles with the Chameleon. People just need to settle down and read the issues, ESPECIALLY when the creators are telling you to do just that. Anyway, yeah, this issue was pretty good, but nothing great. I thought Stegman's art was pretty rough here though. I'm actually missing Ramos and I'm excited for him to come back. It's nice to see that while SpOck is still a total *****e, he's making some changes to Peter's life that even Peter thinks are clever. It's going to be nice to see Otto fight some classic Spidey villains, starting with Vulture.
Talon #4- I really enjoy this series. It's nothing game-changing but it's classic superhero fun. Calvin and his group's robbery goes south and now he's dealing with it. The series has created a cool villain going forward and now Calvin has a pretty big and interesting supporting cast. Solid issue.
The Flash #16- This continues to be one of my favorite titles. Manapul's art is ****ing fantastic. It just suits the title so well. Anyway, this arc is finally starting to culminate with a Grodd vs. Flash showdown. I'm excited to see how the first goes and I think I read somewhere that Manapul is introducing Zoom next, so I'm excited for that. I know a lot of people think this title is mediocre, but I absolutely love it.
Avengers #4- This issue is the first issue without Opena. Kubert took over. While Kubert's great, I missed Opena this issue. I totally understand the artist switch though because the release schedule for this title is absolutely crazy. #4 came out last week, #5 came out this week, and #6 comes out next week. It's getting into All New X-Men territory. This issue focused on Superman clone Hyperion, who I've never actually read before. I actually really enjoyed his origin story and I'm excited that he's on the team. This was a very cool issue. Hickman's just fantastic.
Batman Inc. #7- I'm not Morrison's biggest fan, but the last few issue of Inc. have been absolutely incredible. It seems like he's gotten read of all of the fluffy, "this is so clever" ******** and just gotten to wrap up his story. And it's great. I'm such a Damian fanboy that I'm going to be devastated if anything happens to him. Morrison has taken a character that I pretty much hated when he was first introduced and made him one of my favorites. Anyway, I can't wait to see where Morrison is going with this.
Batman and Robin Annual #1- This was another great Damian issue. Damian sends Bruce on a wild goose chase around the world so he can be Batman in Gotham. Damian adopts his Batman 666 costume and beats the **** out of some criminals. While he's doing that, Bruce is going through pretty much a guided tour of his parents history that Damian personally arranged. So this issue was great in that we got to see the two sides of Damian: The badass side and the sweet side.
Batman: The Dark Knight #16- This issue was Ethan Van Scriver's first issue on the series and his art was fantastic. The story, however, was lacking. I think I might be dropping this series soon. I already read too much Batman as it is and this one is my least favorite of the bunch.
Hawkeye #7- I absolutely love this series, but this was the first issue that didn't wow me. This issue focused on Hawkeye reacting to Hurricane Sandy. I don't quite remember how, but this issue is somehow going to donate some money to the Sandy Relief Fund so it's definitely for a good cause. That being said, it's pretty clear that this issue was shoehorned in. In the letters column, the editor talked about how they kind of dropped everything in order to have this issue and it shows. It's not necessarily a bad issue, but not as good as the previous. It just doesn't have the feel or charm that makes me love this series so much.
Invincible #100- I'm a relatively new Invincible reader. I've been wanting to jump into Invincible for awhile and finally said **** it a couple of weeks ago and bought the trades and back issues that got me caught up from about issue #50. This is a great super hero title that kinda breaks the norms that other superhero titles follow. I enjoyed this issue. I accidentally saw the first few pages of this issue a week ago and was really bummed out about what happened, but Kirkman pulled a switcheroo so I was fine. I was worried that he was going to go for a Walking Dead #100 status quo changing issue, but really, he kind of settled down the craziness and that's a relief. I'm excited to see where this title goes going forward.
Superior Spider-Man #2- This issue was pretty good, but it's the prefect example of why people shouldn't flip out over solicitations and covers. Everyone saw the solicitation and covers and went right to "OMG, SPIDER-MAN IS GOING TO BECOME RAPER-MAN, DIE DAN SLOTT." Here's the thing, I know it's not above a writer to not have common sense, but I think that Slott and co. were very aware of what the repercussions of a SpOck/MJ relationship would be, especially with his previous troubles with the Chameleon. People just need to settle down and read the issues, ESPECIALLY when the creators are telling you to do just that. Anyway, yeah, this issue was pretty good, but nothing great. I thought Stegman's art was pretty rough here though. I'm actually missing Ramos and I'm excited for him to come back. It's nice to see that while SpOck is still a total *****e, he's making some changes to Peter's life that even Peter thinks are clever. It's going to be nice to see Otto fight some classic Spidey villains, starting with Vulture.
Talon #4- I really enjoy this series. It's nothing game-changing but it's classic superhero fun. Calvin and his group's robbery goes south and now he's dealing with it. The series has created a cool villain going forward and now Calvin has a pretty big and interesting supporting cast. Solid issue.
The Flash #16- This continues to be one of my favorite titles. Manapul's art is ****ing fantastic. It just suits the title so well. Anyway, this arc is finally starting to culminate with a Grodd vs. Flash showdown. I'm excited to see how the first goes and I think I read somewhere that Manapul is introducing Zoom next, so I'm excited for that. I know a lot of people think this title is mediocre, but I absolutely love it.