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I liked this review of All-Star Batman and Robin #4 from May 17, 2006:
Then, someone replied:
Good stuff! Who knows if All-Star will ever be finished.
Anyway, onto some new reviews.
Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #1
Oh, God please help us! What in the holy hell is T'Challa doing in Hell's Kitchen, especially with his own country in turmoil??!!?? The answer: Matt Murdock asks him to be it's guardian while he's away. (Yep, from the first few pages, this comic totally loses me.)
We begin with a very corny motivational speech by Matt to T'Challa: "You're one of the most intelligent men on Earth, so I'm sure you've figured out why I asked you to come here. What I'm going to propose. If you want to find out who you REALLY are, what you're made of, how far you can bend and stretch without breaking, then learn by protecting these people. Take my place while I'm gone." To which, T'Challa responds, "If I do this, I need to do it alone. MY way and on MY terms. If I am to teset myself, it must be that way." Oh,'s extremely corny. Then, Foggy gives T'Challa a false identity and begs him to not get himself exposed. ( you wouldn't recognize the head of a powerful foreign country, especially since he's running around as Black Panther during the night. Oh, and he runs a diner. Are you shaking your head as much as I was?)
From there, I guess things get a bit better. We meet T'Challa's new nemesis, Vlad The Impaler. He's just another guy looking to be the top crime boss of Hell's Kitchen. (You know, this really is one of the top storylines that CONSTANTLY has to run through DD's books. Gets a bit boring after a while, though.) And, Black Panther doesn't go by that name...yet. People who get beat up ask him, "Who are you?"..but, he says the name isn't important, just the message. (Ummm...then why is he in his Black Panther costume? And, why doesn't everyone recognize him right off the bat??)
Yeah....can't really recommend this book. I think it's best to skip. What's most annoying is how often Black Panther goes through so many changes, and now he's walked away from his country and his wife. I don't buy it!

Avengers Vs. The Pet Avengers #3
Still a cute series; but, nowhere near as funny as that first mini. It's a quick read...probably finished it in about 3-5 minutes time...and, the art looks pretty darn good. (Why do some of the big name titles get such crappy artists, and this one doesn't?) I like Lockhead teaming up with the dragons; and, I also like that eliopoulos is keeping the reason for the team-up a mystery for now.
Brightest Day #16
Probably my least favorite (famous) DC character is Aquaman; but, this series has started to make him interesting. We see Aqualad get his costume and some back history, while in cut-scenes we get some good stuff involving Firestorm and Deathstorm (I think that's the villian's name, but I can't quite remember.) Definitely one of the better issues, and I do like when they keep the focus of an issue to two heroes.
Supergirl #59
This second part wraps up a nice, little Christmas story, featuring Toyman's son kidnapping Cat Grant and trying to replace her son. Gates doesn't do anything spectacular; but, for $2.99, you could do much worse. A mild
Green Lantern #60
Oh, boy! Talk about storylines I'm tired of (Blackest Night, Crime Bosses, etc.), Parallax ranks right up there! On top of that, we get more with the various colored rings. Now, this issue isn't necessarily bad; but, it didn't do much for me. Couldn't one of these Green Lantern books get away from all the colored rings??? I'm getting seriously burned out with all of it.

WOLVERINE25TH said:....... This has to be the biggest piece of **** I ever had the displeasure of reading. I think this' my LAST issue of this, Jim Lee's art be hanged. However, I did like the creative use of gatefold pages. That was clever in a sea of turds.
Then, someone replied:
Kool-Aid said:Could you elaborate on why you were so displeased with it.
You're review has me curious to why you hate it so
Its like you just found the comic having sex with your girl or something.
Good stuff! Who knows if All-Star will ever be finished.
Anyway, onto some new reviews.
Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #1
Oh, God please help us! What in the holy hell is T'Challa doing in Hell's Kitchen, especially with his own country in turmoil??!!?? The answer: Matt Murdock asks him to be it's guardian while he's away. (Yep, from the first few pages, this comic totally loses me.)
We begin with a very corny motivational speech by Matt to T'Challa: "You're one of the most intelligent men on Earth, so I'm sure you've figured out why I asked you to come here. What I'm going to propose. If you want to find out who you REALLY are, what you're made of, how far you can bend and stretch without breaking, then learn by protecting these people. Take my place while I'm gone." To which, T'Challa responds, "If I do this, I need to do it alone. MY way and on MY terms. If I am to teset myself, it must be that way." Oh,'s extremely corny. Then, Foggy gives T'Challa a false identity and begs him to not get himself exposed. ( you wouldn't recognize the head of a powerful foreign country, especially since he's running around as Black Panther during the night. Oh, and he runs a diner. Are you shaking your head as much as I was?)
From there, I guess things get a bit better. We meet T'Challa's new nemesis, Vlad The Impaler. He's just another guy looking to be the top crime boss of Hell's Kitchen. (You know, this really is one of the top storylines that CONSTANTLY has to run through DD's books. Gets a bit boring after a while, though.) And, Black Panther doesn't go by that name...yet. People who get beat up ask him, "Who are you?"..but, he says the name isn't important, just the message. (Ummm...then why is he in his Black Panther costume? And, why doesn't everyone recognize him right off the bat??)
Yeah....can't really recommend this book. I think it's best to skip. What's most annoying is how often Black Panther goes through so many changes, and now he's walked away from his country and his wife. I don't buy it!

Avengers Vs. The Pet Avengers #3
Still a cute series; but, nowhere near as funny as that first mini. It's a quick read...probably finished it in about 3-5 minutes time...and, the art looks pretty darn good. (Why do some of the big name titles get such crappy artists, and this one doesn't?) I like Lockhead teaming up with the dragons; and, I also like that eliopoulos is keeping the reason for the team-up a mystery for now.

Brightest Day #16
Probably my least favorite (famous) DC character is Aquaman; but, this series has started to make him interesting. We see Aqualad get his costume and some back history, while in cut-scenes we get some good stuff involving Firestorm and Deathstorm (I think that's the villian's name, but I can't quite remember.) Definitely one of the better issues, and I do like when they keep the focus of an issue to two heroes.

Supergirl #59
This second part wraps up a nice, little Christmas story, featuring Toyman's son kidnapping Cat Grant and trying to replace her son. Gates doesn't do anything spectacular; but, for $2.99, you could do much worse. A mild

Green Lantern #60
Oh, boy! Talk about storylines I'm tired of (Blackest Night, Crime Bosses, etc.), Parallax ranks right up there! On top of that, we get more with the various colored rings. Now, this issue isn't necessarily bad; but, it didn't do much for me. Couldn't one of these Green Lantern books get away from all the colored rings??? I'm getting seriously burned out with all of it.