Brave and the Bold Casting Thread

Pace is great. For me, he's without a doubt the best man for the job. Whether he lands the role or not is another matter entirely, but I fully support him. That said, it's way too early to start calling the man "definitive," even if we're extrapolating, and I totally understand that's what you're doing here.
Oh I don't think there will ever be a "definitive" actor to play Batman either. I wanna make that clear. I just mean that if you're shooting for the stars he's probably the closest aproximation you can find. Kinda like how, you can't replace Christopher Reeve as the definitive Superman but you can sure as hell try by casting David Corenswet.
The only person who comes close to being the Christopher Reeve of Batman, imo, is Kevin Conroy. And Conroy was still only definitive in a singular sense. His voice. Reeve was quite literally both.

Reeve was just lightning in a bottle that will probably never be repeated again.
RDJ as Iron Man.
Batman is like Bond. There will never be a definitive version.
Personally, I consider the term "definitive" to be a subjective and/or personal one. For instance, I really connect with B:TAS Batman and I love the way Tom King writes the character (especially in self-contained stories). Both feel definitive to me in that regard, but really, it's impossible to quantify what is truly definitive. It's probably more appropriate to refer to something as popular if it appeals to a large number of people or occupies a special place in the collective consciousness.
Personally, I consider the term "definitive" to be a subjective and/or personal one. For instance, I really connect with B:TAS Batman and I love the way Tom King writes the character (especially in self-contained stories). Both feel definitive to me in that regard, but really, it's impossible to quantify what is truly definitive. It's probably more appropriate to refer to something as popular if it appeals to a large number of people or occupies a special place in the collective consciousness.
I which self-contained stories with no Catwoman were all Tom King wrote Batman-wise because he's weirdly excellent in those.


Luke Evans feels like one we've been overlooking a bit. He's gotten steady franchise work over the past 10 years, he looks the part for a Batman that has a whole Bat-Family, was already in contention for Batman back in the Snyder era. Unless Gunn decides to go ballistic with the height thing and go like he did with Luthor and Superman and end up with shortlists of only over 6'2 actors, I'd be kinda shocked if he didn't end up as one of the finalists screentesting at the very least. For some reason I find him boring, but he feels veeeery plausible. One of the most plausible candidates even.
I which self-contained stories with no Catwoman were all Tom King wrote Batman-wise because he's weirdly excellent in those.
The mini-series with the Phantasm wasn't for me at all, but I actually liked most of the bat/cat stuff he did on the flagship title. Glad you like his more recent stuff, though.


Luke Evans feels like one we've been overlooking a bit. He's gotten steady franchise work over the past 10 years, he looks the part for a Batman that has a whole Bat-Family, was already in contention for Batman back in the Snyder era. Unless Gunn decides to go ballistic with the height thing and go like he did with Luthor and Superman and end up with shortlists of only over 6'2 actors, I'd be kinda shocked if he didn't end up as one of the finalists screentesting at the very least. For some reason I find him boring, but he feels veeeery plausible. One of the most plausible candidates even.

He also looked surprisingly comic accurate playing Gaston of all characters, and Gunn seems to like that. So, you never know. lol

With Batman, like Spider-Man, the character has always been the star, regardless of who is behind the mask.

Reeve was just synonymous with Superman. Not just fandom but to the whole world. He left such an indelible mark on the role and pop culture, that his shadow still looms large.

RDJ is the modern equivalent. His real life personality so intertwined with the character, that it's almost impossible to separate the two. He turned Iron Man into a movie star and carried the MCU on his shoulders.
RDJ as Iron Man.
RDJ was the best actor for sure, but MCU Iron Man is honestly quite a stark contrast to his 616 counterpart. He has his **** together far more than 616 Tony. The Demon in a Bottle stuff is virtually non existent. Reeve was the best actor, during the first time the character had been seen on the big screen and the character itself was written perfectly in accordance with who the character is/was in the comics. As i said, lightning in a bottle that's never been truly emulated or replicated

Matthew Goode is interesting. He was a finalist for both Superman AND Batman back in the Snyder era, kinda the Nic Hoult of his time. I've only ever seen him in Watchmen, can't say I'm a mega fan of the idea or his looks but he is somewhat intriguing.
No thank you.
Luke Evans would also be great.

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Someone mentioned Tom Cullen a few pages back. I can sort of see that guy as Vandal Savage.
Just started watching Boardwalk Empire and man Jack Huston's performance in that is really unexpected and interesting. I'd be fascinated to see what a Batman screentest by him would look like; tho I don't really like his look for the part (a little too plain looking for my liking and clean shaven he looks extremely off) and think whatever Batman performance he'd come up with would probably not be suited for this movie. Still, can't deny the man's got talent which not every fancast does. He appareantly was on shortlists for Dr. Strange and Star-Lord, not to mention almost getting The Crow and allegedly being considered early on in the process by Reeves for Batman. Could see his name popping up somewhere in this just because I can imagine him giving a hell of an audition, tho I'm not as confident he'd actually get cast.
I really like Huston and he's an awesome actor, but I think he's kinda missed the chance to be a leading man, which is fine, I just don't see him headlining a big movie.
Which is good because much like Hoult, leading man roles don't suit him like the villain types do, imo.
He would be a great villain.
He could be cool as Man-Bat or in the Reevesverse he could play somebody. Don't wanna say Two-Face 'cause that'd be typecasting, but Scarecrow, Professor Pyg, someone like that could be cool for him.
some tweets I found that show I’m not the only one that finds him unattractive and a bad choice for Batman. Lee Pace would be horrible and I’m not the only one that thinks this

These are all in response to a Lee Pace Batman fan cast tweet




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