Sequels bring in livewire!


Nov 28, 2007
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i want to see livewire in a live action superman flick. even if nothing more than as a "siekick" to a larger villian such as darksied, braniac, or doomsday.

this would make a SICK teaser poster
it makes me sad that no one ever responed :(....dont you guys like me anymore?
She looks a lot like the Borg Queen in that pic.
No thank you...

I'd rather see a real villain, like Brainiac or Darkseid, instead of some S:TAS castoff...Plus, if Livewire was in, she would just be filler.
No thank. I never like the character when they first introduce her in TAS. I prefer better & well known villians. Beside, you want the feminists to protest the film if she was in it with Superman punching her few times? He has to stop her somehow. :oldrazz:
no of cousre i didnt mean as the main villian...more as a pawn in the bigger villians scheme. she would end up being killed by her master because he no longer needed her.
Glad you aren't mad with me not wanting her, anrrd. I can understand you like the characters, since we all had our share of which we like & which we don't. I just personally never though she was that great. But hey, maybe they change her & make her better in the movie. ;)
not a problem...i would never get upset at someone simply for having differing tastes, even something as important as comicbook villian ;). i for some reason have recently taken a strong interest in the lesser known females of the dcu. cassie cain, spoiler, livewire, fire and ice. i find them (especially cassie) to be just as interesting or more than the male characters they are usually associated with.
I loved her in the animated series and would love to see her in a minor villain role in a movie but I highly doubt it would ever happen.
not to sound shovanist or anything like that, but the superman movies have lacked a bit in attractive females...kate bosworth is cute, but they make her look all frumpy in the film. so why not bring in the lightning shooting, bluehaired hottie? it makes sence to me...
No thanks, but I know who would have been a good choice a while back..

Kiersten Warren would have been great imo back in the day :o

i want to see livewire in a live action superman flick. even if nothing more than as a "siekick" to a larger villian such as darksied, braniac, or doomsday.
And here I thought I was the only one that really got a (*excuse the pun*) "charge" out of Livewire. I loved the character in "Superman: The Animated Series", always feeling that she was very underated.
I too get a "charge out of Livewire".
Sidekick, are you "F' en kidding me?
Livewire could easily be the sole villain in Singerman 2.
^sole villian? i like live wire, but i think nightwing is right when he says that superman beating the crapout a woman (even a superpowered one) would have the feminists up in arms.
ssooo....livewire in smallville season 8???????!!!!!!?????!!!!
^sole villian? i like live wire, but i think nightwing is right when he says that superman beating the crapout a woman (even a superpowered one) would have the feminists up in arms.

all superman needs is a fire hydrant
I wrote somewhere that if Livewire was in it, it would have to be as the pre-Livewire Shock-Jock or maybe a angry-pundit type. Superman would have critics, and if it were to be shown, it'd be a nice touch to make it Livewire.
I liked livewire a lot in the series but she's not for a superman movie

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