ShadowBoxing said:
No you are underestimating them. The Mob and organized criminals take extreme measures against people who don't pay them on time. And they tend to "own" their turf. The North End in Boston for example is essentially run by the Mafia. One guy who used to get his hair cut at my Barber started selling drugs without the consent of the locals. He dissappeared. That's what will happen to you. All he did was talk to the wrong person, or sell drugs to the wrong guy and like a magic trick "poof" he was gone.
True. But they knew who that guy was. As I said, you can't order a hit on someone when you don't know who they are, where they live, or what they look like. Now, I agree, they would probably try and set a trap for a vigilante if he's been particularly succesful against them. But, as I said, a vigilante could lay low for a while if things got too hot.
ShadowBoxing said:
Now, he was not a rich man, and I sincerely doubt he ever met the locals (or he would have been smart enough to not sell in the first place). So without knowing who he was, he was axed.
That's not the same. Obviously, people would know his name and where he deals. It probably wouldn't be too hard to find him. With a vigilante, they'd have very little to go on. Not even any real physical description.
ShadowBoxing said:
Have you ever been in a fight, I mean a real fight. They are fast. You'd have to react within ticks of a second. Not only that you'd have to know how to redirect the motion of an attacker in case you were jumped. Since most fights go to the ground wrestling within 30 seconds of the first punch, you'd need to be able to plan for that. Since you'd need to incapacitate opponents on a fairly regular basis, you'd need some pressure point training.
Or, as I said, you could carry a taser. That puts someone down very quickly.
ShadowBoxing said:
So right now for speed we're talking some sort of Kick Boxing or Krav Maga. Akido, Judo and Hi Rang Do will also be necessary since they will teach you the basics of ground and close quarter combat. Now unless your willing to pay for a Gym membership along with at least one of two full contact/ full fighting training martial arts studios your going to severely under trained in that department.
Why would you need to train in all of those? Now, I'm hardly an expert on the matter, but I'd think you'd only need to train in a few styles that cover the areas you need. And really, I'd think military combat training would work best. It's designed to be learned quickly and takes the best moves from specific styles and encorperates them in a style that's meant for optimum practicality.
ShadowBoxing said:
Second your going to have to be trained in some form of hunting/tracking. Stealth. And of course battle tactics. Your guess is as good as mine as to where you can get that training.
I'd think the best rout would be to find someone with those skills who'd be capable of teaching you, like a former high ranking military officer. Of course, you'd need to find one who could keep your secret.
ShadowBoxing said:
To top it off all these classes and learning will attract the attention of the authorities if you were to ever dawn a costume. As Bill pointed out it would be pretty easy to narrow down who would be skilled enough to wage a one man war on crime. Your best bet would be to become a missing person like Bruce Wayne, however even a ten year abscence or less would attract the attention of authorities.
Or, you could train without keeping any easily accesible record of it. Like I said, finding someone capable of training you who would refrain from telling others at your request would be the best way to go.
ShadowBoxing said:
Furthermore this training leaves little if any time for school and leisure. Leisure is gone for sure. And a lack of traditional schooling is pretty much going to ruin your chances at getting a job capable of paying for your lifestyle.
You could start training after you've graduated. And take some kind of job with more flexible hours if you're able.
ShadowBoxing said:
That would be great except criminals do have money to spend on automatic weaponry, bombs, hitmen and other weaponry. If you think big stick and tazer with intimidate or be effective against say an oozie, then you're a dead man.
Not every criminal does. Hell, I highly doubt many carry bombs with them everywhere they go. As for hitmen, as I said, they'd have to find you to kill you, and that would be the tricky part. And, as I have said, the flashbangs and gas grenades are brought up for a reason. I doubt anyone could hit a target if they're blinded and choking on gas. The FBs and gas bombs are meant to disorient them long enough for you to take them out.
ShadowBoxing said:
If you aren't using guns you better hope the equipment you use is top of the line.
And not everyone would be able to atain top of the line equipment. That is, again, why I brought up the support team. Getting someone who really knows their stuff when it comes to chemistry and mechanics gives you a better chance with the gear.
ShadowBoxing said:
Actually flashbangs don't blind anyone, there a means of distraction, usually halting you long enough of diverting your attention. However people who use flashbangs and gas pellets also use guns.
Actually, the flashbang does blind you for about five seconds. Not much, I know, but it still leaves you very disoriented. Especially if you're choking on gas at the same time.
ShadowBoxing said:
Considering the size of the weapons you'd be carrying as well, these gas bombs and FBs won't be very big. Flareguns and gas bombs are still fairly large and lots are needed to contain gangs. There is a reason more than one riot patrolman shows up to gang shootouts.
I wouldn't expect out vigilante to be taking on groups of ten to twenty people in one sitting.
ShadowBoxing said:
Maybe if your a suburban kid. But adults and especially people who spend their lives in poverty would not be. They've [criminals] have seen far scarier things in their lives. The fact that they are desperate enough to kill and steal proves how fearless most of them are.
That doesn't make them fearless. It just makes them desperate. And a shadowy monster-like figure is scary to most people on some level.
ShadowBoxing said:
I had a gun pulled on me, the chance you can react in time is rather slim.
Which is why I've brought up deterents such as flash bangs and gas grenades several times. Also, if you're the one to get the drop on them, you do have a slight edge.
ShadowBoxing said:
Actually people who kill for the Government rarely ever would do something so stupid as to give their position away with flashbangs and gas. I'd just fire in the direction it came from.
Which is why, imediately after throwing the grenade, changing your possition would be a smart idea.
ShadowBoxing said:
I've seen several people withstand tazer hits. This becomes even more of a problem when you realize how prevelant PCP use is during crimes.
ShadowBoxing said:
But they will react quickly, a lot quicker than one person can.
A group of people who can barely breath and who've been temporarily blinded won't react as quickly as one person who's perfect fine. Add onto thay body armor, a taser, and some sort of bludgioning weapon, plus enough training to make you skilled and fast in combat, and you'd stand a decent chance.
ShadowBoxing said:
You'd never find a mugging. Hence why people get mugged, it's an unexpected and unpredictable crime.
I wouldn't say never. You'd come across some during your tenure. Maybe a few and maybe alot, but at least, as I've said, you'd be doing something.
ShadowBoxing said:
Your stretching this. Just how rich and high profile are you that you can afford all this equipment and a "pit crew".
What if you're not paying them? They could be doing this pro bono like you are or as a favor.
ShadowBoxing said:
Cross referencing names with city records.
And what if your name doesn't apear on an unusual number of city records?
ShadowBoxing said:
You'd have to order anything you bought. The weaponry and equipment you'd need is not sold in stores generally. Even if it was, and there would be very few stores, the cops would just go around to said stores and dealers and ask who they had sold to. Description would be ample evidence.
That's why many of the devices would have to be built by the vigilante or a close associate with the proper skills, and the materials would be ordered seperately.