Can you mold YOUR OWN personality?


Jun 9, 2003
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I imagine it would be more complex than raising a child.
Are there any strange side-effects to molding your own personality? I'd like a little insight before I attempt it.
I bet if this thread was about food or animals it would be at page six by now. :(
you can only mold your own personality if you're willing to admit to yourself and others what's wrong with your personality.
Not necessarily. If you simply mimic traits you admire in others you don't really need self-examination.
You can't do something you weren't already capable of. You can definitely change your behavior and way of thinking,but ultimately the strongest things that can bring about change in an individuals personality come from the outside.
I don't think it is possible to mold your own personality. Good or bad, every ounce of a person's personality is a result of external influence. Given that, even a baby abandoned in deep forest (were he to successfully live by himself) would grow up with a personality influenced by his surroundings (animals, bugs, etc).
blind_fury said:
Not necessarily. If you simply mimic traits you admire in others you don't really need self-examination.

Sounds like youre thinking along the lines of The Talented Mr. Ripley. I'm not so sure you can establish any permanent change just by mimicking others. It isn't authentic and you know it. It might work if you simply take those traits and give it your own spin,since thats what people do most often anyway.
Abaddon said:
You can't do something you weren't already capable of. You can definitely change your behavior and way of thinking,but ultimately the strongest things that can bring about change in an individuals personality come from the outside.

I think you can change your thinking but not your way of thinking. That would require nothing short of brain surgery.
blind_fury said:
I think you can change your thinking but not your way of thinking. That would require nothing short of brain surgery.

Yeah,I didn't mean the literal way you process information but your own personal perspective.
Jonathan Archer said:
I don't think it is possible to mold your own personality. Good or bad, every ounce of a person's personality is a result of external influence. Given that, even a baby abandoned in deep forest (were he to successfully live by himself) would grow up with a personality influenced by his surroundings (animals, bugs, etc).
I think only someone or "something" smarter than you can consciously mold you like an artist. That's why a person can't mold themselves. You require a brids eye view.
Then I guess you just answered your own question.:p
That doesn't change the fact that he answered the question presented in the thread title.
Abaddon said:
That doesn't change the fact that he answered the question presented in the thread title.
Is that against the Hype Rule Handbook or something?
It wasn't meant to be taken seriously,hence the ":p".I thought that much was clear.
I think that you can become more like what you want to become, but your raw personality is permanent.

For example, if you're naturally a jerk. It's possible to become more decent but underneath you'll always be a jerk.

Right Equint?
The rooster called, a long, weary cry in the dawn. He realized that calling is non-essential in the doom and gloom of the stagnating landscape. The only things left alive are a few stray humans and a handfull of animals. Why call at all to a world too weighted down by it's own colossal failures to even lift an eyelid in the morning?
blind_fury said:
I imagine it would be more complex than raising a child.

Yes, it's possible. If your personality is a conscious decision, then it's very easy to do. If not, it is still possible. Usually, when we don't consciously form our personality, it is the product of our values and desires. All you have to do in that case is to reject or let go of those values and desires. Then changing your personality is a snap.
I really don't think it's that easy to change your desires and values.

And changing the personality is even more difficult. You may change the way you act, but that doesn't change your biochemical response to things and this is what makes up your personality.
The mask you create isn't your personality. Your initial feelings is your personality.
Here is the deal, part of your temperment is ingraind in you from your parents. So no matter how hard you try, you will always exhibit certain personality traits. That is unless you are a pyshcopath, I am using that word correctly, do not think I am implying you are crazy. Pyschopaths are some of the most carefully calculated, percise thought people.

But with self examination, reading, gaining of knowledge, possibly some psychiatric help you can change what you do/do not like about yourself. Simply mimicking another is not changing anything at all. It's just like you said, copying a person. No real change occurs.

It's fairly easy to change your personality, whether with internal or external influences.

I mean if personalities didn't change, then why would people fall out of love with one another. I mean fair enough there are other factors but no longer havign feelings for that person, a personality trait is one of the largest reasons for break ups.

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