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Characters made into figs in the 90s that haven't been made currently, and discussion


Aug 30, 2003
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So......I miss our big epic discussions we used to have here.....and I know they were kinda randomly started, sparked by something unforseen......but I wanna try and get one going here...SO I am going to make a list here of characters that were made then that haven't been made now and we can discuss them, weather we'd want them made now and stuff.....

First up will be Marvel (more specifically the X-men and X-Force lines, I'll do two lists, one of unmade characters and another of unmade COMIC ACCURATE costumes that were made then.


Strong Guy
Raza Longknife
Silver Samurai
Albert (Wolverine Robot)
Camerone Hodge/Phalanx
Erik the Red
Jubilee (Gen X)
Master Mold
Spat & Grovel


Blue/Gold Banshee
Spy Wolverine
Silver Costume Storm
Xavier's Hoverchair
Space Wolverine
Fang Wolverine
90's Sunfire
Battle Damage Wolverine
Captive Sabertooth
X-Factor Havok (Jacket)
Acolyte Colossus
Blue/White costume with Metal Wings Archangel
Wolverine as Patch
Astral Xavier
Black/White Quicksilver
Onslaught Ver 1
Onslaught Era Wolverine
Jim Lee Jean Grey
Hot 90s Storm
Space Suit "I Can Walk" Xavier
True Mohawk Storm (Punk)
90s Bishop
Shi'ar Costume Rogue
Shi'Ar Costme Gambit
FA Cyclops
FA Beast
FA Angel
FA Jean
FA Iceman
FA Storm
Classic Sunfire
Blue/Gold Gambit
Blue/Gold Storm
Blue/Gold Jubilee
Xavier as Talos

Age Of Apocalypse...some could fit in other places but I wanted a small sub list

Dark Beast
Sugar Man
Jean Grey

X-Force Characters

GW Bridge
Black Tom

I left out Costume Varients from the X-force line as I am a little unfamiliar with what's accurate and such....but there was a Comic Accurate Avalanche

Generation X-

White Queen (Gen X)

New Mutants


Misc From Exclusives and other lines and such

Shadowcat (Blue Baggy Shirt)
Multiple Man
Bone Claw Wolverine
X-factor Jean Grey
Later X-Factor Cyclops
Mutant X Havok
Goblin Queen
Blood Storm

I'm not gonna bother with 2099 figures...I was gonna....but no.

Source (http://www.marveltoys.net/sets.php?v=abcdefghijklmn)
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Can they even make a toy called Sauron? I mean you could end up with a pteradactyl man called Lycos or something. :oldrazz:
They made a Molten Man figure in the 90's (A Wizard Magazine Exclusive, iirc), and they have yet to make one these days.

Same with Chameleon, Spencer Smythe, Silver Sable, and The Prowler.
Oh man....yeah, once I hit the Spidey wave for listing there is a huge amount of stuff we need.
Okay....here goes.....my opinion's on a case by case basis.


Sauron - Absolutely....he's cool looking enough, and half dinosaur...he's been featured heavily in the beginning of New Avengers and was HUGE in the 90s....I'm slightly surprized he havent seen him yet....and yes they can make a fig called Sauron...it's his name.....the LOTR guy's name isn't copyrighted or anything.
Tusk - yeah....no.
Strong Guy - I think this is a perfect candidate for a BAF....and I think he'd appeal more to kids then Ronan.
Ahab - Nope.
Maverick - Yes.....this guy should be essential, but he's not....Chris North is in the new Wolverine movie (I think) so he should be coming down the pipe (but he's not)
Raza Longknife - I really want one, but I can see why they wont.
Ch'od - See Above.
Bonebreaker - Very cool looking and would be a great BAF....but where's he been for the last few years....and if they do make him we'll need more reavers.
Kylun - No
Senyaka - You should all know my thoughts on Senyaka.....he is needed.
Warstar - Another BAF I've been clamouring for.....I love the imperial Guard
Corsair - I really think he's needed....if we only get one Starjammer it needs to be Cyke's dad.
Gladiator - Once again....very very shocked we've not seen this one yet...I truly hope he get's made before the line fizzles out.
Silver Samurai - Make him....they've got the mold and it looks great....we'll se it.
Morph - This version's never been in comics....so no.
Random - Cool looking...but doubtful...and I can live without him.
Fitzroy - I kinda want him.....to go with Bishop.
Albert (Wolverine Robot) - No need....but another Wolvie they can make.
Camerone Hodge/Phalanx - No....but could be a cool BAF....and Angel can cut off his head.
X-cutioner - very cool looking...but who is he? really?
Erik the Red - I want one....but we won't get one.
Nimrod - Perfect Candidate for a BAF....if we can only get one more BAF I want Nimrod
Polaris - She's one of the last Essential X-men needed.
Deathbird - .....Sure
Joseph - I feel we should get one.
Amphibios - Meh.
Jubilee (Gen X) - Jubilee is needed...not this version...but the TAS/90s style jellow Jacket.
Shard - not really
Master Mold - Not really
Thunderbird - Not really
Spat & Grovel - Not Really


Blue/Gold Banshee - No...if only to get a banshee with a new Face
Spy Wolverine - Cool Looking Wolvie Varient
Silver Costume Storm - I hate Storm
Xavier's Hoverchair - YES....Give Me the Hoverchair!
Space Wolverine - No.
Fang Wolverine - No.
90's Sunfire - No thanks.
Battle Damaged Wolverine - Why've we not seen one yet?
Captive Sabertooth - No.
X-Factor Havok (Jacket) - I really want a 90s style havok in Jacket.
Acolyte Colossus - I think it woulda been a nice easy repaint.
Blue/White costume with Metal Wings Archangel - I'd like one....but not needed.
Wolverine as Patch - Another Wolvie I would actually get.
Astral Xavier - This shoulda been a ML9 varient...not Bullseye.
Black/White Quicksilver - I want one.
Onslaught Ver 1 - I think this is the Onslaught that shoulda been made.
Onslaught Era Wolverine - I actually wouldn't mind this Feral Wolvie either.
Jim Lee Jean Grey - My thoughts are the same as yours.
Hot 90s Storm - Hot 90s Storm is hot...no getting around it.


Look at that and Deny that that Storm is Hot....I dare you....yes I want it.
Space Suit "I Can Walk" Xavier - Meh
True Mohawk Storm (Punk) - I don't want one...but I could see people wanting one.
90s Bishop - No
Shi'ar Costume Rogue - Actually I would like one.
Shi'Ar Costme Gambit - Cool looking but no need.
FA Cyclops - YES
FA Beast - YES
FA Angel - YES
FA Jean - YES
FA Iceman - YES
FA Storm - It'll show up
Classic Sunfire - YES
Blue/Gold Gambit - It might show up
Blue/Gold Storm - Meh
Blue/Gold Jubilee - Meh
Xavier as Talos - Who?

Age Of Apocalypse...some could fit in other places but I wanted a small sub list

Dark Beast - I
Sugar Man - WILL
Cyclops - BUY
Gambit - A
Rogue - O
Magneto - A
Apocalypse - FIGS
Iceman - TIL
Jean Grey - I
Omega - LIVE
X-Man - IN
Blink - THE
Morph - STREET

X-Force Characters

Warpath - YES
Shatterstar - Very cool epitome of 90s comics
GW Bridge - I can live without him
Kane - No
Stryfe - I really want one.
Gideon - No
Forearm - I actually really want one.
Krule - No
Grizzly - Cool BAF....but no.
Sunspot - Should get made
Richtor - I would like one
Quark - No
Killspree - No
Comcast - No
Slayback - No
X-Treme - God No
Black Tom - Yes....he's a classic X Villain
Commando - No
Exodus - I also feel that Exodus is essential....specially when Acolytes are being talked about.
Caliban - Yes.....YES YES YESSS
Genesis - No

Generation X

Penance - No
Skin - No
Chamber - Needed
Emplate - No
Phalanx - No
Mondo - No
Marrow - I think she should be made....but she was in X-men when I started readin so....
White Queen (Gen X) - No...but a nice varient for Emma
Protector - nO

New Mutants

Warlock - hee Hee no
Magik - Uh.....yes.
Wolfsbane - Sure

Misc From Exclusives and other lines and such

Shadowcat (Blue Baggy Shirt) - I really loved her in this costume....so Yes
Synch - No
Feral - Sure
Multiple Man - **** Yes.....**** ****ING YES
Bone Claw Wolverine - Uh......Meh
X-factor Jean Grey - Yeah....but I want Iceman, Angel and Beast too
Later X-Factor Cyclops - Meh
Mutant X Havok - Nah
Goblin Queen - Nah
Blood Storm - Nah
Fallen - Nah...but I'll take the opportunity to say I want Mutant X Collected into a TPB
Here, figures either NEED to be made, or i'd be at least be very accepting of getting.


Strong Guy
Raza Longknife
Silver Samurai
Camerone Hodge/Phalanx
Erik the Red


Blue/Gold Banshee
Silver Costume Storm (silver????)
Xavier's Hoverchair
Battle Damage Wolverine
X-Factor Havok (Jacket) no, but modern yes.. o hell yes
Acolyte Colossus
Blue/White costume with Metal Wings Archangel
Wolverine as Patch
Astral Xavier
Black/White Quicksilver no, but give me a modern look any day
Onslaught Ver 1
Onslaught Era Wolverine
Jim Lee Jean Grey
Hot 90s Storm, i'd be fine with it, but would prefer modern storm with tiara
Mohawk Storm (Punk) i'd say yes, but shes a simple custom, whenever i do it
FA Cyclops
FA Beast
FA Angel
FA Jean
FA Iceman
FA Storm
Classic Sunfire

Age Of Apocalypse...some could fit in other places but I wanted a small sub list

Dark Beast
Sugar Man
Jean Grey

X-Force Characters

Black Tom

Generation X-

White Queen (Gen X) no, but villain emma yes

New Mutants


Misc From Exclusives and other lines and such

Shadowcat (Blue Baggy Shirt)
Multiple Man
Bone Claw Wolverine only if he's feral/wild looking
X-factor Jean Grey Yeah....but I want Iceman, Angel and Beast too
Mutant X Havok
Goblin Queen
List of Spider-Man Figures to never be "marvel legendized" of the 90's i'd gladly take all of these.

Spider-man Animated series (later changed to misc lines):
- Smythe
- Alien Spider Slayer
-Vulture (young with armored suit)
-Chameleon *
-Prowler *
-Morbius (we have one, but i want a more classic look)*
-six arm spider-man *
-tombstone *
-scarlet spider-man *
-cyborg spider-man (great to go with deathlok)
-black cat (need a new one) *
-doppleganger *
-hydro man (classic please) *
-the vault guardian (could take or leave)
-swarm *
-beetle (mark 2) *
-silver sable *
-madame web *
-j jonah jameson *

Misc and Box Sets
-Vermin *
-Dormamu *
-Gwen Stacy *
-Mary Jane *
-Molten Man *
-Spider-Girl *
-Kaine *
-Spider-cide (i could take or leave him)
-jackal *
-cosmic spider-man *
-transforming symbiote spider-man (would be a cool variant)
-scarecrow *
-Spider-slayers (3 into 1) *

*=must have

in addition to this, i'd really like shriek, puma, cardiac, hammerhead and spot to join that list.... i believe shriek, hammerhead, and i know spot almost made the 5inch line...
also some interesting info.. spot made his way into the 12inch line, and we all know him and chameleons dump after toybiz ditched them in the spider-man classics line.. :(

i also didn't know this but Spider-Lizard found his way into the 12inch line.. and totally needs a 6inch counter part
Iron Man figures: (im totally not going through the misc armors)
-Mandarin (green face) (i'd take it)
-Black Lash (meh)
-Grey Gargoyle (yes please)
-Blizzard (yes please)
-Whirlwind (i'd definately take)
-US Agent (yes please)
-Century (no)
-Titanium Man (616 accurate? yes!)
- Dread Knight (sure)
-Crimson Dynamo (hell yes)
- Dark Aegis (meh)
- Living Laser (meh)
Fantastic Four i couldn't find a complete list, but here's some figures i have found...

-Fire Lord
-Psycho Man
-Thanos (we dont need him but i dont think we'd object to a ML one)
I think I would object to a ML Thanos....because he would obviously be a BAF.....and I feel that the MS Thanos is really damn good.....and certainly has earned his spot in my collection....I feel there are better choices for an ML BAF then Thanos...

And I think that Hasbro should Box Set these things dammit........Because Maximum Carnage is one of my favorite storylines (mainly cause of the game) and we are sorely lacking the villains from that....So I propose a Maximum Carnage Box Set.


There.....4 re releases and 3 new....Shriek is easy, Carion wouldn't be too hard....just Doppleganger.

And then at some point do a Firestar and the Maximum Carnage Roster will be complete (including Cloak and Dagger......and excluding Molton Man....as he kinda wasn't a major player in the story)

The best way to bring us a firestar would be a three pack of Spider-man and his Amazing Friends, Spidey, Iceman and Firestar.......typical Hasbro style....buy two figs we have to get Firestar.

I also want to complete the roster of the Secret Wars.......

All we need (Character wise) are:

Photon/Captain Marvel II
Molecule Man
The Wrecking Crew

The Wreckign Crew is an easy Box Set....the others are all possibilities....except for Molecule man and Volcana....I won't hold my breath for them.

And costume redos would only be Rogue, Iron Man, She Hulk and Ultron.
i could easily see the wrecking crew being a con or hasbro toyshop exclusive, i don't think they'd sell well mass market.

I do think Maximum Carnage and a Secret wars box set would sell well. (though secret wars would be like 90% re released heroes/villains rather then new figs, but still.)
Hmmm....A Massive Comic two pack thing could be done for either......and all in all release the entire series.

12 issues of Secret War which easily had more then 24 characters......and 2 Spidey costumes.....37 figs could be made (with both Spideys and no Calactus)

Maximum Carnage was 14 issues........

hmmmm.....28 seems like a lot here.....recalling I've got

Captain America
Iron Fist
Black Cat
Night Watch

That's 16.....Molton Man and Mary Jane could quite Easily be tossed in.

A Damaged Spidey? Beaten Eddie Brock? Cletus Cassidy?

Yeah....I guess Maximum Carnage couldn't be completely done.

How about Kraven's last hunt? Okay....I just want a Vermin.
I think Hasbro (if they wanted) could easily do a ML Presents: Secret Wars line... or a ML Presents: Maximum Carnage line basically a whole new legend line that comes with a comic issue and a fig.. could work pretty well..
I think a maximum carnage line would be stupid, secret wars would be cool, but they've already made half of those characters individually. they should bring back the x-men classics line, release more box sets of 4-8 figures, start a new spider-man line for all his rogues or just start a rogues line for everyone's rogues. and re-release a dragon man figure cause I can't one and the cheapest one I saw on ebay last night was $130 loose.
If they do Dragon Man now (which I guearentee they wont) it'll be a BAF.....wait a sec.....Dragon Man's supposed to me 14 feet tall.......he might be in a decent scale for Fury Files.....
i think a whole Maximum Carnage line would be dumb.....but comic two packs could work...and why not use Maximum Carnage.

But we all know comics aren't coming back with ML.....they have however already announced that there will be comic two packs with Fury Files.

the more I anticipate Fury Files the more I really want ML to keep going too.
i think a whole Maximum Carnage line would be dumb.....but comic two packs could work...and why not use Maximum Carnage.

But we all know comics aren't coming back with ML.....they have however already announced that there will be comic two packs with Fury Files.

the more I anticipate Fury Files the more I really want ML to keep going too.
I'd like a good new Silver Sable figure.
Yeah.....there's been no ML Silver Sable....there should be
Silver Sable needs to make her comic return anyway... when's the last time we've seen her anyway?
A couple of years ago in a mini with Fortune.
aren't they supposedly making a silver able she was on that list of figures they're gonna make that no one can confirm or deny is real but has been accurate for the most part

this list

ps has anyone seen the Skrullektra Ronin 2 pack I've only seen the regular one around. is it out yet or do they just put one in the case?
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aren't they supposedly making a silver able she was on that list of figures they're gonna make that no one can confirm or deny is real but has been accurate for the most part

this list

ps has anyone seen the Skrullektra Ronin 2 pack I've only seen the regular one around. is it out yet or do they just put one in the case?

the list is bogus... it pretty much gives us what we already are getting (though in some cases slightly tweaked. It's like counting your chickens before there hatched kinda deal... the red hulk wave wasn't taken into account for that.. and the 2nd wave of 2 packs were swapped (pyro/iceman for shield stuff)

but heres the list that is suppose to follow and ill make further comments:

Marvel Legends Box Sets: (Wave 1) Dec 2008
• Thunderbolts (Swordsman/Penance/Venom/Radioactive Man/Songbird)
• Classic X-Men (Cyclops/Angel/Beast/Iceman/Marvel Girl)
I would love for this to happen, but i dont really see a Thunderbolts wave without Norman osborn (i could see swordsman or Venom being subbed out for a (retooled/repainted Strucker with a norman head) and moonstone

Classic X-men, i'd like to think thats a future given.

Marvel Legends Singles (Strong Guy Wave) Jan 2009
• Rogue • Silver Samurai • Gladiator • Spider-Girl • Winter Soldier • Gray Gargoyle
Well we know BAF's are aparently dead.. so that pretty much debunks all of that. Also... theres only one "slightly" heavy hitter in that wave... "spider-girl" i dont see there EVER being a hasbro wave with not a single real big name.

Marvel Legends Two Packs (Wave 3) Feb 2009
• Cyclops/Jean Grey
• Havok/Polaris
• Multiple Man
• X-Man/Blink
I'd assume cyke and jean would be jim Lee figs... and i'd be insanely happy to get all of these.
Marvel Legends Box Sets: (Wave 2) Mar 2009
• New Warriors (Night Thrasher/Justice/Speed Ball/Dawkhawk/Namorita)
• Inhumans (Medusa/Crystal/Karnak/Gorgon/Triton)
i'd be insanely happy for all of these as well.. but i think DarkHawk and Night Thrasher could be subbed out for some others... like Firestar

Marvel Legends Box Sets: (Online Exclusive) Apr 2009
• Alpha Flight (Snowbird/Guardian/Vindicator/Shaman/Sasquatch)
This one should obviously be dubunked... if not then subbed out for other characters. Guardian is already in a wave, and Sassy doesnt need rehashed.. wheres puck?

Marvel Legends Singles (Goliath Wave) May 2009
• US Agent • Silver Sable • Nitro • Jubilee • Maverick • Shang Chi
again, no more BAF's... and that line only has a "cap" variant... i don't see this line happening at all

Marvel Legends Two Packs (Wave 4) May 2009
• Tony Stark/Maria Hill
• Dum Dum Dugan/ GW Bridge
• Captain America (Barnes)/Crossbones
• Hawkeye/Speed
well GW bridge isn't happening (lets pray anyway, waste of a spot), Crossbones is already out, and lets face it Bucky cap is too good of a popular character to not put in a main line. Hawkeye/speed combo would be VERY much wanted though

Marvel Legends Box Sets: (Wave 3) Aug 2009
• New X-Men (Surge/Hellion/Dust/Mercury/Rockslide)
• New X-Men II (X-23/Prodigy/Anole/Pixie/Gentle)
i'd gladly take all of these

Marvel Legends Two Packs (Wave 5) Sep 2009
• Exodus/Fabian Cortez
• Northstar/Aurora
• Cloak/Dagger
• Terrax/Nova
i'd gladly take all of these as well.. but sub out nova (who we are aready getting) for Firelord

Marvel Legends Singles (Lockjaw Wave) Sep 2009
• Bastion • Storm • Kang • Ikaris • Sersi • Madame Masque
well Kang got rehashed already.. but seriously.. only storm in this line? lol no way this is happening

Marvel Legends Singles (Online Exclusive) Aug 2009
• Magneto
hmmm predicting the future on another "voting" fig? i doubt it

Marvel Legends Box Sets: (Wave 4) Nov 2009
• Masters Of Evil (Enchantress/Whirlwind/Klaw/Tiger Shark/Whiplash)
• X-Force (Warpath/Sunspot/Shatteredstar/Boomer/Siryn)
I'd gladly take all of these, as long as there in there iconic looks

Marvel Legends Singles (DeathsHead Wave) –Target Exclusive Nov 2009
• Lilandra • Death Bird • Crimson Dymo • High Evolutionary • Puma • Lyja
No biggies at all in this wave.. = no chance in hell

Marvel Legends Singles (Sauron Wave) –Wal-Mart Exclusive Dec 2009
• Agent 13 • Darwin • Nighthawk • Stryfe • Tryphod Mary • Vulcan
see above.. and seriously.. agent 13? and 2 nighthawk figs? this one is laughable...

Marvel Legends Singles (Thanos Wave) Dec 2009
• Mephisto • Ares • Wraith • Wolfsbane • Black Tom • Viper
well Ares is out... and i honestly dont see mephisto getting made.. dormamu maybe in his place. but no way is a line surviving without a heavy hitter.

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