I was browsing ebay and i came across this crap http://cgi.ebay.com/Spiderman-3-Movie-Poster-canvas-print-Red-black_W0QQitemZ320052866770QQihZ011QQcategoryZ35058QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I can't believe people sell this cheap crap. For one thing that's the picture we saw on the "Hype" ages ago, before sony released the quicktime version of the lenticular poster on their site. I mean, you can clearly see the blue line in the middle...it was taken with a camera. And, who wants a "Picture" of the Lenticular Poster? You want the real deal...am i right? I just think it's a shame these jokers sell this cheap rip-off crap, and an even bigger joke that people are dumb enough to buy it. We should speak out against this stuff...support the real deal, right guys! Sony works hard on this film...the least we could do is buy the genuine merchandise!