Chemtrails: What in the world are they Spraying?


Extra Terrestrial
Aug 6, 2009
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Yes, this is a conspiracy theory but I can not ignore the facts that were given in this video.


Chemtrails are Jets particles being dispersed into our atmosphere to change the weather. These Chemtrails are said to include aluminum and other harmful substances. These particles are said to pollute our natural water supply as well as destroying ecological habitats. Not only is it destroying our environment it also is said that Aluminum Oxide causes cancer, and is extremely toxic to our bodies.
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How do we know this is a bad thing?
Let's just look at it like this. These trails are roughly 30,000 feet up. I'm not going to do the math on it but, these things would easily be measured in miles. Now, that going to require a massive amount of liquid. I'd wager you would need to fill the entire fuselage with it. Not only would that create problems with getting these planes off the ground but, they would become very unstable once airborne. And I haven't even gotten into how you hide that from the public.
How do you know they're facts?

That can be said about anything ever posted on the internet....ever.

How do we know this is a bad thing?

I don't know if you're just trying to get a reaction out of me or you actually watched the video and not understand how Aluminum being pumped into our atmosphere can destroy ecosystems. Basic scientific knowledge shows that Aluminum dioxide is poisonous to us and its our drinking water. Over 100x's the governmental regulated amount of aluminum and other particles were found in snow and waters far from Industry, society, on top of mountains high above civilization.

I digress. I wanted this to be a forum of discussion....I didn't want just thoughtless questions like the ones above.
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Intentionally or unintentionally, there is no doubt they are poisoning us. From the manufactured food we eat, to the fluoridated water we drink, we are absorbing potentially harmful chemicals and other pollutants. Also the air we breathe. It honestly wouldn't surprise me.
In the video, theorists speculate Government has unintentionally poisoned the earth so bad that farmers are having trouble growing crops. They have been genetically engineering seeds that can grow in the Aluminum polluted soil. I know its a stretch but imagine if governments had a choke hold on all agriculture?

You may laugh at these speculations but wasn't LSD and other drugs genetically engineered by the Government in an attempt to mind control people during the Cold War? Yeah doesn't seem too far fetched does it.
They pump a substance that makes people believe in conspiracies!
I am no sheep Enriquespy! My eyes are open :D UFOs/Bigfoot/Lochness/Roswell/911......dont tell me how to live my life!
Our government functions on capatilism which only works if there is a market. Seems counter productive to our government's interests to kill the people that keeps that market going which in turn fills their coffers.
That can be said about anything ever posted on the internet....ever.
Not true in the slightest. There are good ways to go about fact-checking, even on the internet. The trick is to avoid blatant bias in your sources.

NickNitro said:
I digress. I wanted this to be a forum of discussion....I didn't want just thoughtless questions like the ones above.
Trying to promote critical thinking is thoughtless? How very interesting. Tell me more.
hmm, apparenlty there are two threads for this.

Anyway...Aluminum Oxide is also in deoderant and is known to cause not just cancer but other illnessess. We're always being's in what we eat, what we breathe.

And we wonder why there are so many sick people and so many mental problems?
Over 100x's the governmental regulated amount of aluminum and other particles were found in snow and waters far from Industry, society, on top of mountains high above civilization.
You seem to be under the impression that industry is the only source of these substances. Where do you think Aluminum comes from?
hmm, apparenlty there are two threads for this.

Anyway...Aluminum Oxide is also in deoderant and is known to cause not just cancer but other illnessess. We're always being's in what we eat, what we breathe.

And we wonder why there are so many sick people and so many mental problems?

Supposedly Aloe cause unwanted facial hair. Smooth skin or rampant facial hair...the dilema!

In all seriousness, we poison ourselves every day just by being outside exposed to excessive UV rays and CO2 from car exhaust. Red meats are shown to cause cancer, and even the new energy effeceint light bulbs cause advanced skin cell degregation.
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Supposedly Aloe cause unwanted facial hair. Smooth skin or rampant facial hair...the dilema!

In all seriousness, we poison ourselves every day just by being outside exposed to excessive UV rays and CO2 from car exhaust. Red meats are shown to cause cancer, and even the new energy effeceint light bulbs cause skin cell degregation.

True...but those are just every day things that are pretty hard to avoid. It's not like we're putting our mouths over the muffler to breathe in exhaust. :) But when you took a hard look at the food industry...the crap they are putting into there has no real reason to be there with so many alternatives available. And some of it it is REALLY bad. Food colories are especially bad. Bad enough to be banned. And we willingly feed it to our kids.
Our government functions on capatilism which only works if there is a market. Seems counter productive to our government's interests to kill the people that keeps that market going which in turn fills their coffers.

Its not against their interests if the individuals are fully aware of the Light-Shadowmasters' plans, and are, in the case of Nick and ETM, trying to awaken the uniformed sheep such as youself and myself, to the truth.
From the moment we are born we are dying. Until we find a way to significantly slow down cell death it is all just another drop in the bucket. I highly doubt these supposed chem trails are doing anything more damage to us than we aren't already doing to ourselves in our day to day lives. Even if the chem trails are real, I got other **** here on the ground to worry about.
Intentionally or unintentionally, there is no doubt they are poisoning us. From the manufactured food we eat, to the fluoridated water we drink, we are absorbing potentially harmful chemicals and other pollutants. Also the air we breathe. It honestly wouldn't surprise me.

Not just potentially...some (like red 40 food coloring) have had consistant testing that showed rapid tumor growth and hypersensitivty increases.
Its said that the reason why our Government as well as Governments around the world had originally started to use these chem trails was to actually Reflect Radiation from the Sun back up into the solar system, trying to ease the issue of Global Warming. The inadvertent effect of these massive amounts of Aluminum being pumped into the air is that our wildlife is being negatively effected.

Sure like you said Marvolo you have other **** to worry about on the ground, but where do we draw the line. When do we start caring? To dismiss one potential threat just to say "well down here gas is going up!" I feel is the reason why its so hard for these "conspiracy theories" to get any traction in social media.

Just trying to shed some light on potential threats :D
Hey, don't the 50's-60's the government experiemented with chemical warefare on US citizens on this very soil. If they did it back we really think they would change now? Come on...
One of your videos shows at least a few hundred square miles of supposedly sprayed sky. Again, just try and wrap your head around the logistics of making that happen. The amount of chemicals, the trucks to haul it, the planes to spray it. Hell, just the number of people involved. It's not plausible.
How could you say its not plausible? You said before the logistics of hiding this operation from the general public would be impossible.....Its hard to argue this because honestly there is no concrete evidence. The government would hush anyone on the inside of ANY NUMBER of things they hide from the general public.

They would also die before they admit to an atrocity like this, it would be complete anarchy. Its also hard for you to say, unless you have vast knowledge on aerodynamics which you very well may I don't know you to make a general statement like "it looks like way too much for those planes to carry".

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