Citation Problem/F*** the police!


Dead By Dawn
Jul 22, 2005
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Alright, so I was in probably one of the stupidest car wrecks on sunday EVER! But I'm pretty much the only person to blame for that but here is the story anyway.

I live on the top of a VERY steep hill and there was an old car in the leftside of our driveway in pretty bad shape that hadn't been driven in six months. I was just going to back it in reverse then move it into the rightside of the driveway, move it out of the way. The engine starts and I put it in reverse, but then when I shifted into drive the engine dies and doesn't start up again. I think the battery died. Then that's when the **** hit the fan and the car started moving down the hill backwards, gaining momento. Not being in this kind of situation before, one of the first things I do is grab the emergency break and while that happened the car shifted right and crashes into a stone wall in someone's yard. It could've been worse though because if the car kept going staight it would've gone into mass avenue, head on into ongoing traffic going and coming the other way.

The owner of the house wasn't a ***** or anything, she was more concerned for my safety than anything else but she suggest that we called 911 because she thought the car could catch fire on her lawn or something.

So anyway, here is the ****ed up thing. The cop who came onto the scene wrote me up on some **** and today I get the citation in the mail. I understand why he would write me up for operating an unauthorised and unregistered vehicle, despite the fact that it was a freak accident, but the thing I did get pissed off over was that he also wrote me up on failure to use care in backing and failure to stay in the marked lane.

What did he want me to do? I know I made a mistake in underestimating how bad the car was, its not like I had intentions on taking the car out, but still I never anticapted the car to die on me and back down the street. What did he want me to do, miracuously turn the car around while it sped out of control and let it move straight into mass avenue where it could cause a real serious accident?

With a story like mine, is it possible I could get those last two charges dropped or does he still have the right to write me up on that?
I thought this was gonna be about citing sources.:o:o:o
So F****** the police is a citation problem....
well your lucky it didnt get worse
"F*** The Police" was originally used by Dr. Dre, and some of his followers.
Damn, is there no one who took criminal law or knows anything about this kind of thing who has an answer for me?

Oh well.
True story: I parked a few inches too many from the curb one day, and got a ticket for "blocking a street". The catch? No fine. It listed the offense, the officer who wrote the ticket, and "Fine", it said $0.
Man, if you think anyone is going to read all that...pfft.

Conclusion -- you suck.
You might as well try to fight the ticket, but technically you did do both of those offenses. Best thing to do, next time call a tow truck to junk the car. If you haven't driven the car in six months and it's in bad shape then way keep it?
True story: I parked a few inches too many from the curb one day, and got a ticket for "blocking a street". The catch? No fine. It listed the offense, the officer who wrote the ticket, and "Fine", it said $0.
My girlfriend got the very same citation (her rear tire was about two feet from the curb...literally), but she was fined $45. :huh:

How ridiculous is that?
just show up at court on the date designated on the citation and hope that the cops don't show up. if they don't then case will probably get dismissed and won't show up on your record.
just show up at court on the date designated on the citation and hope that the cops don't show up. if they don't then case will probably get dismissed and won't show up on your record.

That's a popular myth Sine. Every citation has a "probable cause" section on the back for the officer to provide his/her account of what occurred. It's provided directly to the judge/magistrate and is admissable in every court as first person testimony, regardless of whether the officer is there or not.

The only time a case would be dismissed is if there are questions the judge can't answer regarding the statement on the back and the officer is not present to answer them. Even then, judges will often simply postpone the date.
He could have written you up for a lot more than what he did, to be honest with you. You did something stupid, endangered others including yourself and damaged private property. You're getting off light if you ask me.

That's a popular myth Sine. Every citation has a "probable cause" section on the back for the officer to provide his/her account of what occurred. It's provided directly to the judge/magistrate and is admissable in every court as first person testimony, regardless of whether the officer is there or not.

The only time a case would be dismissed is if there are questions the judge can't answer regarding the statement on the back and the officer is not present to answer them. Even then, judges will often simply postpone the date.

it happened to my co-worker on a speeding citation. the cops didn't show up so they threw the case out and he didn't have to pay a thing.
it happened to my co-worker on a speeding citation. the cops didn't show up so they threw the case out and he didn't have to pay a thing.

Not saying citations don't get thrown out...but it's not simply because the officer doesn't show; there's questions regarding the incident that could only be answered by the officer...he/she wasn't there. It was the judges call to either toss it or postpone. It was a lucky day for your friend. S*** happens.
At first glance, I thought this was another Ice-man thread.
He could have written you up for a lot more than what he did, to be honest with you. You did something stupid, endangered others including yourself and damaged private property. You're getting off light if you ask me.


As usual jag hits it right on the head. Reckless endangerment is a popular one that jumps to mind. As far as your intentions go, it makes no difference, the cop has no way of knowing if you're BS-ing him about just moving the car. Everything you were cited for were "general intent" crimes (as most motor vehicle citations are) and require only that you do them and not that you intended to. Sorry dude, you just have to suck it up and face the music. That and pray the neighbor doesn't come after you in civil court for the property damage.
Damn, is there no one who took criminal law or knows anything about this kind of thing who has an answer for me?

Oh well.
This isn't a criminal offense, but you are at fault. And the woman should be hit over the head for calling 911. This was a nonemergency.
Not saying citations don't get thrown out...but it's not simply because the officer doesn't show; there's questions regarding the incident that could only be answered by the officer...he/she wasn't there. It was the judges call to either toss it or postpone. It was a lucky day for your friend. S*** happens.

right, it's up to the judge's discretion at that point.
That's a popular myth Sine. Every citation has a "probable cause" section on the back for the officer to provide his/her account of what occurred. It's provided directly to the judge/magistrate and is admissable in every court as first person testimony, regardless of whether the officer is there or not.
it's not a myth. i got a ticket for honking at a police car who was making an illegal left turn. the cop came over and told my passenger to buckle his seat belt. i said, "left turns are a problem at this intersection and didn't know if you saw the sign." he told me to pull over and he wrote me up a ticket for not having a seat belt. i called his superior officer who took my side, spoke to the cop and he got the partner's story as well (she stayed in the car). the officer told me that they must have their rollers going and their siren on when making illegal turns or going through red lights. they had neither. i went to court and couldn't believe the bull**** the cop added to the ticket, such as saying that after telling passenger to buckle up, passenger said "i don't have to if i don't want to." that never happened. the cop wasn't there, i presented my story, and the entire thing was dismissed. i didn't even talk to a judge.

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