imdaly said:Okay, so for some reason I'm not getting the achievement that's earned by simply playing a versus game. It's the only achievement I have left for the game, and I've tried Vs. matches on split-screen, live ranked, and live non-ranked... "Play a Versus Game" achievement.
Anyone having this problem and/or know what I'm doing wrong??
Master Chief said:Yeeah. The only thing that's so far putting me off is the even achievement numbers.
Master Chief said:Whoops, meant uneven. Like, you get 14 points for one achievement, 16 for another. Bleh.
imdaly said:Only thing putting me off is wondering why the crap I'm not getting my "Play a Versus Game" achievement :
Master Chief said:Yesss.
Try asking at the boards, a lot of people have gotten 200.