Yeah, a cloud gaming company saying they're the next big thing? Big surprise.
The problem with "PS4" and "XBox720" is that this current gen hasn't exhausted itself yet. Neither machine has been pushed anywhere near its limit. The constraint right now, that's keeping games from getting bigger and sharper and better rapidly is manpower. To make a good game that shines on 720p,'
Cloud gaming probably will be the next big thing. It's still very much in it's infancy. When the television started, having one was a rarity enjoyed by very few. It was the exact same with the internet, thousands, not 1,966,514,816 (or so). If you look at youtube, bbciplayer and what not everything is moving onto streaming. Consoles and pc's are now connected media centers where you can just stream content from a major source.
This has logical benefits. Piracy will essentially be killed dead. Used copies, killed dead. Manufacturing hardware that equals sales loss killed dead. Lengthy downloads killed dead. Much tighter control with more ways to profit. The downside to this is that, gaming basically consists of greedy pigs who will monetize you with out any thought. Independent developers would probably suffer along with the ability to customize games on the pc side of things. For the bussiness men though, the only downside is the lack of internet speed and the lack of people actually with the internet. However internet speed has progressed super rapidly over the years and becomes more and more common. While it probably wont happen now, 10 years (not 4) from now it will most likely be another story.
I don't agree about consoles either. Practically every trick in the book has been used. Cutting down levels, tiny FOV, larger guns, pop in, upscaled, fake AA. Tons of tricks are having to be used. They also have limited memory which is one of the devs biggest complaints.
Also resolution is vastly over-rated imo. Especially with consoles. With a PC is more important as you sit about a foot away from the screen, you notice the minor details simply by being closer up. With a console, very much like standing away from a painting, these details are much less preannounced and generally meld together. I'm sitting on a pc thats really, really awsome (the fan has multi-colored lights) and generally when i'm playing a game better suited for a control pad, I will quite happily drop the resolution from 1680X1050 right down to 800X600 to get maximum frame rate.
It seems to me the two main aspects people seem to be wholly ignoring is scale and interaction. Alot of people scoffed at PhysX as a gimmick. But like cloud gaming that type of thing is still infantile.
A carpet and some bits of glass might not seem impressive but when every single aspect of the game reacts like that rather than just misc stuff, games of this and last generation will most likely seem primitive. Ironically, Halflife 2 (seven years old) pushed this idea. Call Of Duty, retracted that idea. Because it is not very good.
Games still don't render alot onscreen realtime either. When you watch something like
Return Of The King you see hundreds and thousands of people on screen a once. Only
one game I can think of has been able to do that with a significant amount of detail. The current generation of consoles cannot. Rather than just prettying up the graphics, it would also change gameplay itself without the need of illusions of scale.
Saying that though,
this seems to be the high mountan they are aiming for. Dancing like a jerk and waggling your thingy to some stupid Ubisoft game.