Clouds in the sky on Earth during Loki and Thor's fight


Jul 1, 2005
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Why was it cloudy in the sky on Earth while Loki and Thor were fighting in Asgard? I thought Asgard is many light years away? So why was Jane and her colleagues able to see cloud activity in the sky as though it was pertaining to what was happening in Asgard? It's not like the fight on Asgard was anywhere near them for them to see anything.
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While they were fighting Loki left the Bifrost engaged. Though it was destroying Johtunheim and not earth, I think the fact that an entire world was on the verge of being destroyed would be felt throughout the cosmos/other realms. That's my thinking at least.
Why was it cloudy in the sky on Earth while Loki and Thor were fighting in Asgard? I thought Asgard is many light years away? So why was Jane and her colleagues able to see cloud activity in the sky as though it was pertaining to what was happening in Asgard? It's not like the fight on Asgard was anywhere near them for them to see anything.

I don't think such distances can be measured since they clearly allude to Asgard not so much being way out there in space but rather in another dimension. So in a sense it could be further than the farthest reaches of our universe AND closer than a hairs-breadth to us.....all at the same time.
While they were fighting Loki left the Bifrost engaged. Though it was destroying Johtunheim and not earth, I think the fact that an entire world was on the verge of being destroyed would be felt throughout the cosmos/other realms. That's my thinking at least.
Yes, it was an effect of the Bifrost. The clouds broke up when it was destroyed. so that link is pretty clear, although it's never explained why it affected Midgard so that's just speculation.

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