Coca-cola Blak


Jul 9, 2005
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I just tried an eight ounce bottle of this stuff. (It's coke mixed with coffee) the stuff tastes like a diarrhea milkshake! :eek:
Not surprised. But I don't like coffee so I wouldn't drink it anyway.
I've never tasted a diarrhoea milkshake.
Mee said:
Not surprised. But I don't like coffee so I wouldn't drink it anyway.

I like coffee but this is a horrible combo.
Lord Siva said:
I just tried an eight ounce bottle of this stuff. (It's coke mixed with coffee) the stuff tastes like a diarrhea milkshake! :eek:

coke blak is the pits.

but if you mix equal parts coke and your own coffee, it's actually really good.

coke's "coffee" flavor is just nasty.
ewww, I'm just gonna stick with the classic flavor :up:
Iceman/Psylocke said:
I've never tasted a diarrhoea milkshake.

I might go and try one. :up:
Lord Siva said:
I like the cheese and rice one.:up:

PLAS said:
they're really good with cinnamon

So many options - I'm gonna lock myself indoors tonight and have me a good time :up:
Iceman/Psylocke said:
So many options - I'm gonna lock myself indoors tonight and have me a good time :up:
they're also great with manjuices
PLAS said:
they're also great with manjuices

That's what I was thinking.

My stomach's calling for me.......
Lord Siva said:
I just tried an eight ounce bottle of this stuff. (It's coke mixed with coffee) the stuff tastes like a diarrhea milkshake! :eek:

how do you know what diarrhea tastes like? hmmmmmmm?
Lord Siva said:
I just tried an eight ounce bottle of this stuff. (It's coke mixed with coffee) the stuff tastes like a diarrhea milkshake! :eek:

Why do you know what a diarrhea milkshake tastes like?

Never mind I dont want to know.
Darthphere said:
Its a racist beverage.

A lot of beverages have discriminatory beliefs nowadays.

Milk with sugar?
coke with coffee? Sounds nasty...
Iceman/Psylocke said:
A lot of beverages have discriminatory beliefs nowadays.

Milk with sugar?


We, as Americans, must stop this blatant racism, perpetrated by theses soft drinks and beverages.
Iceman/Psylocke said:
I've never tasted a diarrhoea milkshake.

"It tastes a bit nutty." - Austin Powers
I just tried some, it is quite disgusting.

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