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Batmans Spirit

Nov 14, 2007
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Ok I know there is a recommendation thread. And the mods can merge it with that if they want. But I really need some quick answers.

I have recently got a large sum of money and I’m going to buy some graphic novels with it among other things.

Now I am some what new to the batman titles, although I think I have heard of almost all of them. What I would like is for people to tell me which comics to pick up next.

At the moment I have:

- Year One
- Dark Knight Returns
- Long Halloween
- Arkham Asylum
- KnightFall 1-3
- No Mans Land 1-5
- Hush 1 – 2 / Hush Returns
- Cataclysm
- Vampire Trilogy
- Gotham by gaslight
- Gothic
- War drums
- War games 1-3
- Manbat
- Sword of azrael
- Arkham Asylum living hell
- Bruce wayne murderer
- Bruce wayne fugitive 1-3
- The cult
- Anarky
- As the crow flies
- Scarecrow tales

Coming through the mail:
- The Killing Joke
- Dark Victory

Loose issues coming through the mail I wanted to read:
- No hope in crime ally
- Detective #826

~ So hopefully some of you educated Batman fans can recommend what titles I should buy/read next. Thanks.
You've got most of the goods, from what I can see. :up:

I'd pick up The Man Who Laughs, A Death in the Family, Prodigal, The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Face the Face, War on Crime, and Broken City if I were you.
The 'Batman: Black & White' series are good reads. A collection of various artists and writers turning out short (10 page or so) stories. Some really inventive work in it. Volumes 1 and 3 were terrifiic, I thought, but I was a bit disappointed with Volume 2 - apart from the fantastic Dini/Ross Joker story.

I also enjoyed 'Nine Lives' which is an Elseworlds tale that sees Batman's universe in 50's (I think) noir. Some beautiful artwork by Michael Lark in that.
Get A Death In The Family and Under The Hood Vol. 1+2, all three are excellent reads, oh and Face The Face, that's a good-un as well! Try Venom also, thats a really good look at Batman's psyche.
Dark Knight Strikes Again for sure. is funny :up:
That's true, it's worth having a look at.
For some good stories that have a Golden Age feel to it in a modern way, I'd go for Batman and the Monster Men, and it's sequel Batman and the Mad Monk. Both are written and illustrated by Matt Wagner and are very good, although the second one isn't as great as the first.
That's true, I have Mad Monk, it's a good read.
You have a decent collection. Start getting into single issues.
Batman Black and White volumes 1 & 2 (dunno bout three, haven't bought it yet).
otherwise, get into singles like some others said. There are so many excellent stand-alone Legends of the Dark Knight (1, 2, 3 or 4 parters), by a huge variety of artists/writers and variety of storytypes, that you're pretty likely to find SOMETHING that interests you out of those.
Singles are problematic to me, difficult to get together a good collection unless you know what you're looking for.

Any single issue suggestion this guy should look for? The Detective that had Joker kidnapping Robin on christmas eve was cool.
Catwoman: When in Rome, is a good read though not directly Batman. Haunted Knight is also good early Sale and Loeb. Looks like a good collection already!
Catwoman: When in Rome, is a good read though not directly Batman. Haunted Knight is also good early Sale and Loeb. Looks like a good collection already!
i didn't really care for haunted night. if you have to get 1 loeb/sale book, make it TLH
Hmmm, not caught Haunted Knight, any good?

Agreed, When In Rome is good as a follow up to TLH.
It's enjoyable but has nothing to do with the TLH/DV ark, although it is promoted as if it does. The style is also different from TLH. But good in it's own right.
Catwoman: When in Rome, is a good read though not directly Batman. Haunted Knight is also good early Sale and Loeb. Looks like a good collection already!

Haunted Knight was some of Sale and Loeb's best Batman stuff.
It's enjoyable but has nothing to do with the TLH/DV ark, although it is promoted as if it does. The style is also different from TLH. But good in it's own right.

When in Rome is somewhat related to TLH and DV. Selina goes to Rome to find out if Falcone really is her father. The scene in DV where she's at Falcone's grave is the ending to When in Rome.
^I was refering to Haunted Knight. Should have been more clear. I definetly know that When in Rome is connected to the TLH/DV ark
it explains her abscense in the middle of DV
When In Rome is connected to TLH and DV, it's like the Catwoman follow up basically.

Good book.

Mladen, why would you have an avatar like that?!

But anyway thanks for all the replies. I will take a lot of your advice. I've wrote many of the names down and i do want to get into loose issues.

Anyway - so this is the order?? = TLH, DV, Haunted Knight, when in rome?

I LoveD TLH - Still waiting for DV to come, i got a good deal on ebay for it. I think TLH is right there trying to win for (my) #1 Batman graphic novel with Year One.

Thanks again.
Um, yeah I think that's the order, but someone feel free to correct me.

Strange Apparitions is a great reccomendation, it has one of the all-time classic Joker stories in it.
Um, yeah I think that's the order, but someone feel free to correct me.

Strange Apparitions is a great reccomendation, it has one of the all-time classic Joker stories in it.

Cool thanks, "Strange Apparitions" will be near the top of my list then. I want to get as many Joker stories as possible at the moment.

:woot: thanks again.
No worries. For a great Joker story I reccomend Under The Hood, part 2 is basically my favourite Joker ever.

A Death In The Family also shows him in possibly the worst act ever...

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