thanks harls your #1 sounds like our towns only shop. silvermoth comics are going to be there. what about featuring local self published work is that a yay or nay?
Local work as in books? Maybe you could do a special feature like once a month or something, but generally people aren't going to go for that as much as the main stuff. Also, my #2 shop (the one I visit most frequently) knew a friend of theirs who painted this gorgeous, giant portrait of Harley Quinn. I
adored that thing (it was perfect!), and then someone bought it off of them, lol. So a few things like that might be nice, and would certainly spark conversations.
The Geek Vault we've actually considered the lounge aspect, we think it would give the place a more "it's cool to hangout here" relaxed vibe. as opposed to the few shops in driving distance which seem like "buy your stuff and get out" so thats a real cool idea.
BizzaroAids thats another good point it helps alot with the argument of how should it be staffed. my friend and I both believe it should be a small staff. not like some stores where everytime you go in its someone diffrent behind the register.
great ideas so far keep em up.
Lounge is good. You want it to be comfortable, a place where people want to stay. Also, about the staff.. at my #2 store the two guys that opened it were long time friends who've always loved comics. For months, it was just them, and then I think just a few weeks ago they hired another guy (again, someone they already knew and trusted). So now there's only three people and it's a pretty small shop, but it works out fine. We're all on a first-name basis and they greet me when I come in and remember what stuff I like and whatnot.
Also, make sure you have a box/folder system, where customers can let you know what issues they want and you put it in there for them right away so they can pick it up at their convenience, and are guaranteed the issue they want.
A nice, clean, simple website would also be beneficial. And even a facebook page once you've gotten some rep. #2's website is for store hours, about them, how to get there etc, while their facebook is updated with pictures and descriptions of what they get in every Wednesday and any events they host.
I also should mention you should probably look for other stuff to sell there, because comics alone probably won't do it. #2 sells statues, posters/artwork, Uglydolls, a few select comic collectibles and toys, and lots of other trinkets, plus soda and snacks. It really opens up to your audience!
Now one last thing that's already been mentioned.... be friendly. Even if #2's store was all awesome but there were total creepers or jerks as workers, I wouldn't go there. I was so nervous first going there because I had gotten negative reactions being a girl in a comic store before but they were so friendly and open and really welcoming, we've become friends since they opened.
(Jeez, I ramble a lot. I hope I don't come off as a know-it-all or something - I don't know the first thing about opening up a shop. I just know that as a customer, these are things I look for!)
Best of luck