An Organized Day of Complaint???


Aug 4, 2003
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So, there's been a lot of complaints lately about Marvel and Marvel NOW. Marvel tells us to speak with our wallets but we all know that is ineffective. If it were then Peter and MJ would be married by now because the amount of frustrated fans who left the book WEREspeaking with their wallets, but they were just replaced by others drawn in by a new stats quo. So what else could we do other than whine on forums and in comic shops?

Thinking about this gave me a bit of an idea. I don't know if it would do anything or how effective it would be but what if we staged a National Day of Complaint? Basically, we would pick one day, spread the word about that day to every comic shop and internet comic forums that we have contacts with, and then all at once send Marvel emails (to editor links @ regarding our complaints. Individually on forums we're just whiny trolls, but could we be a voice together? Could we remind them that WE are their customers and should be listened to? Even if it does nothing... could it put the thought in their heads that maybe they're reaching a critical mass and need to bring it back a little?

In order for this to work I feel that we'd need to streamline the complaints a bit and keep the emails professional, lacking of insults or language. We'd have to be respectful. Our goal wouldn't be to belittle them but to explain why we feel their practices are damaging the medium and characters that we love.

Perhaps we could come up with a general email that we'd send as a whole and then people could individually send emails based on their specific complaints and reasonings why they are unhappy. People who are mostly okay with what they see but perhaps think the prices are a bit much, or maybe the new #1s are getting old, can voice their opinion on that one topic but praise what they do like to be fair.

The complaints tend to be primarily about: Relaunches, Prices, Double-Shippings, & Events

Could we, the internet community, actually be heard? I don't know... this is honestly just a thought that I had. I have no real connections to other forums so I wouldn't have a big reach myself but I know a lot of posters post elsewhere. Would there be enough interest in this to make something happen? I'd want it to be organized and friendly, but sincere. It'd want it to be a help, not (much) of a hinderance. Heck... why not do it once a year to keep our thoughts present in theirs?

And for the record... I like the date of November 1st. The first issue of Fantastic Four came out in November, representing that we are their longtime fans... not the fair-weathered fans we often feel treated, and since Marvel's a fan of new #1s, why not give them one of our own? :)

In addition... perhaps we could agree to stage two days: A National Day of Complaint and a National Day of Praise where we balance our frustrations with praise over what we feel they are doing right.
My big complaint is Marvel but the more I think about it I supposed it doesn't have to be limited to them. I'm sure there's a lot of fans eager to complain to DC.
Marvel is always going to drive me nuts with at least something that they're doing.

Right now, I'm annoyed by all the monkey-see-monkey-do relaunches they're doing because of DC. And if you accuse them of copying DC, they'll deny it to their graves. The same goes for DC.

Creatively, they seem to be getting on the right track with the new creative shuffling, with more Remender/Aaron/Hickman/Gillen in key spots and less Bendis/Fraction/Brubaker. Hopefully this group has better ideas event wise because the last group were lackluster in that department.
My chief complaints: Price, No Cosmic books, No New Warriors, Early Cancelations, non use of good characters/teams, botching events/properties (lack of plan)

Double ships is in there and part of it, especially when you factor it into Marvel choosing that path instead of taking risks with new books or the now virtually extinct mini.
Would the two of you be interested in voicing those opinions to Marvel directly?
My chief complaints: Price, No Cosmic books, No New Warriors, Early Cancelations, non use of good characters/teams, botching events/properties (lack of plan)

Double ships is in there and part of it, especially when you factor it into Marvel choosing that path instead of taking risks with new books or the now virtually extinct mini.

You forgot the whole no Richard Rider/Sam Alexander instead BS. Other than that, I agree with you.
The problem is that Marvel doesn't care about its long-time supporters. My biggest complaint with Marvel is a lack of continuity and the trivializing of character deaths. Also, these constant relaunches are getting ridiculous. I don't need three different New Avengers No. 1, five different Avengers No. 1, and God only knows how many first issues of Iron Man. The sales boosts are temporary and, as many boards seem to show, frustrating older readers to the point of dropping titles.

Marvel Now was intended to draw in new readers. Personally, it seems like a perfect quitting point (not that I will).

Also, I'd agree that these constant events are preventing real stories from being told in individual titles. How many authors have had their directions changed/stories cut short to accomodate what's become Marvel's flavor of the week.

Unfortunately, I don't think complaints are going to change their minds (even if they are in the wrong and their decisions are questionable).

That said, you have my moral support in your complaints!
It's a nice, proactive idea, but I doubt it would accomplish anything because of this:
Marvel is always going to drive me nuts with at least something that they're doing.

Take that and apply it across the board to everyone. We may all read comics, but we are not a unified fandom; we all disagree with something Marvel is doing at any given time, and we never really agree on what we disagree on. If this idea came up 8 years ago, about 70% or 80% of this board would've written in voicing complaints about Bendis' New Avengers--something you were quite happy with, JewHobs. Situations like that would crop up all over, and the fans who get overruled by the majority are gonna feel just as left out in the cold by Marvel as they do now.
For storyline and writer complaints I could agree with, but not so much with business practices. Do you know anyone who is happy with the double shippings, prices, or constant event/crossovers? That seems pretty universal to me. We all buy them because we have to but no one seems to really like it.
Well, yeah, but that's not even endemic to Marvel anymore. DC quietly ditched its $2.99 price point and has been raising a bunch of their more popular titles to $3.99 and sometimes higher if they include digital codes or other bonus content. That's just the way the industry's going in general.

As for double-shipping, I think we'll see much less of that now that Marvel's expanding its line again with NOW. The double-shipping seemed to be to just have a comparable number of issues on stands per week to DC because Marvel had canceled s*** and just never filled those slots back up. We'll be seeing several new series start with NOW.

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