How to Get Rid of Comic Books

Herr Logan

Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Here's the deal:

I've got dozens and dozens and possibly hundreds of comic books crammed into boxes in my parents' basement, and they need to go. I left them there three and a half years ago when I first moved out and now they're clearing it out and want at least a good chunk of my crap gone, so I have to sort through it and figure out what to do with it. I don't need those comics. I probably don't even want most of those comics (I'm trying to shed the skin of my past as much as possible). I'm not very motivated to research or organize a way to get rid of them at the best possible profit. I'm wondering if anyone living in the D.C. Metropolitan Area, or anywhere near College Park, MD, would like a whole bunch of very, very cheap comics?

What I know so far:
  • These comics are primarily from the mid-to-late 1990's to about 2003 or so. No big classic collector's items here. I also have accrewed a few dozen comics since I've moved out that I have hidden throughout my current hellish pigsty basement.
  • For the most part, they have not been thoroughly sorted, yet, so I cannot be sure yet which issues I have.
  • They are mostly Marvel Comics, although there are some DC Comics in there as well. The biggest character categories are as follows: Spider-Man, X-Men, and Wolverine. I believe I've got a few Avengers, Captain America, Fantastic Four and Hulk comics in there, too. The DC Comics are most likely to be Batman comics, but there might be some Superman in there as well.
  • For the most part, they are not in mint or near-mint condition. Some are a little messed up, but pretty much all of them are perfectly readable. I bought them for the stories, not the collection value, so that's what they're good for.
Would anyone be interested in buying comics with the descriptions I've given so far, for dirt, dirt cheap? If people are interested and want to give me an idea of what you think a used back issue is worth (and we can negotiate from there, probably to your benefit), I will go through these, sort them, and come up with a real list of each comic I've got. Otherwise, I'm just going to chuck them in the trash. I'm going to make my decision on that in a few short days, so speak up.

Catalog them and put them in ebay.
You may want to PM a poster by the name Keyser Sushi - I know he lives in the Greater DC area and is a collector.
Just give them to me for free and I will allow you to post one porn picture in an obscure location on the boards, to be posted for exactly 3 minutes without banning you ;)
People might cringe, I never think about it, but when I was about to move to Seattle, I burned two whole bookshelves of 70's/80's comics in our fireplace.
There were so many that it took a long, long time.
Sometimes...I remember some, I wish I could read again.
It would cost thousands to re-buy them, but I didn't take care of them so they were un-sellable.
So many....good....ones....
Just give them to me for free and I will allow you to post one porn picture in an obscure location on the boards, to be posted for exactly 3 minutes without banning you ;)

Do it, man! You'd be a Hype-LEGEND!!!
Just give them to me for free and I will allow you to post one porn picture in an obscure location on the boards, to be posted for exactly 3 minutes without banning you ;)

I don't know, Dew... If your geek score was 50% or more, I wouldn't hesitate, but I don't know if you warrant free comics with a pitiful 48%.

Hey, if you want to take 'em all, they're yours if you live close enough to College Park, MD, to do business with.

Thanks for the tip.


my offer not good enough for you? :mad:

I don't know, Dew... If your geek score was 50% or more, I wouldn't hesitate, but I don't know if you warrant free comics with a pitiful 48%.

Hey, if you want to take 'em all, they're yours if you live close enough to College Park, MD, to do business with.


My geek score was lessened because I am computer illiterate for the most part
People might cringe, I never think about it, but when I was about to move to Seattle, I burned two whole bookshelves of 70's/80's comics in our fireplace.
There were so many that it took a long, long time.
Sometimes...I remember some, I wish I could read again.
It would cost thousands to re-buy them, but I didn't take care of them so they were un-sellable.
So many....good....ones....

Does that mean you want 'em? I'll admit outright that 90's comics can't touch 70's/80's comics (at least if we're talking about Marvel), but they're good if you just need something to read on the bus or at Wendy's or whatever.

Do it, man! You'd be a Hype-LEGEND!!!

Hey, I thought I already was one.

Well, maybe it is time for a nice publicity boost to get the notoriety goin' again. :word:

my offer not good enough for you? :mad:

Your offer, if it's for real, is perfect. He just answered me first, is all.

My geek score was lessened because I am computer illiterate for the most part

If you'll take these off my hands without me having to actually ship them, we'll pretend you're 52% geek.

Sell them...god knows you can find someone who will buy them. Comic book stores, ebay auctions, or any other way you can think of...
If you don't want to bother with selling them, and are on the verge of trashing them, maybe consider donating them to a nearby homeless shelter or boys & girls club.
You should never,never throw them out.If you have any X-Men issues from then,i might be interested.Do you have any TPB`s?If so,PM me..i would be definately interested.Apprase them,do not just throw them out.
Off topic....but anyone know where I can find out the value of comics?
Here's the deal:

I've got dozens and dozens and possibly hundreds of comic books crammed into boxes in my parents' basement, and they need to go. I left them there three and a half years ago when I first moved out and now they're clearing it out and want at least a good chunk of my crap gone, so I have to sort through it and figure out what to do with it. I don't need those comics. I probably don't even want most of those comics (I'm trying to shed the skin of my past as much as possible). I'm not very motivated to research or organize a way to get rid of them at the best possible profit. I'm wondering if anyone living in the D.C. Metropolitan Area, or anywhere near College Park, MD, would like a whole bunch of very, very cheap comics?

What I know so far:
  • These comics are primarily from the mid-to-late 1990's to about 2003 or so. No big classic collector's items here. I also have accrewed a few dozen comics since I've moved out that I have hidden throughout my current hellish pigsty basement.
  • For the most part, they have not been thoroughly sorted, yet, so I cannot be sure yet which issues I have.
  • They are mostly Marvel Comics, although there are some DC Comics in there as well. The biggest character categories are as follows: Spider-Man, X-Men, and Wolverine. I believe I've got a few Avengers, Captain America, Fantastic Four and Hulk comics in there, too. The DC Comics are most likely to be Batman comics, but there might be some Superman in there as well.
  • For the most part, they are not in mint or near-mint condition. Some are a little messed up, but pretty much all of them are perfectly readable. I bought them for the stories, not the collection value, so that's what they're good for.
Would anyone be interested in buying comics with the descriptions I've given so far, for dirt, dirt cheap? If people are interested and want to give me an idea of what you think a used back issue is worth (and we can negotiate from there, probably to your benefit), I will go through these, sort them, and come up with a real list of each comic I've got. Otherwise, I'm just going to chuck them in the trash. I'm going to make my decision on that in a few short days, so speak up.

You should donate your comics to a children's hospital or something more worthwhile than giving them away to someone or just throwing them away.

You might possibly encourage young kids to read again.

Just a thought...

Throwing any form of literature out is a crime. Donate it, sell it, whatever, just don't waste perfectly good books.
post which books you have and if anyone's interested, we'll pm you.

i dont live too far from md, so i'm curious to see what you have.
Throwing any form of literature out is a crime. Donate it, sell it, whatever, just don't waste perfectly good books.

Bleeding heart pinko.:cmad:

Have you searched for comics on ebay? they sell for about 99 cents a piece and nobody is bidding on them.
i'll roadtri[ up to wherever for free comics. i'll even bring a slice of pie. rubarb pie.
Does that mean you want 'em? I'll admit outright that 90's comics can't touch 70's/80's comics (at least if we're talking about Marvel), but they're good if you just need something to read on the bus or at Wendy's or whatever.
No thanks. The 90's are why I stopped buying comics.
Even seeing the covers makes me convulse. :)
Shut up, Wilhelm. Glow in the dark covers are the best thing since sliced-bread. :mad: :up:
I'm with the man of bat,

no point making a profit off something that no longer serves its purpose to you, it's not like you are being left without.

spread the joy you once had for them to others, give them to young kids at schools and hospitals or community groups and hope you can set the imagination of one of them alight, who knows, they may become future hype members or actual important people in this genre.
People might cringe, I never think about it, but when I was about to move to Seattle, I burned two whole bookshelves of 70's/80's comics in our fireplace.
There were so many that it took a long, long time.
Sometimes...I remember some, I wish I could read again.
It would cost thousands to re-buy them, but I didn't take care of them so they were un-sellable.
So many....good....ones....

Hahahaha! I just heard the hearts of a thousand geeks stop beating and go cold! :D

You should donate your comics to a children's hospital or something more worthwhile than giving them away to someone or just throwing them away.

You might possibly encourage young kids to read again.

Just a thought...


You know what? I agree with TMOB. And not just because he shaves his sack, either.


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