Hmmmm......with such a price bump, I'm going to need to think about dropping some titles. I won't bother including "Final Crisis" in my pull-list, as that's a mini-series with a clear end in sight. But let me see...
I appreciate it's well-written and characterised, but it just doesn't grab me and engage me like it probably should. I'm giving it another of issues before making a final decision, but it looks like I'll be dropping this first in the event of any price bump.
Was only getting this for the Joker arc. But the first part was lacklustre, to the point where even though I consider myself a dedicated Joker fan who'll pick up anything featuring the character, I'm thinking of not even sticking around to see how the story finishes.
Will only be picking it up to complete the "New Krypton" arc. The content could win me over, but as it stands, I don't expect to keep buying it after the arc eds.
See Superman.
This one's a bit tougher, as I've found myself really enjoying the title. I only picked it up initially for the "Batman RIP" tie-in. Said tie-in ended up being practically non-existant, but the strong story kept me reading. I'm really enjoying Tomasi's work on the book, and will stick with the title past the RIP tie-in phase and on a couple of issues further, see how he wraps up the Two-Face story. But beyond that? I like the title, but there are others I'd rather keep going should spending become an issue.
This would be a hard one to drop, as I'm loving this series so far. However, I do own the original novel, and am very familiar with the story. So while ideally I'd like to keep buying this, if things became really tight, I guess I could bring myself to cut it.
So, in terms of ongoing monthlies, that would leave me with:
Detective Comics
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Action Comics
Jonah Hex
And probably whatever new "Flash" title(s) emerge out of "Rebirth".