Confusion with HD TV


Sep 11, 2001
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So I'm looking to buy a HD TV but there is some confusion. I'm aware of 1080i and 720i and all that and the first option is too expensive so I'm looking to get the second.

But when I was looking on argos, they don't seem to wanna specify how many i's.>HD+TV.htm

It just says HD ready. How many i's, thats what I wanna know :huh: :huh:
thought it was 1080i and 720p no such thing as 720i (only in typo land)
Ah yes, 720p. So yeah, shouldn't it specify when I shop around? 'Cause what do ya know from "HD ready"? Nothing.
Ah yes, 720p. So yeah, shouldn't it specify when I shop around? 'Cause what do ya know from "HD ready"? Nothing.

I know nothing about HD tv *looks at 14" portable tv* sadly :(
720p is better than 1080i, but 1080p is superior than both. To keep things simple, the "p"s are better. :o The different between a 720p and a 1080i is hardly noticable though.
1080p is only noticeable from 1080i if you have a big-ass TV screen.
A HD-ready set is capable of displaying high defenition content, but it does not have an HD-tuner built in.
Basically it means that, the tv can output HD, but you will need to provide HD source(s) for it to display (cable box, hd upscaling dvd player, hd-dvd or blu-ray disc player, etc.)
To put it in simple terms for buying in Argos:

HD Ready = 720p/1080i
Full HD = 1080p

As for the first post... £450 for a 32" is a rip off

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