1. Emerald Dawn - Part 1.
At Ferris Aircraft, a young boy called Hal Jordan watches his father, test pilot Martin Jordan, flying an experimental Jet. With him, there's Carl Ferris, Martin's boss and best friend, and Carl's daughter, Carol, Hal's crush. Suddenly, Martin's plane malfunctions, and explodes before Hal's eyes. Hal wakes up. He's an adult now, and he was having a nightmare. He realizes he's late for work. He's a test pilot, just like his father, and works for Carol, who's the new president of Ferris Aircraft. Hal and his friend, Larry Trainor, will pilot two experimental jets in a demonstration. Hal is know for being reckless, so, his friend, mechanic and programmer Tom Kalmuka, warns him not to show off with the Jet, because it's not done yet. Hal "agrees". The demonstration proceeds, and it's a sucess. Larry lands, but when Hal's landing, he decides to make one last maneuver and, because he was showing off, the jet malfunctions and Hal's forced to eject, causing a million dollar damage to Carol, and puts doubts on the investitors heads. Carol is furious, and suspends Hal for a month. He tries to explain himself, but she's too mad. He gets angry and goes to the hangar to think. He's sitting on a simulator when a strange green light circles arround him. It envolves the simulator and takes off to the desert. Hal, amazed, but not scared, hears a voice, comming out of the radio, talking about the last moments of Sector 2814's Green Lantern. The simulator lands, and Hal spots a damaged ship. He comes closer, and finds out it is a spaceship. Inside, Abin Sur says he's dying, and the power ring choose Hal as his sucessor. The episode ends with Hal seeing Abin for the first time, as he asks: "Hal Jordan from Earth. Do you accept this duty?"