could any Green latern take the surfer? If not, how many laterns would it take?

Odin's Lapdog

Jun 17, 2003
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Sure norrin has beaten kyle twice but how would he fair againt hal jordan, or john stewart, or guy gardener or the whole friggin core?


I'm not a fan of the Green Lantern or DC comics at all for the matter, but from what I understand the wearer of the ring's power is limited only by his imagination. So the more creative the person is the better chance they'd have. I read somewhere that Kyle was a graphic designer or something, so his imagination is much better than the average ring bearer which also makes me believe that he'd have a better chance than most. Of course, battle tactics and experience would come into play as well so some of the others mentioned may not need as much imagination to get the job done. I guess we'll never know though. :venom:
I think you're knocking Kyle too much. I'd say SS could take any GL single handedly, any two would probably give him a whole bunch of trouble, and three or more would bring him down.
Ion could kill him, the first Ion any way
Elijya said:
I think you're knocking Kyle too much. I'd say SS could take any GL single handedly, any two would probably give him a whole bunch of trouble, and three or more would bring him down.

If SS was written properly he could take on the whole Corp. This is a character who can pretty much do whatever he wants save for bring the dead to life. He doesnt eat...he doesnt breathe and he doesnt get tired.
I agree with you roach. I personally have been complaining about this for years how uneven SS has been written throughout the years. But that is a different story. Logically SS should be able to wipe the floor with the entire corp. While the ring bearer's power needs recharging Surfer does not.
so could Ion, he basicly had all the powers of the corps combined
Odin's Lapdog said:
Sure norrin has beaten kyle twice but how would he fair againt hal jordan, or john stewart, or guy gardener or the whole friggin core?


If he can beat Kyle, he can beat Hal, John and Guy just as well.
but that was that dc vs marvel amaglam bull ****
Couldn't he just drain the ring Energies?
Probably. If Photon could do it, I imagine SS could
roach said:
If SS was written properly he could take on the whole Corp. This is a character who can pretty much do whatever he wants save for bring the dead to life. He doesnt eat...he doesnt breathe and he doesnt get tired.

Yeah, that basically sums it up in a nutshell. Although I always wanted to see Norrin take on the Living Planet (a sentinet planet that is also a Green Lantern for those of you that don't know.).
Yeah, Mogo The Living Planet. It's that part that explains the scale of the battle, which is what I was trying to convey.
yes, but there is also Ego The Living Planet
*Slaps forehead*

Damn, I totally forgot about that, brain stroked off for a moment there.
Totally forgiveable. You may want to get yourself to the hospital if that's the case, though.
Heh, I meant it stroked off as in stroked off. Get it?

*nudges him in the ribs*

Right? Ahhhh forget it, you're a square.:(
Genesis 1.0 said:
Heh, I meant it stroked off as in stroked off. Get it?

*nudges him in the ribs*

Right? Ahhhh forget it, you're a square.:(
as a rubix cube, daddio :cool:
Heh, but he pulls it off nicely.


Rubix Cubes. Now I didn't see THAT coming, surely we all bow to the King of Old School.
I think Mogo could defeat the Surfer. Mogo is one GL you do not want to mes with, no matter what.
Can't say I agree with that statement, but as I proposed, it would be one of the greatest battles we could see in a crossover.
I don't see why Mogo is so much more powerful. Is it because he's bigger?
I would assume so. For Hal Jordan, a being of only 6 feet, he can easily move thing many times his own size. What could a being tens of thousands of miles wide be capable of?

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