I ran across a really nifty online program called "Hero Machine". The program lets you create comic-book type characters using all sorts of features and colors.
Here is the link: Click Here To Create Your Character
If you could create a new villian to fight Spider-Man, or even a new superhero that gives Spidey a helping hand now and again, how would you design the character, and what would its characteristics be? How could your new character tie into the movie storylines? Will they be a new villian or a friend and helping hand to Spidey?
I know that the writers try to keep the characters pretty much close to the original comic book ones. But what if they created a new character to stir up the mix a bit. It will never happen, but it never hurts to be creative.
Anyway, here is mine, along with her characteristics:
Here is the link: Click Here To Create Your Character
If you could create a new villian to fight Spider-Man, or even a new superhero that gives Spidey a helping hand now and again, how would you design the character, and what would its characteristics be? How could your new character tie into the movie storylines? Will they be a new villian or a friend and helping hand to Spidey?
I know that the writers try to keep the characters pretty much close to the original comic book ones. But what if they created a new character to stir up the mix a bit. It will never happen, but it never hurts to be creative.
Anyway, here is mine, along with her characteristics:

Real Name: Hannah Mathews
Age: 28
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Hair: Originally brown, but often dyes it blonde or amber
Eyes: Hazel (Off Season) / Green (Summer)
Marital Status: Single
Employment: Overnight Radio Personality, WNYZ 98.8 FM (see the billboard advertisement in the first movie that Peter lands into while learning to swing on his webbing)
Background: At the age of 5, Hannah was wounded by a snake. Her tribe doctor performed a voodoo ritual on her in hopes to save her life. During the ritual, on the edge of death, her spirit became one with nature, as her body merged with the plantlife being used in the ceremony. Once healed, she began to change with the seasons, and in the Summer months, her brown eyes would become as green as the grass, a dragon mark hard as steel armor would appear on her chest, and her senses would enhance immensely. At night fall, she would once again revert back to her normal self. Thinking she was posessed by the devil, her tribe expelled her at the age of 7, and she was then adopted by an American couple and raised in New York. Growing up was hard for Hannah because of all the teasing, she often found herself playing alone every summer while other children were outdoors playing. Hannah became shy and distant, devoting most of her time to the study of her ancestory in hopes to rid herself of the curse she must bear every summer. In order to hide her alter-ego, she works at jobs where she will not be seen, and prefers to work nights because of the change that she goes through at Summer's dawn light. For the past 5 years (since 2002), she has been an overnight DJ for WNYZ Radio.
Alter-Ego Status: Superhero
Powers: Enhanced senses, with the ability to move like the wind. Master in hand-to-hand combat. Skilled with a whip. Double and triple jointed, with the ability to flex her body in various ways.
Weapons: Whips, Incredible Speed, Amazing Flexibility, Acute Senses (sight, sound, smell, etc), Dragon Chest Shield, Teethed Wristbands
Storyline Possibilities: On a bright Summer day, she senses a creature near the waterfront. She encounters Lizard, and he fights her. Wounded, he flees into the water. While grabbing a bite to eat one Summer day, shielding her odd looks with makeup and glasses, she spots Spider-Man fighting the swamp creature, Lizard in an alley 2 blocks from work. Coming to Spider-Man's rescue, Spidey and her defeat the green reptilian. Spidey and her continue to cross paths, helping him whenever he can use a free hand.
OK, there is mine. She'd make a great addition to the Lizard storyline, evening out the playing field a tad bit with her "nature" senses and powers. Her working at the radio station that was on the billboard from the first movie might tie into the storyline as well, with Peter remembering where he saw her face before, and dropping in on her at work for a shoulder to cry on or to discuss plant biology and how foilage could be used to defeat Lizard or whatever. A few various possibilities. Not really a strong storybased character to base an entire movie on, but the best i could come up with.