The Amazing Spider-Man Dancing Spider-Man


spins a web any size!
Sep 30, 2004
Reaction score
No not Spider-Man 3 :oldrazz:

But yes it's a cool video, I respect Andrew doing Movember and raising money and he seems to gain the love of the general public, his rise to fame is becoming clear. Give it a few more years he will be huge in Hollywood.

But again, this does not need a thread it could have been posted in Lounging.
Props to Andrew for keeping going even after the buzzer had gone.
But yes it's a cool video, I respect Andrew doing Movember and raising money and he seems to gain the love of the general public, his rise to fame is becoming clear. Give it a few more years he will be huge in Hollywood.

But again, this does not need a thread it could have been posted in Lounging.

I don't post in lounging as there are too many spoilers for other movies.
The Amazing Spider-Man 3....

just you wait.....
No... NO!

If the movies screw up in the future, I think it would be due to a poor script, rather than the director not caring. I think its obvious Raimi stop caring after a certain point while making the movie. "Dig on this."
I'd stop caring too if someone kept pushing ideas into my movie.

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