dchisholm's art thread! - Part 1

Thread continued!!!!!
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these are some new pages for my newest project. it's called "instrumental," and the plan is to make a comic that's around 200-ish pages and to make an accompanying album 'soundtrack.' i haven't posted any new art on here in a long time because i've been working on my doctorate in music, and now i'm almost done (hopefully will graduate in may!!!).

i'm so so psyched about this project--it's about music, life, and the possible end of the world. i'm not going to be posting the whole thing on the internet (like i did with "let's go to UTAH!"), though. i want to pursue submitting this to a few publishers first. but yea. here are some pages!
i would love to know what you think!






and here's a second pass at the second page--i think the bottom two panels are much better but the top one is a wash. i will probably do a third pass at it! which do you think is better?


another replacement for the second page of this set. i think this one's the best--what do you think, SHH?

ps. i have gotten 28 pages done for this project. i'm so so psyched about it!

here's a first draft cover for my pitch to publishers!
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dudes. i'm about 34 pages into this thing and it's going great. i've decided to share the coolest part of the first chapter with y'all, so i hope you like it! this is the first time Tom (main character) plays a newly acquired mysterious trumpet. stuff = not normal, apparently!



i'm so psyched for this. my pitch/proposal is almost done--sending it to publishers soon! be excited with me.
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