different ending possibility...?


May 17, 2006
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so, i'm brand spanking new to this forum, but i've been reading alot of the posts and threads about how people don't like the fact that so-and-so died and stuff. My thinking was that, what if, after phoenix dies, for that moment she is jean grey again, she tries to set things right again...bringing back the people she killed. I know it's a stretch, but that would account for xavier's voice being in the end, as well as the dozens of people she kills needlessly in the final battle. maybe she doesn't bring them back exactly how they were, but in some form...i dont know, just my two cents. she had that kind of power in the comics (here comes tomorrow's ending has her going back 150 years and changing things), but i don't know if they would go for that in the movies.
I think if they really died, and she could bring them back, she would have brought Scott back earlier.

I think Scott's not really dead, but they all think he is. We never see him dissintegrate, so perhaps his disappearance will be explained in the next sequel.
taintedFB said:
I think if they really died, and she could bring them back, she would have brought Scott back earlier.

I think Scott's not really dead, but they all think he is. We never see him dissintegrate, so perhaps his disappearance will be explained in the next sequel.

and even then he'll have a guest spot. if all the fears concerning cyclops are proven true (its pretty much already confirmed), then i hope there is a big backlash and fox will see how dumb they were. they would ask james to come back and i hope james pulls a halle on them, cuz after being dicked over for 2 movies i do not blame him at all for refusing to do it.
I think if another sequel comes Fox will realize they backed themselves into a corner with THE LAST STAND. Cudmore can't act, so he will never be a major player. Rogue is cured, so she probably will be gone. Xavier's in a new body? And Scott is dead. Honestly, they should just make a Logan and Ororo spinoff, and bring back Cyclops to lead Angel, Beast, bring in Gambit, and Kitty and Colossus. Maybe introduce Bishop or Cable, too.

There's a reason we don't see him die and maybe they have a plan, maybe not, but its open ended, so Cyke fans need to really express their support for the character to the studio. That way they'll realize they need him in X4.

Imagine Scott dealing with a rebellious Remy LeBeau in X4, could be fun.
I don't see why FOX would leave things open for Cyclops. He's obviously not a preferred character, as X2 and X3 demonstrate.
Has anyone thought that maybe the reason Rogue is able to hold Bobby's hand is because Leech is nearby? Leech is supposed to be at the school at the end of the movie.....
^ i think we're getting desperate now haha. I think the prof x ending is the oinly ending, because Fox thinks they are doing fans a service by keeping him alive. The fans hate Cyclops afterall, right?
Majmun said:
Has anyone thought that maybe the reason Rogue is able to hold Bobby's hand is because Leech is nearby? Leech is supposed to be at the school at the end of the movie.....

you could be up to something and speaking of that...I was just thinking that too. Good thinking, Majmun.
taintedFB said:
I think if another sequel comes Fox will realize they backed themselves into a corner with THE LAST STAND. Cudmore can't act, so he will never be a major player. Rogue is cured, so she probably will be gone. Xavier's in a new body? And Scott is dead. Honestly, they should just make a Logan and Ororo spinoff, and bring back Cyclops to lead Angel, Beast, bring in Gambit, and Kitty and Colossus. Maybe introduce Bishop or Cable, too.

There's a reason we don't see him die and maybe they have a plan, maybe not, but its open ended, so Cyke fans need to really express their support for the character to the studio. That way they'll realize they need him in X4.

Imagine Scott dealing with a rebellious Remy LeBeau in X4, could be fun.

I like this idea.
Majmun said:
Has anyone thought that maybe the reason Rogue is able to hold Bobby's hand is because Leech is nearby? Leech is supposed to be at the school at the end of the movie.....

haha...that would suck...if bobby and rogue ever wanted to get intimate they'd have to be like "hey, leech, can you come stand in the corner for us? thanks!"

but i like the idea of her still having her powers and being negated at the end by leech, its just not a long term fix

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