At this point, they seem like they be more effective as two smaller parties that basically shape the agenda Progressive agenda. Democrats were, at least under Obama, still willing to bend over backwards to compromise instead of jamming an actual Progressive agenda down their throats.
I think Democrats are more use to losing over the past 40 years so they are more pragmatic. Give them 15-20 years of winning I am guessing the base will get more rowdy expecting to get better results on all the promises.
I can't speak for all Democrats but generally we hate war and wall street and the Democrats have failed in that regard, but I put up with both if it means wins in other areas. In the case of foreign policy Dems are slightly better then Republicans, but it wouldn't be hard for a Republican to use that against Democrats in the future, especially with somebody like Rand Paul. In the case of Wall Street I am not even sure if the Dems are any better then Republicans but once again they don't really give Dems any better options other then wanting to give fat cats tax breaks
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