
Disturbia has made 52,186,000 domestically and $3,625,136 overseas. But like Hunter said its not released in all markets.

and all this on a 20 Million dollar budget. This could make a good 70 to 75 million or more Worldwide. And you gotta consider it will probably get run offs from people who can't get into SM3 this weekend.
It was remake, right? But why not add something new, we all know that remake shouldn't be totaly same as was original. The last act was very predictable, and I didn't find anything impressive besides one thing, Shia and his performance. Such endings were overdone many times and I am tired of them.

What about my taste, here you go explanation:

1. Fight Club - didn't read book, but from what I heard movie's ending had been way better than the one in the book.
2. Memento - neither adaptation, nor remake, but a really fresh idea
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - the same, what was said about Memento
4. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang - very funny thriller with happy ending, but again, nothing was remade or adaptated.
5. The Prestige - a book adaptation, which 80% is untruthul to the original source (and this is exactly what makes this movie so amazing)
6. Donnie Darko - nothing to say
7. Adaptation - adaptation, which actually isn't adaptation (making the main hero a screenwriter, who tries to adapt the book, Kaufman opened new door to how to tell story)
8. American Beauty - yes, it's movie being done with theatre play as the original source, but as I didn't see the play, I think the film was fresh for me
9. The Usual Suspects - the same, what was said about Memento, a new look at the old genre
10. Children of Men - didn't read the book
11. Requim for a Dream - didn't read the book
12. Se7en - fresh
13. Casino - didn't read the book, but as I know the movie pays more attention to characters' relationships than to the story of one man and casino business itself
14. Leaving Las Vegas - fresh
15. Twelve Monkeys - fresh

It wasn't a remake and some of those movies you are mentioning there weren't remakes but they weren't original,granted some of the weird stuff like ES and That Darko thing were but they are very aquired taste
A lot of the others are merely old concepts executed well which from most reviews is what Disturbia was,a fusion of some genre concepts made really well
It wasn't a remake and some of those movies you are mentioning there weren't remakes but they weren't original,granted some of the weird stuff like ES and That Darko thing were but they are very aquired taste
A lot of the others are merely old concepts executed well which from most reviews is what Disturbia was,a fusion of some genre concepts made really well

It was a remake of Rear Window actually.

What about Memento, 12 Monkeys and many others. Details make films look fresh, not the main idea, so I believe that's the main secret of movie being unique. Everyone has his own look at what great movie means for them. It can't be changed with the matter of argue, so I wouldn't argue with another person about what does great movie means with purpose to prove that my theory is better than his. I can only explain my thoughts.
It was a remake of Rear Window actually.

No it wasn't it was influenced by Rear window's idea of spotting a murder via being trapped in a room overlooking neighbours but the rest is totally different,there is a coming of age story in there,a young romance,humour and the fact they know who the culprit is.Also the ending seems closer to a horror with Shia's mom being kidnapped in that basement

What about Memento, 12 Monkeys and many others. Details make films look fresh, not the main idea, so I believe that's the main secret of movie being unique. Everyone has his own look at what great movie means for them. It can't be changed with the matter of argue, so I wouldn't argue with another person about what does great movie means with purpose to prove that my theory is better than his. I can only explain my thoughts.

Memento is a great thriller that uses a trick narrative structure to tell it's story so it's execution is good rather than the basic story being original
I'd say 12 Monkey's is fairly original but i wouldn't say it was as good as multiple other Sci Fi films that aren't as original

I agree with your attitude though:up:;)
No it wasn't it was influenced by Rear window's idea of spotting a murder via being trapped in a room overlooking neighbours but the rest is totally different,there is a coming of age story in there,a young romance,humour and the fact they know who the culprit is.Also the ending seems closer to a horror with Shia's mom being kidnapped in that basement

Memento is a great thriller that uses a trick narrative structure to tell it's story so it's execution is good rather than the basic story being original
I'd say 12 Monkey's is fairly original but i wouldn't say it was as good as multiple other Sci Fi films that aren't as original

I agree with your attitude though:up:;)

:huh: And you want to say it's not remake?

Memento has a fresh idea, just look at how Nolan tells the story. No director did such thing like telling it with cut pieces of chronology before this film was released. I think you know that though there was no original source, Jonathan Nolan used one article in newspaper as the inspiration for Memento Mori. Also, the idea of protagonist trying to find the murderer of his wife and ending with facing him in himself's inner personality wasn't used in any another thriller. This is enough to say that memento had a lot of fresh ideas.

Like what films?

;) :up:
:huh: And you want to say it's not remake?

Memento has a fresh idea, just look at how Nolan tells the story. No director did such thing like telling it with cut pieces of chronology before this film was released. I think you know that though there was no original source, Jonathan Nolan used one article in newspaper as the inspiration for Memento Mori. Also, the idea of protagonist trying to find the murderer of his wife and ending with facing him in himself's inner personality wasn't used in any another thriller. This is enough to say that memento had a lot of fresh ideas.

Like what films?

;) :up:

Yes b/c it's not a remake,none of the other parts of the film are anything like Rear Window.

Like i said Memento was well executed using it's at the time ballsy narrative structure and it was well written but i wouldn't say outside of telling it backwars that the central story was original

Blade Runner,Minority Report,Children of Men,The fifth Element,Alien,Aliens,SW to name a few IMO of course:cwink:
Yes b/c it's not a remake,none of the other parts of the film are anything like Rear Window.

Like i said Memento was well executed using it's at the time ballsy narrative structure and it was well written but i wouldn't say outside of telling it backwars that the central story was original

Blade Runner,Minority Report,Children of Men,The fifth Element,Alien,Aliens,SW to name a few IMO of course:cwink:

I think I should check out Rear Window and compare them.

Narrative storytelling can't be neither original nor old, it's one of the ways of storytelling, don't you know this? How can't it be origina? Give me examples of movies, which already had ideas like Memento's ones and were released before it.

How can they be compared? They are just movie sof the same genre, what doesn't mean that ideas must be old. Blade Runner isn't movie about either timetravel or virus attack. The same goes to Minority Report, Children of Men, The Fifth Element, Alien, Aliens and SW. If the movie has the same genre, it doesn't mean it has the same structure.
Narrative storytelling can't be neither original nor old, it's one of the ways of storytelling, don't you know this? How can't it be origina? Give me examples of movies, which already had ideas like Memento's ones and were released before it.

I understand fully,I never said the idea of turning the movie inside out and using the leads condition as the narrative structure wasn't original but it's still a film abut a man on a trail of revenge for his wifes murder(a long used idea)who in the end/begining finds that his quest for revenge has made him into a monster himself

How can they be compared? They are just movie sof the same genre, what doesn't mean that ideas must be old. Blade Runner isn't movie about either timetravel or virus attack. The same goes to Minority Report, Children of Men, The Fifth Element, Alien, Aliens and SW. If the movie has the same genre, it doesn't mean it has the same structure.

I never said that,i said there were better sci fi movies out there,all are in one genre,i said it is original as far as i know but that doesn't make it better than Aliens which is not original,which was my point,you're skipping parts of my posts Cine
I understand fully,I never said the idea of turning the movie inside out and using the leads condition as the narrative structure wasn't original but it's still a film abut a man on a trail of revenge for his wifes murder(a long used idea)who in the end/begining finds that his quest for revenge has made him into a monster himself

I never said that,i said there were better sci fi movies out there,all are in one genre,i said it is original as far as i know but that doesn't make it better than Aliens which is not original,which was my point,you're skipping parts of my posts Cine

Why should his purpose mean fresh idea? I still don't get it. It's one of parts of the main idea, not details. Deatils are something that shows during and after conflicts. Before getting what he wants, protagonist must make first steps. As first action doesn't work, he tries again and again. It's a gap between his expectation and final result, which directs to different conflicts. Conflicts change the main character and show his inner personality. So everything from his first actions to final result means details. Others like plot, purpose of characters and what are they supposed to do in the movie are parts of the main idea, which has no sense to be fresh.

We are talking about fresh ideas, aren't we? So from what did "better or worser" come? I don't think Aliens was better than 12 Monkeys, but this doesn't make sense, because we talk about what new ideas did movies from my list use, am I right?
Why should his purpose mean fresh idea? I still don't get it. It's one of parts of the main idea, not details. Deatils are something that shows during and after conflicts. Before getting what he wants, protagonist must make first steps. As first action doesn't work, he tries again and again. It's a gap between his expectation and final result, which directs to different conflicts. Conflicts change the main character and show his inner personality. So everything from his first actions to final result means details. Others like plot, purpose of characters and what are they supposed to do in the movie are parts of the main idea, which has no sense to be fresh.

So we are back to exactly what i said 5 posts ago,that originality isn't important execution is,Memento outside of the use of telling the story backwards isn't original but it is well executed

We are talking about fresh ideas, aren't we? So from what did "better or worser" come? I don't think Aliens was better than 12 Monkeys, but this doesn't make sense, because we talk about what new ideas did movies from my list use, am I right?

I was making a point that original doesn't mean good,that was what i was getting at,for instance i can't think of another movie like Donnie Darko and thank god b/c i thought it was utter drivel,it was original for sure but that didn't make it good IMO
So we are back to exactly what i said 5 posts ago,that originality isn't important execution is,Memento outside of the use of telling the story backwards isn't original but it is well executed

I was making a point that original doesn't mean good,that was what i was getting at,for instance i can't think of another movie like Donnie Darko and thank god b/c i thought it was utter drivel,it was original for sure but that didn't make it good IMO

Again, how it's can't be original, if it shows that protagonist with psychological injury is the one, he looks for, while other figures use him as their weapon against each other.

That's your opinion. As for me originality is what makes movies great as they open the doors to something new. Would you like every movie to be the same with overdone storylines and overused characters? What I hate in every movie is cliche thing, it one of the reasons why I can give movie not so high rate (unless it still has something fresh).
Just because a movie has the same general theme and similar plot doesnt mean its a remake.
Just because a movie has the same general theme and similar plot doesnt mean its a remake.

It really looked like a remake. Kid gets home arrest, starts watching for his neighbours, finds love interest and learns that man, who lives in the house right near his one is a serial killer. Still, I will try to find time to watch Rear Window.
Again, how it's can't be original, if it shows that protagonist with psychological injury is the one, he looks for, while other figures use him as their weapon against each other.

That's your opinion. As for me originality is what makes movies great as they open the doors to something new. Would you like every movie to be the same with overdone storylines and overused characters?

Manipulation of a character through one means or another is not an original concept,i don't know what you want me to say Cine,look at some old Noir's like Double Indemnity to see very similar ideas of manipulation used on the protagonist to get them to do what they want,the femme fatale uses sex,in this it was memory lost but it's the same

I like good films well made and acted,it doesn't matter if it's original or not b/c this new original idea may be utter arse and thus a waste of celluloid
Manipulation of a character through one means or another is not an original concept,i don't know what you want me to say Cine,look at some old Noir's like Double Indemnity to see very similar ideas of manipulation used on the protagonist to get them to do what they want,the femme fatale uses sex,in this it was memory lost but it's the same

I like good films well made and acted,it doesn't matter if it's original or not b/c this new original idea may be utter arse and thus a waste of celluloid

Insurance agent Walter Neff plots with attractive Phyllis Dietrichson to murder her husband. After the husband has been tricked into signing a double indemnity accident policy, they kill him to make it look like an accident. Insurance investigator Barton Keyes doesn't believe it was an accident and pursues the case, linking Phyllis with everyone but his friend, Walter. Neff, meanwhile, is told by Dietrichson's daughter from a previous marriage that she believes that Phyllis killed her mother in order to marry her father. Neff suspects Phyllis of a double cross and he believes she has abandoned him for the younger man.

I see there nothing, what would remind me Memento. Sometimes I start think that you don't believe that movie can have something new to tell :dry:

New=bad? Intersting, so why not just make every movie with a lot of cliche stuff and without anything new? What would happen? I guess movie industry will stop being intersting for audience, and it will die in nearest three years. Nice idea, I should write it right now in my script notes!

But seriously, this doesn't make sense.


New ideas always intersted people, without them film would look very predictable, so what is the sense of using already done stuff? Tell me, did you have any clue of how will end up Memento, Sixth Sense or Fight Club (from modest thriller to the global destruction)? No, right? The same was with me and most of people here and that's exactly what left us amazed. And now look at Disturbia, it had another usual happy ending without any unexpected twists, I hated it and that's why I gave it only 6.5 out of 10.
I hated it and that's why I gave it only 6.5 out of 10.

If you hated it, shouldn't you have given it below a 5/10? I mean, 6.5 out of 10 is more like, I kind of enjoyed it territory.

Anyways, I didn't think it was bad, it was a pretty good flick. Not really scary or suspenseful though and I rather like the happy endings. Though, if you want to see a great movie with a mysterious and tense atmosphere see Vacancy.
If you hated it, shouldn't you have given it below a 5/10? I mean, 6.5 out of 10 is more like, I kind of enjoyed it territory.

Anyways, I didn't think it was bad, it was a pretty good flick. Not really scary or suspenseful though and I rather like the happy endings. Though, if you want to see a great movie with a mysterious and tense atmosphere see Vacancy.

I hated cliche stuff, which is part of the movie. What I liked was: Shia's acting, the first 2 acts, protagonist's problems and etc. The movie was just not bad. There was nothing new, but the atmosphere was right.

Vacancy? I heard something about it, people say it's not so good film. I am looking forward to Zodiac (it will be released only in June in my country :down) and Lookout.
Vacancy not good, no way. That was an awesome movie! But I love the kind of films that take place a night. I love those kind of movies that just have that mysterious atmosphere. Shoot, I loved Vacancy as much as I loved 300! I definitely recommend Vacancy, don't listen to the nay sayers.

Ok, I'll try to get it on DVD, thanks for recommendation :)
Insurance agent Walter Neff plots with attractive Phyllis Dietrichson to murder her husband. After the husband has been tricked into signing a double indemnity accident policy, they kill him to make it look like an accident. Insurance investigator Barton Keyes doesn't believe it was an accident and pursues the case, linking Phyllis with everyone but his friend, Walter. Neff, meanwhile, is told by Dietrichson's daughter from a previous marriage that she believes that Phyllis killed her mother in order to marry her father. Neff suspects Phyllis of a double cross and he believes she has abandoned him for the younger man.

I see there nothing, what would remind me Memento. Sometimes I start think that you don't believe that movie can have something new to tell :dry:

you don't see the manipulation theme all over that synopsis ?:huh:
New=bad? Intersting, so why not just make every movie with a lot of cliche stuff and without anything new? What would happen? I guess movie industry will stop being intersting for audience, and it will die in nearest three years. Nice idea, I should write it right now in my script notes!

But seriously, this doesn't make sense.


New ideas always intersted people, without them film would look very predictable, so what is the sense of using already done stuff? Tell me, did you have any clue of how will end up Memento, Sixth Sense or Fight Club (from modest thriller to the global destruction)? No, right? The same was with me and most of people here and that's exactly what left us amazed. And now look at Disturbia, it had another usual happy ending without any unexpected twists, I hated it and that's why I gave it only 6.5 out of 10.

Wow you went from liking it mostly to hating it:huh: and again read what i said Cine,i never said new equals bad i said the notion that just b/c something is a fresh idea makes it good is wrong,quality is quality whether it's a new idea or a an old concept reworked

You mention 3 movies,no i didn't guess the endings but y'know what,i never want to watch any of those moves except Memento again in truth,once you know there secret that's it,i can watch Indy movies with their predictable and unoriginal adventures over and over b/c they are entertaining and well made.
you don't see the manipulation theme all over that synopsis ?:huh:

Wow you went from liking it mostly to hating it:huh: and again read what i said Cine,i never said new equals bad i said the notion that just b/c something is a fresh idea makes it good is wrong,quality is quality whether it's a new idea or a an old concept reworked

You mention 3 movies,no i didn't guess the endings but y'know what,i never want to watch any of those moves except Memento again in truth,once you know there secret that's it,i can watch Indy movies with their predictable and unoriginal adventures over and over b/c they are entertaining and well made.

Manupulation can be found in every movie, how can this be an idea?

No, no, no. I liked it, i really liked it, but I had feeling that I've already seen it ten times. I agree with you, new and fresh doesn't always mean good. But for me, if everything (new ideas and ways of storytelling) is done right, then it will be big advantage of movie and the reason why it's great film.

Agreed, but it's all about first time, when you watched it. Besides, again if the movie is predictable and people already know what to expect using their guesses ( I am talking about first screening), how can it stay as good film?
Manupulation can be found in every movie, how can this be an idea?

Manipulation is not in every movie,far from it and not as the central theme along with revenge,As i said Memento is an originaly executed movie just the theme's are riffs on other thrillers.

No, no, no. I liked it, i really liked it, but I had feeling that I've already seen it ten times. I agree with you, new and fresh doesn't always mean good. But for me, if everything (new ideas and ways of storytelling) is done right, then it will be big advantage of movie and the reason why it's great film.

Fair enough:yay:

Agreed, but it's all about first time, when you watched it. Besides, again if the movie is predictable and people already know what to expect using their guesses ( I am talking about first screening), how can it stay as good film?

B/c if it's acted well and made well it's still a good movie,that ranks above having a twist you didn't see coming IMO.
Manipulation is not in every movie,far from it and not as the central theme along with revenge,As i said Memento is an originaly executed movie just the theme's are riffs on other thrillers.

Fair enough:yay:

B/c if it's acted well and made well it's still a good movie,that ranks above having a twist you didn't see coming IMO.

Manipulation is used in every film, if you don't believe, I will write some examples.

Yesterday I watched this film, right? I felt the third act had been very boring and unintersting. Why? Because I could see everything happening ten minutes earlier than it actually happens in the movie. The problem? Bad writing. So what I hated at the end? The entire 3rd act and dumb happy ending. Why? It was done in hundreds movies and I wanted to see something really new, not just good acting and nice beginning. So acting doesn't save movie from having last part being poorly written. And I doubt I am the only one, who felt this.

What makes Memento look so great is that it showed something new in usual thriller with elements of film noir.
Manipulation is used in every film, if you don't believe, I will write some examples.

Yesterday I watched this film, right? I felt the third act had been very boring and unintersting. Why? Because I could see everything happening ten minutes earlier than it actually happens in the movie. The problem? Bad writing. So what I hated at the end? The entire 3rd act and dumb happy ending. Why? It was done in hundreds movies and I wanted to see something really new, not just good acting and nice beginning. So acting doesn't save movie from having last part being poorly written. And I doubt I am the only one, who felt this.

What makes Memento look so great is that it showed something new in usual thriller with elements of film noir.

You can write anything you want but it's simply not true,look at the central theme of Mr and Mrs Smith there is no manipulation,in a movie like SW you could say Leia manipulates Han by appealing to his better nature but at the same time you could say that she appealed to his better nature with honesty AND most importantly it's not the CENTRAL theme like in Memento

Poorly written in your opinion and as i said if the movie is fun and exciting and action packed in the latter part i don't need it to trick me or be fresh and i see no problem with happy endings given all the misery in the world.

It showed an inventive way to tell the story but no new theme's or twists in the story.and that Iis FINE i love the movie it's just not this revolutionary story once you take away the structure.
You can write anything you want but it's simply not true,look at the central theme of Mr and Mrs Smith there is no manipulation,in a movie like SW you could say Leia manipulates Han by appealing to his better nature but at the same time you could say that she appealed to his better nature with honesty AND most importantly it's not the CENTRAL theme like in Memento

Poorly written in your opinion and as i said if the movie is fun and exciting and action packed in the latter part i don't need it to trick me or be fresh and i see no problem with happy endings given all the misery in the world.

It showed an inventive way to tell the story but no new theme's or twists in the story.and that Iis FINE i love the movie it's just not this revolutionary story once you take away the structure.

I thought the central theme in memento had been damaged memory and revenge on the murderer, what also means the object of protagonist's desire :confused:

That's the matter of opinion. The last act looked very dark (except for the ending), but was too predictable for me.

No new twists? WHat about protagonist being his object of desire a.k.a his wife's murderer. Have you seen any movie with structure like this before? Memento has everything, what great script of film noir needs (logical connection of all storylines, tangled web of events, psychological problem of the main character, uncomfortable atmosphere, enemies looking not like usual enemies would, new way of storytelling, a lot of gaps and etc).

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