Dixie Chicks : How do ya like 'em now?

Payola applies when a record company pays a station to play their band.

Why would a record company pay a station to not play one of their bands?
they're ruining america.

kidding. i like that they speak their minds, in spite of the outlash and all that. i hate contry music and i really don't care to listen to their music, but good for them. the people sent them death threats are morons. toby keith is a talentless *****e.
Record companies wouldn't. But lobbyists and political groups pay to get certain ads and messages out. Or pay to cut certain ads. Like the competition. It's against FCC regulations concerning equal time. It's a fine line as to where it falls in the area of music, but it still applies. Radio stations get away with it alot, but sometimes on widescale events, the FCC does look into it.

Now I didn't say it applied here, I just said it sounds sketchy and I wouldn't have been suprised.

It's called propaganda.

:thing: :doom: :thing:
Manic said:
"For some reason, bad-mouthing the president in a foreign land during a time of war doesn't exactly sit well with the NASCAR crowd."

I wish I could remember who said that...

That however is my sentiment on the matter.

No, I don't boycott them because they spoke their political views.

My issue is that they vented their political views on foreign soil, during a concert. I think that's tacky. They aren't in politics, they are in entertainment. I don't care what kind of activists thay are, but they used their status as entertainers and spoke out on their political views.

If you could call it that. It wasn't even a political view, it was a direct slur at The President.

I have offense to them because they didn't even speak politically, they slurred someone of international status in world politics on foreign soil, while theyw ere doing their job, entertaining.

It's unprofessional on their part and trashy if you ask me.

I do enjoy their music, but my view of them as induviduals is totally shot.
The Joker said:
I hate them. Not cause there political views, but because they're s**ty, s**ty musicians.

So here we are again? This thread is a bring back and should be moved to the Politics board. I just thought I'd bump her back.

Would the nation have been so up at arms about what they said today?

:thing: :doom: :thing:
Country music sucks period. But I do respect them for standing up for their ideals no matter how unpopular they are with their fanbase.
Would the nation have been so up at arms about what they said today?
Not at all. As I recall, the nation as a whole didn't really care about it when they first said it. Texas was pissed and that's about it.
Never cared for the Dixie Chicks. Never liked the Dixie Chicks. Never will.
They didn't deserve the grammys they won.

Agreed. They only won because of their political views.

They suck musically, but I agree with a lot of their political views. And Natalie Maines is married to Adrian Pasdar, so her Heroes connection makes her somewhat cool.
You guys criticizing their music are either not Bluegrass / Country fans or just crazy. Of course they deserved their Grammy's. Their album, Home, was a love letter to Bluegrass. It was exemplary. They play their own instruments and write most of their songs. Their live shows are real events not just some lip synching event. They sure as hell are alot better than alot of this Hot New Country trash. Pandering garbage that tries to be Southern Rock.

Damn straight they deserved their Grammys.

:thing: :doom: :thing:
I liked the Dixie Chicks before and after they complained about the president. I don't care that they're "entertainers" and they criticized the president on foreign soil. It was in the heat of the moment, and anyways, the US is supposed to support free speech, right? Now everyone is on the Bush hating bandwagon, but I STILL don't hear the Dixie Chicks on the radio. But that may be because the stations are playing the same ol crap all the time (Taylor Swift)

Coincidentally, "I'm Not Ready to make Nice" is my favorite song of the moment.

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