Do you think this film will be as successful as Transformers?


Anchor of Earth-X
Aug 19, 2004
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Well maybe not as big as Transformers, but still successful enough to release a trilogy?

I don't really know. But right now, I just don't think "mutant turtles" would be very appealing to the casual viewers compare to the giant robots of Transformers. Plus if the movie is not every good, I don't think the turtles are enough to sell the movie.
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Why the comparison (other than the Michael Bay relation)? Two totally different movies. :dry:
The movie is going to appeal to a lot of people who grew up watching the original series back in the 80s, By now they are all grown up and with kids of there own. They will take them to see this new movie and it will be huge at the box office without a doubt.
It`s a fair comparison imo.
80`s brand, similar producers, megan fox, summer fare, kids marketing dream.

I think that it has a chance to be either another Joe or another TF depending on the CGI and the Direction. TF one was a hit film, many people understood that half way into the movie many people think they can deny it to this very day. Funny how even in many of the scathing reviews for the pretty decent TF3 people were suddenly sounding off about how good the first one was.

If this film can capture the fun and awe of the first TF I think it will be one to watch. Throwing Bay`s name around as many blog sites like to do to insight venom is probably a great idea for the marketing aswell, the man`s name is huge.

A solid trailer will help, and of that I know our director will deliver.
I think that the TMNT brand is stronger with mainstream public than TF was prior to its release. I don't know anyone who was a kid in the late 80s/early 90s that didn't watch the cartoon and wasn't a fan.

The other aspect will come down to the movie and the context of its release. Box office competition and marketing will be key. The final variable will be the movie itself. How it looks in the trailers, critics reviews, and word of mouth will really make or break the box office take. All in all, I'm thinking marketing and word if mouth will be the most important items.
Yes, also the cgi in the marketing absolutely cannot faulter. Moreover it has to look very strong(but def not faulter). That's one other thing that had TF looking so strong and one of the reasons things like say, Prim hasn't made that haven't really had people stop what they re doing just yet.

To this day I remember the ad with Ironhide transforming while driving through a battle...pretty remarkable followed by that insane high way bit...than the desert scorpion... If TMNT can legitimately impress people on that front, that would be one hurdle down.
No it won't be. An entire generation had waited for an entire generation for live-action Transformers to become a reality.
I find it good and nice. I think it's very successful.
No it won't be. An entire generation had waited for an entire generation for live-action Transformers to become a reality.

I think you're overestimating the CB/toy fan contribution.
I don't expect this movie to be something huge and I don't expect it to fail. It should do fine.
I think it will do okay, nothing near record breaking. Bay isn't even directing it.
I don't care about success, I just want it to not be a disgrace to the TMNT product.
I suspect it might be a minor hit; I doubt it will make Transformers money. The Turtles were an 80's phenomenon and their presence today is a step above cult appreciation. Again, I could be wrong: I live in a time where films based on theme park rides gross billions. :p
I think that some of the choice will turn some people off. Megan Fox as April (shudders), Shredder being a white American guy. I don't think that it will bomb financially (it may bomb critically) but it won't make Transformers money. Its quite extraordinary that the 1990 first movie with Corey Feldman is still the best Turtles movie ever made, that was really good.
I think that some of the choice will turn some people off. Megan Fox as April (shudders), Shredder being a white American guy. I don't think that it will bomb financially (it may bomb critically) but it won't make Transformers money. Its quite extraordinary that the 1990 first movie with Corey Feldman is still the best Turtles movie ever made, that was really good.

And yet, Megan Fox is in probably the most viewed music video by Eminem. I don't think she is as hated and despised as some people would like everyone to believe. She's just not been in very good movies, and in the Transformer, the robots sold that movie, not the actors.

But if this is a hit or not, I haven't a clue anymore. If they are gearing towards the older toon, it just might be a modest hit due to the nolstagia kicking in. I'd think a reboot in nods to the 87 toon could do what 2009 Star Trek did with that franchise. But the GA are a finicky bunch.
Best case scenario it does GI: Joe numbers, but I doubt it... I can't imagine any scenario where this movie doesn't have dreadful buzz.
No. This will probably just be a success. Nothing huge or anything.
Didn't I hear that some people actually thought Nolan directed MOS because his name was on the trailers? That's all they have to do with Bay, and the turtles are still popular enough to warrant success. I don't know about Transformers big, though.
Eh, I'm thinking Pacific Rim numbers. With a 10% swing on if the film is bad or good.
I'm thinking around 150-175 million US.
No. Vehicles are way more popular than turtles.
Well, I just read that the major actors signed on to a three film deal, so they are is a good chance that they might get a pretty good success.
No it won't be. An entire generation had waited for an entire generation for live-action Transformers to become a reality.

That could go either way, really. One could also say TMNT is a much more popular franchise with a lot more momentum with current audiences, so just on the basis of brand recognition alone it could have a huge leg up on Transformers.

I couldn't even attempt to make a prediction at this point. Too many factors at work. Leaning toward no, though, since we're getting a lot of TMNT right now so the possibility of the film being weak has a bigger chance of hurting its performance.

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