Actually, prostitutes are one of the most common targets for sireal killers.
Actually, prostitutes are one of the most common targets for sireal killers.
WOW. a guy who kills a prostitute has to be the cheapest bastard on the face of the planet.Kritish said:
Actually, prostitutes are one of the most common targets for sireal killers.
heypapajinx said:WOW. a guy who kills a prostitute has to be the cheapest bastard on the face of the planet.
i mean, you can't find ANYTHING good for $20 these days except in the red light district!
shut up you!Kritish said:If it only cost you 20 USD you're probably going to burn when you pee the day after.
Is prostitution legal in the U.K.?
heypapajinx said:shut up you!
that cream has worked miracles.
heypapajinx said:shut up you!
that cream has worked miracles.
you mean like when it's used to ice a wedding cake?muertevilla said:yeah...i heard monistat 7 cures most strains of the HIV virus when taken internally..
it's already where they hold the annual Haunted HouseKritish said:You vagina shall forever be a portal of horror and suffering.
WompuM said:I bet it's alan moore doing it.
Caliber said:Jack the Ripper just didn't kill them he disected them. No other killer would do that today.
Kritish said:You generally have to kill something to disect it.
Kritish said:You generally have to kill something to disect it.
WompuM said:Except that whole modern exploratory surgery thing...
Kritish said:Modern is the keyword, they didn't have that in the 19th century.
What disguise?Caliber said:I had a feeling hes Rasputin in disguise.
Manic said:What disguise?
Manic said:It's a pretty horrible disguise, considering he didn't bother to change his appearance.