Doomed!!!! What a movie


Jul 29, 2002
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I mean, WOW!!! What a tour de force, incredible action, unbelievable acting, top notch special effects and the best zombie make ups ever!!!! They should make more movies like this!!!!!! Anyone else seen this? If you havent you must see it.
Doom? Hated it, but the 1st person shooter was alright. definitely different... favorite part:

making u guys think I'm confused. I haven't seen doomed, odd title though
I heard and read this was pretty terrible. House of The Dead terrible. I wouldn't waste my time.
wow that movie had some actual potential...but it sucked so bad

maybe if they added some ninjas?
Actually I was joking with my assesment of the movie :) Yes it is pretty terrible. I daresay even worse than Catwoman and even Undefeatable. It did have some potential like the running man but they screwed it soooo bad it wasnt even funny. But I digress, the movie is sooo bad is worth seing just to realize that the movie maked Uwe Boll a cinematic genius. :-D
Actually I was joking with my assesment of the movie :) Yes it is pretty terrible. I daresay even worse than Catwoman and even Undefeatable. It did have some potential like the running man but they screwed it soooo bad it wasnt even funny. But I digress, the movie is sooo bad is worth seing just to realize that the movie maked Uwe Boll a cinematic genius. :-D

No Catwoman was worse than this even though it had a half naked halle in it.
This movie was awful. Every bit of it, I hate movies like this.

I'll never sit through anything like this again.
Doom wasn't a very good movie,had no budget,no plot,no plot,no acting,little humore,bad cgi,little to no imagination.
You can make a good movie on a low budget,just gotta get creative,and thats where I think they fell down with this garbage of a movie.The onlything going for it was the 1st Person sequence,and the final fight between the Rock and Urban was decent.
i actually didn't think it was that horrible, perhaps i already knew what i was in for though, and i paid a dollar. so that always helps a movie in my point of view.
I might get some flack for this however I'm not afraid to speak my opinion. Doom was decent, granted I haven't seen it in like 2-3 years since it came out but I remember walking out satisfied. It's pretty mediocre all the way through except for three scenes, if I remember correctly. The FPS scenes, the cage fight, and the end fight were all very entertaining from what I remember, and while it's quite forgettable, it did have some memorable points, I'd give it a 2 maybe 2 1/5 out of 5.
agreed... it is in no way a great, or even very good movie, but it does have a few good scenes, a few laughs, some nicely designed monsters and sets, and one totally awesome first person shooter sequence.

it's completely forgettable, but watchable, and in no way even close to as bad as even the best uwe boll film.
agreed... it is in no way a great, or even very good movie, but it does have a few good scenes, a few laughs, some nicely designed monsters and sets, and one totally awesome first person shooter sequence.

it's completely forgettable, but watchable, and in no way even close to as bad as even the best uwe boll film.

Yeah a lot of people either hop on the hate or praise bandwagon around here we live in a society that has no place for mediocrity...

Reminds me of a funny quote and an internet cookie to the man who knows where this is from(no ladies :cmad:)

"I'm condemned by a society that demands success when all I can offer is failure."
Only liked the FPS sequence, everything else was poorly made. And I'm not hard on fun gory horror movies but this was just terrible.

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