Dragonball will release in only 2500+ theatres.

Wow... I was assuming 3,000 plus. Add Star Wars to that equation and that equals a low box office. . .

EDIT: Well, it says 2500+ so it can easily end up being more, and even expand the following week. The only other movie with more theater showing that day, according to that site, is Tropic Thunder.

And we still don't know if Star Wars is limited or not. . .
2500+ is a decent release. Most high profile films get about 3200, with rare exceptions to films like Harry Potter and Spider-Man which get nearly 4000. I'm not worried; theater amount won't change how many people were going to go see it.
If it's successful in those 2,500 theaters they will put it in an additional 500+.

That's my guess.
Oh damn i just cant have faith any more, more than anything i wanted this movie to do well, and i kept kidding myself it would.

But this is just gonna perfrom like a video game movie and thats such a shame.
The movie'll be about 100 minutes long. They'll be plenty of showings per day anyway.
Oh damn i just cant have faith any more, more than anything i wanted this movie to do well, and i kept kidding myself it would.

But this is just gonna perfrom like a video game movie and thats such a shame.
Wow, comparing a movies quality to theatre release?

Have you ever watched indies before, or... just spider-man?
This is what i mean........this is the same bullcrap that fox pulled with Xmen when it came out. they told singer our rights are running out, heres your budget, we really dont give a crap, good luck!
thats what they are doing to this movie.....and this movie has the potential of being unbelivable......any one who has seen a good episode of dragonball Z has been sucked into the aw of might vegeta and goku can relase. Its epical and fox doesnt belive in it or give a crap. They never back up the movies that are sleeper.

stupid ass executives never do their homework
I've never seen a good episode of DBZ. :p
Oh damn i just cant have faith any more, more than anything i wanted this movie to do well, and i kept kidding myself it would.

But this is just gonna perfrom like a video game movie and thats such a shame.

and you know what thats not your fault..you are right to have faith in a project that you know could be AWSOME....but exects have droped the ball every step of the way! its a shame and if it become no more then a video game movie.......its a shamful slap to the fans faces who know that this movie could be of epic porportions. It could have the greatest fight scenes ever.
I mean before they even fight in the show.....the energy they give off is so awsome that things around them start to shift.

again stupid ass execs at fox dont know what they have
I've never seen a good episode of DBZ. :p

are you on crack??? go watch the boo saga. for god sakes my wife was a 25 year old working women. She is the sex and the city type and even then we used to watch it together and she would be on the edge of her seat! when a women feels that way.......you KNOW there is somthing there
are you on crack??? go watch the boo saga. for god sakes my wife was a 25 year old working women. She is the sex and the city type and even then we used to watch it together and she would be on the edge of her seat! when a women feels that way.......you KNOW there is somthing there

Buu. :cwink:
are you on crack??? go watch the boo saga. for god sakes my wife was a 25 year old working women. She is the sex and the city type and even then we used to watch it together and she would be on the edge of her seat! when a women feels that way.......you KNOW there is somthing there

During the Buu sage? I'll pass... Now the Saiyan/Frieza saga.. and all of Dragonball... that I'll watch. :up:
When i 1st heard about a Dragonball Z movie i thought itd be huge and make $500+ mil worldwide

Then when i found out it was Dragonball and no Z i thought $350+ mil worldwide

Now opening in only 2500+ theatres, being rushed, lack of news, nobody ever mentions this movie and its probably gonna be a short, crap movie im hoping itll make $200+ mil worldwide
During the Buu sage? I'll pass... Now the Saiyan/Frieza saga.. and all of Dragonball... that I'll watch. :up:

Do you like the Android/Cell sagas? I personally don't care for anything post-Cell.
When i 1st heard about a Dragonball Z movie i thought itd be huge and make $500+ mil worldwide

Then when i found out it was Dragonball and no Z i thought $350+ mil worldwide

Now opening in only 2500+ theatres, being rushed, lack of news, nobody ever mentions this movie and its probably gonna be a short, crap movie im hoping itll make $200+ mil worldwide

yep thats how its looking right now. It really sucks..your first 500 mill reaction is right. It has all the potential. For god sakes people the script is already there!!!! lol Just copy the cartoon for most part. it takes place on earth.
Do you like the Android/Cell sagas? I personally don't care for anything post-Cell.
Not a fan, but it isn't as unbearable as the Buu saga.

Oooooh, we're veering off topic!
During the Buu sage? I'll pass... Now the Saiyan/Frieza saga.. and all of Dragonball... that I'll watch. :up:

what ever floats your boat JP. How you were ok with dragon ball i dont know understand that. Too childish. once Veegta got in the mix things got better. The only good part i liked about the Frieza saga was Veegeta Pile driving goku into a mountain.
When i 1st heard about a Dragonball Z movie i thought itd be huge and make $500+ mil worldwide

Then when i found out it was Dragonball and no Z i thought $350+ mil worldwide

Now opening in only 2500+ theatres, being rushed, lack of news, nobody ever mentions this movie and its probably gonna be a short, crap movie im hoping itll make $200+ mil worldwide

If the movie is decent enough to attract the large foreign audiences, regardless of its North America in take, the film would merit a sequel. Then Fox might actually give a damn about a "Dragonball Z movie" because they see there is a huge market both in and outside of North America.
There you go. That ought to put it in perspective for some of you.^

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