Dragonball Z question


Feb 11, 2003
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If they are going ahead with their plans to make 5 films(Piccilo Saga Film, Vegeta Saga Film, Frieza Saga Film, Cell Saga Film, Buu Saga Film) they might end up making a sixth film, which they prob would coz hollywood hates an incomplete set of trilogies. And five films would just annoy fox like you wouldn`t believe especially if the DBZ live-action franchise was really profitable Who should be the main villain?

I`m not sure myslef. Super-17 would link to the other films. But Janemba, Bebi and Brolly are truly awesome villains. And Hildegarn would make an impressively huge end villain.

I`d prob like to see super-17.
Your kidding,there are plans for 5 films?I doubt the first one will do well,this should not even be thought about.
Your kidding,there are plans for 5 films?I doubt the first one will do well,this should not even be thought about.

Well they have stated they wanted to adapt the main dbz sagas, which means 4 films and now they are seemingly going to cover the piccilo saga as well so that is 5.

I`m trying to be optimistic. If the movie bombs, it bombs, I ain`t gonna waste time wrrying about it, it is in the hands of an at least technically compotent director and crew so it should at least be a fairly good first film. I mean half the films people do topics about on here are not even films which a studio has even ever considered making, so surely a poll about a franchise which is both greenlit and in production isn`t too outlandish, is it?
If they are going ahead with their plans to make 5 films(Piccilo Saga Film, Vegeta Saga Film, Frieza Saga Film, Cell Saga Film, Buu Saga Film) they might end up making a sixth film, which they prob would coz hollywood hates an incomplete set of trilogies. And five films would just annoy fox like you wouldn`t believe especially if the DBZ live-action franchise was really profitable Who should be the main villain?

I`m not sure myslef. Super-17 would link to the other films. But Janemba, Bebi and Brolly are truly awesome villains. And Hildegarn would make an impressively huge end villain.

I`d prob like to see super-17.

dude whyd you have to make a thread about this when theres already a DBZ movie thread...you couldve just brought this up. :ninja::woot:
Where was it said that there would be five films? I always thought there was going to be just three films?
Where was it said that there would be five films? I always thought there was going to be just three films?

Well in recent reports it appears they are planning to start the franchise with the last saga from Dragonball, The Piccilo saga, thereby allowing them to introduce the main characters and to provide a way to introduce piccillo properly (the guy is a big green alien audiences are gonna need an explanation as to where he came from).

They then seem to be planning to adapt the main sagas....

Movie 2: Saiyen Saga. With Vegeta introduced as the villain.

Movie 3: Namek/Frieza Saga. They obviouly guessed that there was no point doing to movies for namek and frieza sagas when it is easier to have 2 thirds of the movie namek saga and then the conclusion being the important parts of the frieza saga.

Movie 4: Android/Cell Saga. This one would require alot of condensing what with trunks turning up, then the android and dr.gero, and then the main androids, and then cell, then imperfect cell and then perfect cell. But i guess if they got rid of that early fat android and made it a lord of the rings length movie they could manage it.

Movie 5: Buu Saga. Pretty much as is just condensed.

Therefore you have 5 movies.
dude whyd you have to make a thread about this when theres already a DBZ movie thread...you couldve just brought this up. :ninja::woot:

Well i thought it was an important point and I thought democratically a poll and list of nearly all available options would be more helpful than just throwing the question out randomly. I mean its just one extra thread with a poll surely thats ok.
Well in recent reports it appears they are planning to start the franchise with the last saga from Dragonball, The Piccilo saga, thereby allowing them to introduce the main characters and to provide a way to introduce piccillo properly (the guy is a big green alien audiences are gonna need an explanation as to where he came from).

They then seem to be planning to adapt the main sagas....

Movie 2: Saiyen Saga. With Vegeta introduced as the villain.

Movie 3: Namek/Frieza Saga. They obviouly guessed that there was no point doing to movies for namek and frieza sagas when it is easier to have 2 thirds of the movie namek saga and then the conclusion being the important parts of the frieza saga.

Movie 4: Android/Cell Saga. This one would require alot of condensing what with trunks turning up, then the android and dr.gero, and then the main androids, and then cell, then imperfect cell and then perfect cell. But i guess if they got rid of that early fat android and made it a lord of the rings length movie they could manage it.

Movie 5: Buu Saga. Pretty much as is just condensed.

Therefore you have 5 movies.

Still things change. We could still be getting just three movies. But you make some good points.
I actually look foward to how it will turn out.
I always thought they'd just have Piccolo in the first half hour of the film, and the rest of the film be the Saiyan Saga.

The next three films would be the Namek/Frieza saga, the Android/Cell saga, and the Buu saga. If they did another film, then I would like to see a Trunks film, sort of like the History of Trunks, only extended.
we shall... it could go in sooooo many directions
Still things change. We could still be getting just three movies. But you make some good points.

I`m not sure you could even do the main bit of DBZ in 3 movies. I mean its bad enough shortening the four sagas to four movies. Try and ocmbine two and you would have a real mess. I mean imagine frieza and cell sagas combined into a 3 hour movie. It would be insanely compact.
How about we get movie 1 first. :)
I`m not sure you could even do the main bit of DBZ in 3 movies. I mean its bad enough shortening the four sagas to four movies. Try and ocmbine two and you would have a real mess. I mean imagine frieza and cell sagas combined into a 3 hour movie. It would be insanely compact.

I think we should just wait for movie one as JP said. Then we can see what's in store for the franchise.
I think its hilarious that you even think its going to make it that far...lol
Well, he's just speculating. I personally think it could go 3 or 4 movies.
Well, he's just speculating. I personally think it could go 3 or 4 movies.

Yeah i expect the most likely outcome if the franchise is popular is the five films (Piccillo to Buu Sagas) but i can dream of my extended franchise can`t i?
in my opinion...It will probably go for 3-5 films...but are they going to include all the sagas?? I dont think they will..maybe the break it down..
Yeah i expect the most likely outcome if the franchise is popular is the five films (Piccillo to Buu Sagas) but i can dream of my extended franchise can`t i?

Sure you can...
The franchise should end with Frieza, 'cause that was the original end. Dragon Ball Z was never meant to last longer than Dragon Ball; it was planned as the final part of the story. Frieza was the most powerful being in the universe and the Super Saiyan was the ultimate level of power, surpassing Frieza.
But blinded by the success, Toriyama added Cell and after that even Buu. Now there are 4 or 5 Super Saiyan upperlevels (including Ultra Super Saiyan etc.) but the amount of destructive force was depleted (Frieza vs Goku resulted in the destruction of Namek; Cell vs Gohan resulted in a crater smaller than a country).
Unless you want a messed-up franchise like Star Wars, I hope in a more bomb-proof trilogy like The Lord of the Rings.
I say they should end with frieza and put in all the fusion gimmicks in there while they can...

however if we are moving from the norm, i would say move straight on to bebi, he's probably the best dragonball villain ever but was unfortunately under used...

as for powerl evels, they should do super saiyan fusions and super saiyan four...

2 and 3 are kinda cheap gimmicks,
Well in recent reports it appears they are planning to start the franchise with the last saga from Dragonball, The Piccilo saga, thereby allowing them to introduce the main characters and to provide a way to introduce piccillo properly (the guy is a big green alien audiences are gonna need an explanation as to where he came from).

They then seem to be planning to adapt the main sagas....

Movie 2: Saiyen Saga. With Vegeta introduced as the villain.

Movie 3: Namek/Frieza Saga. They obviouly guessed that there was no point doing to movies for namek and frieza sagas when it is easier to have 2 thirds of the movie namek saga and then the conclusion being the important parts of the frieza saga.

Movie 4: Android/Cell Saga. This one would require alot of condensing what with trunks turning up, then the android and dr.gero, and then the main androids, and then cell, then imperfect cell and then perfect cell. But i guess if they got rid of that early fat android and made it a lord of the rings length movie they could manage it.

Movie 5: Buu Saga. Pretty much as is just condensed.

Therefore you have 5 movies.

I actullay hope they make (if by chance it get's this far) the Android/Cell saga into it's own trilogy.

DBZ4-Trunks intro, random RR Army robots, #20 and #19
DBZ5-#17/#18/#16/ and imperfect Cell
DBZ6-Perfect Cell

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