DRINKING GAMES! (Post yours here)


Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score



[SIZE=+1]By Bugg[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]
(With a few additions by Zak)
(Updated 8/23/99)[/SIZE]
The rules are very simple:
Grab some friends.
Grab some beer. A lot of it.
Plop in front of the TV and have an all-night D&D marathon!
Take a shot whenever:

  • -Venger says "Fool!"
    -Any kid says "Dungeonmaster!" in a tone of utter surprise when the little guy appears.
    -Any kid says "He's gone!" in the same tone after DM disappears.
    -Hank says "Oh no!"
    -Sheila says "I'm worried"
    -Uni repeats (in bleats) whatever Bobby says.
    -Hank repeats the gang's mission.
    -Hank says, "Come on, guys!"
    -Eric proves what a klutz he is by tripping and/or falling. -Eric says he wants to go home.
    -Eric makes a reference to his rich parents.
    -Diana says, "Let me try."
    -Sheila says, "Bobby, no!" or "Bobby, don't!"
    -Bobby ignores his sister.
    -Bobby threatens Eric.
    -You hear that wonderful aiiiiiiieeeeaaaagh! scream that belongs to the phantom kid. (is it Presto? is it Bobby? who knows!!)
    -Venger misses with a spell (you'd think that he'd hit something once in a while . . .)
    -An orc grunts instead of cutting one of the kids in two with his sword.
    -The kids ignore Uni's worried neighing and get into trouble. -Venger figures a really corny way of avoiding the words "kill" "death" or "dead." ("And she shall dream no more...")
    -The Cavalier, the guy with the shield that makes him practically invulnerable, hides behind someone else.
    -Bobby stupidly charges at something a million times his size (Tiamat).
    -The kids or the show make a Star Wars reference.
    -You wish Hank would just shoot the unicorn so that annoying whining would stop.
    -You wish Hank would just shoot the Cavalier so that annoying whining would stop.
    -You, personally, would have kicked the crap out of the DM before he could tell another annoying riddle.
    -The kids save a kingdom or befriend a king, but are penniless the following episode.
    -You wonder why the kids didn't run around collecting extra weapons from the Dragon's Graveyard (note: does not have to happen while watching said episode)
    -You wonder how the kids are getting enough protein in their diet when they never seem to catch whatever-it-is that they're hunting for lunch.
    -Presto's hat does something pun-ish.
    -Hank's bow proves to be the all-around-best-weapon.
    -You wonder why Venger's head doesn't tilt to one side all the time.
    -The kids almost make it home, but decide not to.
    -You wonder why they bother. It looks like fun, doesn't it?
  • Venger, conqueror of the Realm, loses to six kids and a baby unicorn.

The Thundarr The Barbarian Drinking Game*
Take a sip every time…

·A wizard says “barbarian” in a snide or demeaning way.
·Thundarr discovers something is impervious to his Sunsword
·You first hear Henry Corden’s “Fred Flintstone Voice” emanating from a secondary character
·Thundarr throws a woman over his shoulders and carries/rescues her
·You see or hear a U.S. or other modern world city name
·You see a ruined national monument
·The three heroes are shown mounting or dismounting their horses
·Ookla growls his trademark “Grararrararaar!”

Take a drink every time…

·You see footage of the heroes racing towards you on their horses and jumping over some obstacle in their way…
·You see a Mok other than Ookla
·Ariel makes a reference to something from “Old Earth” or the “Ancient World”
·Ookla breaks something he’s examining or holding out of curiosity
·Ariel jokes in the face of impending danger
·Thundarr chastises Ariel for joking in the face of impending danger
·Thundarr loses his Sunsword
Note: Double drinks for everyone if Thundarr has lost the Sunsword but it still appears on his bracer when he’s standing around or looking for it

Take a big chug every time…

·Thundarr says “Demon Dogs”
·Thundarr says “Lords of Light”
·Thundarr says “Ariel! Ookla! Riiiiide!”
·Thundarr says “Ariel! Ookla! To the horses!”
·Thundarr says “Ariel! Ookla! Into Battle!”
·Thundarr sounds his battle cry “Yaaaaa - He!”
Note: In each of these “big chug” instances, you must thump your chest after drinking and repeat the line loudly in your best barbarian voice!

Finish the rest of your beer every time…

·Thundarr encounters Tai, the swamp urchin
·Thundarr encounters Gemini, the Wizard
·Someone travels through time to 1980’s earth
Note: You only need to finish your beer once per episode when you discover any of the above statements are true
* Demon Dogs! Is For Entertainment Purposes Only. Always Drink Responsibly. Don’t Drink And Drive.™ Demon Dogs! Rules Are A Trademark of http://www.thundarr.com.

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Theres no way id watch any of those shows, even if i were drunk, but hey i like the enthusiasm. Im always up for a new drinking game, sooooooo damn tired of beer pong.
The Smurfs: everytime anyone says smurfs

Dude. Everyone would be wasted in .5 seconds. I guess that's the point right? amirite?

Wii Bowling is a fun drinking game.

1. Every strike thrown the other people/persons have to chug their beer.
2. How ever many pins you win by in that frame is the amount of seconds they have to drink.
3. If you gutter ball you have to chug your beer and get made fun of.
4. The losers all have to shotgun a beer.

Star Wars Drinking Game

To play the Star Wars Drinking Game, you will need:

The Star Wars Trilogy(one movie for a short game)
An ample supply of your favorite beverage.
A really good sound system, so the explosions
seem to happen all around you. Kapow! (optional)

Begin by inserting your weatherbeaten "Star Wars"
videotape into the big slot on your VCR. Dim the
lights for dramatic effect, and play the tape. The
game begins right as "20th Century Fox" appears on
the screen.

Once the game has begun, you watch the movie for the
listed events. Every time one of them occurs, everybody
takes a sip of their drink.

Drink when:
-Someone has a bad feeling about this.
-It's their only hope.
-An entire planet is described as having one climate
-Somebody gets choked.
-A woman other than Leia is on screen
-An old Jedi starts to ramble about the Force. (Vader counts.)
-Somebody's hand gets cut off.
-A gigantic technological marvel explodes in a single blast.
-There is a tremor in the Force.
-It's not someone's fault
-One or more heroes are almost eaten by a Thing
-A Jedi is much more powerful than he looks
-Someone exclaims "No!"
-Someone does something apparently suicidal that turns out to be a good idea
-Twice if it's not Han
-Someone wears the same outfit in all three movies--it counts if they change at the end
-Someone is mind-controled using the Force
-People kiss
-A good guy wears white or a bad guy wears black
-Twice if a bad guy wears white and a good guy wears black (for uniforms, only the first person on screen counts)
-Three times if someone hovering in between wears gray
-Every time you find yourself talking to the people on screen
-An elaborately made up alien has no lines
-Someone or something tries to get money from Han
-Some ship crashes into something after being hit.
-Someone has a light saber duel (includes just using light saber)
-An Ewok dies, and the camera lingers longer than it did when the Death Star exploded, killing billions of people. (Fourteen seconds. Count'em.)
-It is Luke's destiny.
-Luke whines.
-Luke discovers a long-lost relative.
-Luke fights monsters or savages.
-Luke does some nifty acrobatic flip.
-Luke teeters on the brink of a chasm.
-Luke is upside-down
-Luke and Lando are in the same place at the same time
-Twice if they speak to each other
-Luke's parentage is Foreshadowed
-Luke refuses to take someone's advice
-Luke yells "Artooooo!"
-Leia insults somebody.
-Leia wears an outfit that covers everything except her face and hands
-Twice if it covers her neck
-Three times if she's almost totally nude
-Obi-Wan Kenobi materializes for a guest appearance.
-Obi-Wan Kenobi plays detective. ("...Only Imperial -Stormtroopers are so precise.")
-Han brags about the Millenium Falcon.
-Anybody insults the Millenium Falcon.
-Something doesn't work on the Falcon
-Twice if it's the hyperdrive
-Yoda uses bad grammar.
-Yoda talks like a fortune cookie.
-R2-D2 gets thrashed.
-R2-D2 plugs into the wrong socket and his head spins around.
-C-3PO loses a body part. (Take two drinks if he is completely dismembered.)
-C-3PO informs us of just how many forms of communication he's familiar with
-A Rebel pilot is of a race other than white
-Twice if they're non human (co-pilots count)
-A Rebel Pilot says "Nice Shot..."
-A Rebel Pilot says "I've been hit..."
-Tarkin brags about the Death Star.
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Take a sip when...

  • Someone sneaks up on Giles.
  • CHUG if Giles sneaks up on someone.
  • An episode preview makes it look like a Twilight Zone rip-off.
  • Someone - usually Buffy or Xander - has more info then you might think and explain it by saying something like "I had knowledge", "Research Boy comes through with the knowledge", "What, I can't have knowledge?"
  • A teacher is portrayed as being nice, and is toasted for it.
  • A teacher (other than Ms. Calendar) is portrayed as being nice, and manages to last out the episode unscathed
  • Someone is alone in the locker room and gets whacked
  • TAKE TWO SIPS if it's shown with slow-cam approaching!
  • Willow and Xander make fun of some 'popular' activity, only to have Buffy tell them she did it at her old school (1 sip)
  • TAKE AN ADDITIONAL SIP when they immediately back-pedal
  • Someone mentions that wierd stuff gravitates to Sunnydale because of the Hellmouth.
  • Principal Snyder sounds like Quark.
  • Principal Flutie psychobabbles.
  • TAKE TWO SIPS if Principal Flutie acts human.
  • Willow makes a snarky remark, then reacts with shock that she actually vocalized it.
  • Someone comments on Buffy's "criminal" past.
  • Someone makes a Brit comment at Giles's expense.
  • Buffy utters a "Buffy-ism."
  • (This DOES NOT include CBSs (Cute Buffy Sayings) like: "Goodbye Stakes, Hello flying fatalities!" CBSs require 2 sips.)
  • Willow hacks into a restricted computer site.
  • Giles comments on the illegality of such act: sip
  • Giles hacks into a restricted computer site: chug, and buy the Watcher PCs for Dummies
  • Buffy has a quirky look on her face or does something wierd with her lips.
  • Buffy slips in front of her mom about slaying.
  • CHUG if Mom doesn't let it slide.
  • Something you Keep shows up in an episode.
  • Willow is sitting behind a keyboard.
  • Xander displays jealousy over Buffy.
  • Willow displays nervousness about her feelings for Xander.
  • Buffy displays annoyed/intrigued behavior toward Angel.
  • Angel appears and says something cryptic to Buffy.
  • Buffy gushes over Angel.
  • CHUG if Giles gushes over *anyone* or anyone over Giles.
  • Buffy stakes a vamp.
  • Buffy makes a short but pronounced grunting noise at the point of impact.
  • TAKE TWO SIPS if Buffy stakes a vamp, but they don't immediately die.
  • TAKE TWO SIPS if Buffy offs a vamp in a way other than staking.
  • Buffy beats up Giles, just for practice.
  • The Master pontificates.
  • The Master orders Buffy's death.
  • Buffy escapes the evil minions of the Master.
  • Cordelia puts someone down.
  • Someone puts Cordelia down.
  • Someone puts Cordelia down, and she has no comeback.
  • Cordelia is the victim of something paranormal, and completely misses this fact.
  • Buffy leaves the school grounds during school hours.
  • Buffy is at the Bronze on a school night.
  • TWO SIPS if she has a date.
  • If the date isn't human - CHUG AWAY.
  • Willow and Xander go off to rescue Buffy.
  • TWO SIPS if they go with Giles.
  • THREE SIPS if they actually get in some good shots.
  • Buffy goes out on a date.
  • The date lives through the experience.
  • CHUG if she is willing to ask him out for a second date.
  • The FX people obviously reuse something from another tv show.
  • TAKE TWO SIPS if it's not Moloch, the faux-Narn.
Chug when...

  • Buffy's dress is longer than mid-thigh.
  • You see Xander's or Willow's parents.
  • Giles wears the same "butt-ugly" green and white checkered shirt *again*!
  • Cordelia becomes a vampire.
  • You see Anthony Stewart Head's earring hole.
  • Willow is dressed better than Buffy.
  • Giles is better dressed than Buffy--Switch channels, you're watching VR.5!
  • Susan Lucci wins an Emmy.
Got any movies you could use for when actual women are present?


Game 1

Drink once whenever...
  • Brandon asks someone out
  • Jim and/or Cindy say something supportive (drink twice if they say it to someone else's kids)
  • Any of the Walshes refers to Minnesota
  • Steve buys something (drink twice if it's really expensive)
  • Donna agrees with Kelly (about anything)
  • Brandon gives Brenda advice/is that understanding-brother type
  • Any of the girls say something *****y or mean
  • There is a "politically correct" moment
  • It's obvious that Ahhhhndrea wants Brandon
  • It's obvious that Steve wants Brandon
  • Steve says something patronizing or macho
  • David Silver reverts to his previous geek-like ways
  • An obscure Walsh relative suddenly appears
  • One of Dylan's, uh, problems comes up (drinking, Mom, etc.)
  • Anyone actually pays for food at the Peach Pit
  • The subject of Steve's mom's TV show, Hartley House, comes up
  • There is a moral to the story
  • Anyone is in a life threatening situation
  • Andrea's name is mispronounced
  • Steve gets physical with anyone (drink twice if it's Kelly)
  • Sue, Herbert, or Nikki return
  • David and Kelly have a "brotherly/sisterly" moment
  • Steve commits a crime and gets off scot-free
  • Donna debates about sleeping with David
  • Brandon loses a bet
  • Brenda and Kelly fight over Dylan
  • Andrea has something awful happen to her for no apparent reason
  • Jackie avoids drug use during a stressful time
  • Nat urges one of the kids to "help" whatever kid is sitting dejectedly in the Peach Pit
  • Brandon meets a girl, falls in love, and gets dumped by the end of the episode
  • A boom mic lowers into the picture
  • Steve makes a weird sound when he starts talking
  • Brandon's car gets totalled/messed up/set on fire, etc.
  • The Walshes talk about installing another alarm system
  • Any Walsh neighbors appear on the show
  • An environmental related issue is subliminally mentioned on the show (recycling, environmental impact studies, etc.)
  • We see the blue backdrop when the door is opened to the Peach Pit
  • Surfing is mentioned by Dylan
  • That cheesy sad piano version of the 90210 theme song is played
  • Brandon dances or sings on the show
  • We see Jim in his underpants on the show
  • We see Cindy pretend to dial 911 then put the phone down without disconnecting
  • The original opening is used on the older episodes when Douglas
  • Emerson was still a cast member
  • They have another party at the spooky haunted looking house that they used in the Halloween show
  • Anyone on the show says, "I love it, and I love you!"
  • Steve's grandfather appears on the show again
  • The Beverly Hills Patrol beats someone up again
  • Any of the 90210 parents besides Jim and Cindy appear on the show
  • Anytime a 90210 cast member guest stars on another FOX program
  • Kyle (he who is unsure whether or not he likes girls) reappears
Drink everything within reach if...
  • Jim slaps Cindy
  • Robinson Ashe or Cousin Bobby reappears (Bobby was the guy in the
  • wheelchair who liked Kelly)
  • David's friend Scott comes back from the dead
  • David and Donna go all the way
  • David Silver eats poprocks and soda at the same time
  • Donna says something mind-numbingly brilliant
  • David falls and breaks his nose dancing
  • It rains without having a major bearing on the story
  • David gets a recording contract
  • David or Donna lose their virginity
  • Another character gets pregnant
  • Any character gets married
  • Steve commits murder and gets off scot-free
  • No one shows up at the Walshes for a major holiday
  • Mrs. Scanlon ever shows up again
  • The gang is saved from death again by divine intervention
  • Dylan goes an entire episode without brooding
  • Kyle decides he is definitely homosexual
  • Kyle sleeps with Kelly
  • Anyone uses the word "ballistic" again
Game 2

Ok, folks, here it is: the semi-official 1993 Beverly Hills, 90210 drinking game. IMHO, you'd have to be not sober to watch it anyway, but's that's JMO, right? :-) One word of warning: if you play this game as described, yo will possibly wind up with alcohol poisoning. If you play this game using something non-alcoholic, your bladder will probably explode by the first commercial break.
Provided by: Jonathan M. Vinson [email protected], Author unknown
Drink whenever anyone:
Gets laid:
  • 1 drink for Dylan, Steve, Kelly or Brandon.
  • 2 for Brenda, and chug for Andrea or Donna.
  • If David ever gets laid, sell your wordly possessions and prepare for impending apocalypse.
  • Tries to act intellectual: 1 drink
  • Faces a moral dilemma: 1 drink
  • Rosolves said dilemma stupidly: 2 drinks
  • Rosolves said dilemma intelligently: chug
  • Engages in witty banter with the senior Walshes: 2 drinks
  • Engages in witty banter with Nat at the Peach Pit: 1 drink
  • Goes to the Peach Pit: 1 drink
  • Attempts to engage Donna in thoughtful conversation: 3 drinks
  • Wears a bathing suit
  • 1 drink
  • 2 if it's a bikini.
  • 3 if it's Andrea or Donna.
  • 4 for Bren.
  • Has a flashback - 1 swig straight from the bottle
  • Whenever someone successfully calls a plot twist - 1 drink
  • If you wrongly call a plot twist, but it's better than the show's writers could come up with - 2 drinks
  • Gets laid -1 drink
  • Flirts with woman - 1 drink
  • Walks funny - 1 drink
  • Considers cheating on current SO - 1 drink
  • Cheats on SO - 2 drinks
  • Surfs - 2 drinks
  • Acts stupidly macho - 2 drinks
  • Makes literary reference - 3 drinks
  • Reads or has someone read a sample of his writing - chug
  • Looks clueless - 1 drink
  • Changes hairstyle to somthing resembly a hockey puck - 3 drinks
  • Acts moralistic - 1 drink
  • Looks glum - 1 drink
  • Pats someone on the shoulder - 2 drinks
  • Walks into the Peach Pit and says, "Hey, Nat!" - 1 drink
  • Gets nosy - 2 drinks
  • Calls anyone by a contraction of their name ( e.g. "Bren", "Kel",etc.)
  • Calls Steve "Steve-O" or "Steve-a-rino" - 3 drinks
  • Acts dumb - so what else is new?
  • Does something really, *really* dumb - 2 drinks
  • Frustrates David sexually - 1 drink
  • Makes dumb facial expression - 2 drinks
  • Chews gum - 2 drinks
  • Looks bewildered - 2 drinks
  • Wears bikini - 2 drinks
  • Wears spandex - 3 drinks
  • Has her body parts roamed over by the cameraman - chug
  • Is told she looks beautiful - 2 drinks
  • Gets drunk - 2 drinks
  • Acts *****y - 1 drink
  • Acts *really* *****y - 2 drinks
  • Acts *really, really* *****y - 3 drinks
  • Acts like a normal, pleasant human being - 4 drinks
  • Worries - 1 drink
  • Cries - 2 drinks
  • Thinks a guy is cute - 1 drink
  • Fakes an accent (not French) - 1 drink
  • Fakes an accent (French) - 2 drinks
  • Does LaVerne - 3 drinks
  • Is sad - 1 drink
  • Is happy - 2 drinks
  • Smiles (no teeth) - 3 drinks
  • Smile (teeth) - 4 drinks
  • Reference is made to her ****ty days - 1 drink
  • Reference is made to her nose job - 1 drink
  • Does something stupid - 1 drink
  • Gets a make-out scene - 1 drink
  • Says, "Brenda, I can't believe you're *smoking*" or some such - 3 drinks
  • Breaks up with Dylan - 2 drinks
  • Looks dumb - 1 drink
  • Acts dumb - 1 drink
  • Commits felony - 2 drinks
  • Tries to act cool - 2 drinks
  • Hits on a woman - 3 drinks
  • Actually succeeds with a woman - 4 drinks
  • Cheats on said woman - 2 drinks
  • Says something lascivious about a woman (usu. to Brandon) - 2 drinks
  • Does soemthing abysmally stupid - 2 drinks
  • Does anything dorky - 1 drink
  • Wants to screw Donna - 2 drinks
  • Is shown "on the air" - 2 drinks
  • Dances - 3 drinks
  • Gets pissed off - 1 drink
  • Gets laid - Yeah. Right.
  • Shows up - 2 drinks
  • Dresses like a geek - 1 drink
The Walshes
  • Smile, act supportive, or mention Minnesota - 1 drink
  • Do all three in one scene - chug
  • Is shown anywhere outside the Peach Pit - 1 drink
  • Acts happy to see Brenda - 2 drinks
  • Acts happy to see Brandon - 1 drink
  • Tells a story - 2 drinks
Game 3

By: Andrew Ross Falconer [email protected]
a.k.a. 'Drinkin with Dylan'
The rules are simple, and feel free to add to them! (But be sure to mail me new rules, so I can add them to the list)
  • Dylan drinks
  • Exposed midriffs
  • Parents in bathrobes
  • References to Brenda
  • Firm male handshakes
  • "hey bro" (2 drinks if Brandon says it)
  • Donna shows cleavage
  • Intro music (2 drinks, 1 for guitar, 1 for drum machine)
  • Steve hits on girl
  • Anyone hits on Brandon
  • Sympathy hugs
  • Andrea whines
  • Jesse flashes cheesy smile
  • Dylan gets laid (1 drink) Brandon... (3 drinks) Steve... (5 drinks)
  • Claire wants to have sex
  • Anytime Donna re-affirms her virginity til marriage
  • Substance abuse
  • Any random quote that deserves a drink (must be voted on by those playing)
  • Any prediction made by player that comes true
  • And of course...whenever anybody insults you for watching 90210!
And there you have it, if you're not passed out by the end of the show, add more rules! 90210 can be a truly interactive experience, if you drink enough!


Rules of the Game

When you hear a predetermined word or phrase, you must drink. Here are some of the catch phrases you MUST use for optimum enjoyment of this game:
  • Farmboy
  • As you wish.
  • Buttercup
  • Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
  • Inconceivable
  • True love.
  • Mawige.
  • Humperdink
  • Man in black.
  • Boo!
  • Rodents of unusual size
  • you truly have a dizzying intellect. Wait till I get going!
  • What's so funny? I'll tell you in a minute.
  • ...and dream of large women.
  • hahahahahahahahahahaha... (thud)
  • I am not left-handed!
  • I'm not left-handed either!
  • Life is pain, highness...anyone that says otherwise is selling something.
  • Ever heard of Aristotle? Socrates? Yes. Morons.
  • Anybody want a peanut?
  • My way isn't sportsmanlike.
It is important to drink when ANY character says these catch phrases, as they occur in many places, even in the narration. You'll find that they occur more frequently than you might think.
Variations of the Game

  1. You may assign one character to each player. Whenever that character says or does something cool, that player must drink.
  2. You may do the same with lines by assigning one or more cues to each player. (We've drawn out of a hat before.)
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So uh, elephant in the room, but this is a video game forum. Maybe you didn't notice.
So uh, elephant in the room, but this is a video game forum. Maybe you didn't notice.

I noticed. I just think the people running this site are being a little short sited with such limitations. I'd prefer sitting around a table with actual people playing D&D than sit at a computer monitor all alone playing WoW. Get out and meet people dammit!
I noticed. I just think the people running this site are being a little short sited with such limitations. I'd prefer sitting around a table with actual people playing D&D than sit at a computer monitor all alone playing WoW. Get out and meet people dammit!

Im sorry, anyone sitting around a table playing D&D is just as bad if not worse than someone sitting at a comp playing WoW.
I noticed. I just think the people running this site are being a little short sited with such limitations. I'd prefer sitting around a table with actual people playing D&D than sit at a computer monitor all alone playing WoW. Get out and meet people dammit!

Ignoring your misconception that people who play video games are loners, all I meant was that your thread would probably have been better off in The Community Diner section of the forums.
Im sorry, anyone sitting around a table playing D&D is just as bad if not worse than someone sitting at a comp playing WoW.

How? Socializing with good friends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sitting in front of a monitor and socializing with jackasses on the internet.
The 24 Drinking Game

Drink once whenever

  • Jack kills somebody.
  • Somebody summarizes what's been going on in the past couple hours.
  • Something bad happens to Kim.
  • There's a split screen.
  • Palmer has a speech about how he won't trash his morals, you know, the usual ********.
  • Jack defies orders.
  • A CTU employee looks at another CTU employee suspiciously.
  • Somebody mentions the amount of time it will take for something to be accomplished (i.e., "The Delta squad won't be there for another twenty minutes").
Drink twice whenever

  • A CTU employee other than Jack kills somebody.
  • Some annoying authority figure shows up (Chappelle, Alberta Green, etc.).
  • There is an obvious lapse in continuity (i.e., Kim says that Gael is a mole and in the next scene we see him on the run).
  • Somebody mentions Terri (Season One doesn't count).
  • Somebody is revealed to be a mole/traitor, or an important object turns out to be a decoy/red herring.
  • Somebody other than Jack defies orders.
  • A main character dies.
Drink three times whenever

  • A supporting character from a previous season shows up (Nina, Mandy, Sherry, Kate, etc.)
  • CTU goes into lockdown.
Finish the drink whenever

  • The main villain changes (example - Gaines to Drazen).
  • The final minute does not include a surprise/cliffhanger.
The Frasier Drinking Game:

Take one drink when...

  • Frasier says, "I'm listening." (two drinks if he's not on the air)
  • Frasier makes some snide comment about Roz's love life
  • Frasier mentions anything related to "Cheers" (the bar, Boston, any of the characters...two drinks if he mentions Lilith or Frederick ...three if he mentions Diane Chambers)
  • Frasier threatens to have Eddie stuffed/put to sleep/some other nasty deed/etc. (two drinks if these threats apply to Martin)
  • Niles makes some snide comment about Roz's love life
  • Niles makes some snide comment about Frasier's receding hairline
  • Niles dusts his chair at Cafe Nervosa
  • Daphne mentions her brothers or Granny Moon
  • Daphne makes some suggestive comment that cause Niles to leer/gasp/ fall over himself/drop something/etc.
  • Roz mentions a "hot date" she happened to have the other night
  • Roz complains about NOT having a "hot date"
  • Bulldog makes a sexist comment/gesture (two drinks if nobody beats the crud out of him for doing so)

Take two drinks when...

  • Any character from "Cheers" pays a visit (note: three if it's Lilith or Frederick, four if it's Diane Chambers)
  • Frasier's first wife Nanny Gee pays a visit (drink everything in sight if she's played once again by Emma Thompson)
  • Frasier's agent Bibi pays a visit (drink everything in sight if for some reason they sleep together again)
  • You guess correctly who the celebrity caller is before the closing credits (drink everything in sight if the caller is the magically digitized voice of John Lennon, who happened to record a phone call before his death only to have the tape found by Yoko and mixed by the three remaining Beatles)
  • (Updated from Jan. 30 episode) Frasier wears shorts again

Drink everything in sight if...

  • (Lord willing) We finally see Maris!
  • Frasier and Lilith reconcile (if Frasier and DIANE reconcile, run to the nearest liquor store and restock)
  • Frasier gets custody of Frederick
  • Niles and Daphne sleep together (If Niles sleeps with Roz, run to nearest Bennigan's and drain them dry)
  • Frasier or Niles loses his psychiatric license
  • Frasier's radio show gets cancelled and is replaced by Howard Stern
  • Frasier's show wins the Peabody Award (note: the radio show that is. "Frasier" the series won the Peabody Award in 1995)
  • Frasier moves back to Boston, marries Carla Tortelli, and has six more kids
The House Drinking Game

  • When Gregory House pops a Vicodin, take a drink.
  • If he goes the entire episode without popping a Vicodin, take three .
  • When someone has a seizure, take a drink.
  • When someone goes into cardiac arrest, take a drink.
  • When a patient bleeds profusely, take a drink.
  • When a patient spews fluid from a body orifice, take a drink.
  • When a patient spews blood from a body orifice, take two drinks.
  • When a patient doubts House’s diagnosis, take a drink.
  • When House’s team disagrees with his diagnosis, take a drink for each member of the team.
  • When Cuddy countermands House’s orders, take a drink.
  • When House acts against Cuddy or hospital rules, take a drink.
  • When House insults one of his clinic patients, take a drink.
  • When House talks down to one of the hospital staff, take a drink.
  • When House or his team illegally searches someone’s home, take a drink.
  • When House and his team performs any medical procedure against the patient’s wishes, take a drink.
  • Whenever you find out a patient is fibbing on his medical history, take a drink.
  • Whenever House lies in a patient report, take a drink.
  • Then, when House tells a patient he’ll die unless he cooperates, take a drink.
  • Every time there is sexual tension between two characters, take a drink for every doctor involved. (Borrowed from the Grey’s Anatomy drinking game.)
  • Every time House makes an inappropriate sexual comment to Cuddy or Cameron, take a drink.
  • Every time House makes an insensitive racial remark to Foreman, take a drink.
  • Every time House makes fun of Aussies to Chase, take a drink. (Hey, we can’t leave him out!)
  • Whenever someone makes a current-event or pop-culture reference, take a drink. (Borrowed from the Gilmore Girls drinking game.)
  • Every time someone has mommy or daddy issues, take a drink.
  • Every time it’s not lupus, take a drink.
  • If they think it might be cancer, take a drink.
  • If they have to choose which tests to do, because they’re out of time or there’s some other restraint, take a drink.
  • If they perform every test they can think of on a diagnostic fishing expedition, no matter the cost, take a drink.
The Antiques Roadshow Drinking Game

  1. The item is worth less because it has been refinished or repaired. Drink twice if it's one of the Keno brothers breaking that news to the collector. Drink 3 times if the item is worth less than 20% of what it would have been worth had it not been refinished or repaired.
  2. Anyone says "veneer." (In tribute to Frasier.)
  3. Someone uses the word "provenance." Drink twice if the appraiser says the item is more valuable because the collector has documentation of the provenance.
  4. The collector found it in the attic/basement of their house when they moved in.
  5. The item belonged to someone now dead and the collector had asked for it.
  6. The appraiser says "This is one of the best examples of [fill in the blank] I've ever seen!" Drink twice if s/he goes on to say the item is "impossible to value" or "priceless" because it's so special.
  7. When asked, "Do you know how much it's worth?," the collector says "I have no idea!" [Must be exact quote.]
  8. If it's a letter written by a former president or Civil War hero.
  9. If an item is worth more than $100,000. Drink twice if the item is not furniture or jewelry.
  10. Anyone is seen wearing a bow tie.
  11. If the collector is a child. Drink twice if the child actually seems to know anything about what s/he has brought.
  12. If an item is a fake, replica or forgery. Drink twice if it's worth more because it is a fake, replica or forgery. Drink twice if the owner claims that s/he knew it was a fake, replica or forgery, but just wanted to know if it was worth anything anyway.
  13. If the collector says "well we'll still enjoy it" when s/he finds out the item is worthless.
  14. If the collector paid less than 1/10th the value of the item, or found it. [Inherited items do not count in this category.]
  15. If the collector says, "well, I guess I won't be using it as a [planter, serving dish, or other inappropriate use] any more!" after finding out what an item is worth.
Ignoring your misconception that people who play video games are loners, all I meant was that your thread would probably have been better off in The Community Diner section of the forums.

Didn't really know where I should put it. The title of the board says 'Games' not 'Video Games'. Seems to me there should be sections in a "Games" board for RPGs, board games, etc. And I used to spend hours playing Nintendo. Not really the most social past time in the world.
I'd prefer sitting around a table with actual people playing D&D than sit at a computer monitor all alone playing WoW. Get out and meet people dammit!

I think you need to reassess your definition of "get out and meet people." I'm not one to judge what anyone does but I dont think sitting around a D&D board with people you know drinking Twisted Teas every time Ookla the Moch howls really qualifies.
How? Socializing with good friends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sitting in front of a monitor and socializing with jackasses on the internet.

Its D&D. Nuff said.
I assumed this was a Video Game drinking games tread???:huh:

Halo Drinking game:

1. Drink everythime you hear a 13 year old swearing/b*******
2. That's it. You'll be ****canned in no time.:dry:
I assumed this was a Video Game drinking games tread???:huh:

Halo Drinking game:

1. Drink everythime you hear a 13 year old swearing/b*******
2. That's it. You'll be ****canned in no time.:dry:

You could interpret it that way if you like.

Super Mario Brothers Drinking Game

Take A Sip Whenever:

You catch a mushroom

Take A Chug Whenever:

You catch a flower

You you catch a star

You skip a level

Finish Your Beer Whenever:

You wrap a level

The Tecmo World Wrestling Drinking Game

Take A Sip Whenever:

You win a match

Take A Chug Whenever:

You lose a match and have to beef up your wrestler

Take 2 Chugs Whenever:

You have to face The Blue Demon

Finish Your Beer Whenever:

You beat The Blue Demon

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