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DTL Season 4-Week 3 (Set 4)


Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
The rules:
This is one of four threads, each containing two match ups.
The threads will be in use for 6 days.
Days 1-4 (Thursday-Sunday) are strictly setup time for owners to plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help from you, the fan.

When Day 5 (Monday) rolls around, I’ll post and tell everyone that voting may begin. Only after doing so will voting start. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count.
To vote, look over the matchups and read the owners strategies and take them into consideration. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match up and post up the teams you think will prevail.
(Note: The length of a writeup is up to the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, give each writeup a score out of 10, with the team you feel winning the match earning the higher score. No tie votes are allowed, one team must get a higher score, even if only by a single vote.

Remember, to vote for each match up or your vote will not count!

The teams with the highest vote total at the end of the 6th day (Tuesday) will get a W while the other will get an L.

The battleground for this week is: Wayne Manor and the surrounding grounds.

for week 3. Any team whose lineup isn't listed will be using the lineup from last week.

The Collective POWdER of the Superegos
Cassandra Nova (MU)
Green Lantern (Kal-El) (DU)
Shaman (MM)
Prometheus (DR)
Morph (MR)


Devastating Silence
Captain Marvel (Genis x2) (MU)
Protex (DU)
Blink (MR)
Plastic Man (Dark Knight Strikes Back) (DR)
Tap (DR)


Claws of Veeshan
Quasar (MU)
Mordru (Princes of Darkness) (DU)
Iceman (Age of Apocalypse) (MM)
Zauriel (DR)
Aztek (DR)

The Tea Baggers
The Ancient One (MU)
Black Adam (DU)
Iceman (MM)
Adolf Hitler (Spear Of Destiny) (DR)
Amazing Man II (DR)
Location: Wayne Manor(The Day Before)


The Collective POWdER of the Superegos
Cassandra Nova (MU)
Green Lantern (Kal-El) (DU)
Shaman (MM)
Prometheus (DR)
Morph (MR)


Devastating Silence
Captain Marvel (Genis x2) (MU)
Protex (DU)
Blink (MR)
Plastic Man (Dark Knight Strikes Back) (DR)
Tap (DR)

Materializing once again... Tap: Didn't I just die?

PlasticMan: I wouldn't appear that way, but you should can count on the ugly white guy trying to get a couple pokes in while you not looking-

Genis: Shut up you two. With all our knowledge(including what Blink brought back from the 'Crystal Palace'), we know that:

Cassandra Nova - a very powerful telepath
Green Lantern (Kal-El) - ... Superman with a Green Lantern Ring
Shaman - a accomplished sorcerer
and Morph - Shape Shifter with less elasticity than you, Plastic Man

That leaves Prometheus as our only unknown... Blink and Tap, you two will ofcourse play a huge part in todays fight. Without boosting your powers, Blink, I will share some cosmic awareness, helping you navigate the estate. The main job you have is defense....

Blah, Blah, Blah...

... On to battle ...
AS, you know characters aren't allowed to remember their death. I know it's your 'thing', but they're not supposed to.
Location: Wayne Manor


The Collective POWdER of the Superegos
Cassandra Nova (MU)
Green Lantern (Kal-El) (DU)
Shaman (MM)
Prometheus (DR)
Morph (MR)


Devastating Silence
Captain Marvel (Genis x2) (MU)
Protex (DU)
Blink (MR)
Plastic Man (Dark Knight Strikes Back) (DR)
Tap (DR)

As the match begins, the teams are set into thier opposing positions on the Manor.. Devistating Silence at the enterance gates of The Wayne Manor and The Collective POWdER of the Superegos inside the 'Bat Cave'....

And to the other team...

Pulling an item from his pouch, Shaman: They are at the gates of this estate.

Superman: Let them come to us.

Cassandra: I was only able sense them for seconds before I was block by thier telepath. I'm sure they know where we are.

Superman: Good. Prometheus and Morph, Your with me. Shaman, keep you and Cassandra shielded. Allow her to focus all her power and be ready with a spell of sorts for Protex, I'll handle Marvel.

Now to Devistating Silence...

Telepathically blocking Cassandra, Protex: Thier in the Bat Cave. I know exactly where they are..

Genis: But you couldn't get information on Prometheus because your both blocking each other now and now you can't sense where the others are and just as well for her?

Standing Straight up in a tuxedo, PlasticMan: Information that must be said to be true... And informing to the readers...

Blink: I can teleport us straight to them-

Genis: No. Shaman is protecting her.

Protex: How do you know?

Genis: I have the experience of many millenia of using my powers and only after they had burnt out on me did I actually have full control over them... I'm "Genis x2" because not only do I have the power, but I also have total control.... Blink. Stay with Protex and Plastic Man. Plastic Man and Tap. Come with me.

In the shape of a question-mark, PasticMan: Um... Boss. I think you misscalculate the people on the team.... There is only ONE of me...

Genis: Tie yourself to something and prepare to grap and retract....

While with the other team....

Watching the scrying mirror, Shaman: Thier comming. Marvel, Plastic Man and Tap.

Begining the battle off, Captain Marvel grabs Tap and has Plastic Man wrap around him.. Focusing hard, Genis extends and open hand in the direction of the back cave, Freezing a direct path of fragile ice to The Collective POWdER of the Superegos...

Totally impressed, Blink: How'd you do that?

Genis: By focussing on and removing all the Ambient energy from her to our opponents


Superman: Shaman. Block the hole after I leave...

Captain Marvel and Tap Vs. Superman

Genis: ... Hes comming for us now... Plastic Man, stay on me untill I say. Tap... Do you thing.

As Captain Marvel quickly enters the ice shaft, Superman raises a Green armor, readying for a high speed power punch.... With the combind SuperFlightSpeed of the Green Lantern Ring and Kal-el's own abilities, Superman reachs Captain Marvel, Clobbering his shield. The shockwave resulting caves in a piece of the Bat Cave as well as taking Devistating Silence off balance and sending Captain Marvel back through the tunnel, stopping about fifty feet in the sky...

Cassandra: Shaman, teleport Prometheus to the other team. And please. Throw up a telepathic shield if you can... Protex is proving a little too much for wear.

Devistating Silence Vs. Superman and Prometheus

Reacting quickly, Blink teleports herself behind Superman, teleporting him into outer-space and teleporting herself back to the ground...

Genis: Plastic Man, remember when I told you to get ready to grab and retract?... Get Prometheus- Grab and Retract.

Peering back at the ground, Plastic man watchs as Prometheus hopes out of the portal made by Shaman... As only of Plastic Mans legs lets go of what he was holding to, Plastic Man snatchs Prometheus, covering him entirely and letting his other leg go, Plastic Man catapults Prometheus right into Captain Marvel...


Plastic Man lets inertia do the rest, releases Prometheus into the mercy of Captain Marvel, who throws a punch that seperates Prometheus' head from his shoulders... Flying back to ground level, Captain Marvel (Genis x2) replays for them the sequence of events that had just transpired and the next battle about to emerge...

Genis: That is only one senario of infinite others that have been preordained for the next 5 minutes.

Blink: But how did you know which one was going to happen?..

Genis: With millenias of experience...

Protex Vs. Shaman and Cassandra

As her eyes widen, Cassandr Nova has noticed how nothing has yet transpired from the Alien known as Protex...

Cassandra: Sha-

Snapping the Shamans neck, Protex has lost the advantage of suprise...

Fiercely lashing out(and no longer protecting anyone else), Cassandra: YOU CAN NOT WIN!.. Morph!

Cringing under Cassandra's power, Protex uses his 'Martain Vision' to sear Morph in half, but Falls to the ground in agony.

As Superman arrives, Genis: Blink! Invade!

By that command, Blink teleports herself, Tap and Plastic Man into the Batcave some 50 yards away from Cassandra Nova(Navigated by the small amount of Cosmic Awareness given to her by Captain Marvel).

Captain Marvel (Genis x2) Vs. Green Lantern (Kal-El)

Swiftly arriving, Superman has noticed how Captain Marvel only watchs as he returns....

Genis: (Yelling)Please. A temperary break from the fighting, if you would..?

Stopping at a distance, Kal-El: And why should I trust you?

Genis: Obviously your files have shown you that I'm a man of my word, or wouldn't even of stopped to talk.

Kal-El: So why are we stopping?

Genis: Because. I'm witnessing first hand on how my team is defeating yours...

Getting pissed, Kal-El: How Dare You!

Genis: I've already instructed my team to leave you to me(unless you have very decisive upper-hand). So I thought, being the "Men of Honor" that we are... Op. Nevermind. Thier done now. Lets go.

Once again, raising his shields, Kal-El uses both the ring and his abilities to keep the upper-hand in speed, strength and just plain cunning.

Dodging, Genis: Ha Ha Ha. Try something else.

Smashing Genis with a wall, Kal-El uses this chance to get in close, Grabbing Captain Marvel by his ankly, GL throws Genis into the Earth below and follows up with a massize blast of lasers from his eyes and ring.

[ To Be Continued ]

Protex, Blink, Tap and Plastic Man Vs
. Cassandra

Watching in the shadows, Blink: (O my god... Morph!)Tap, can you reach her?

Tap: Too far out... We'll need to get some 30-35 yards closer.

Being flame tortured by Cassandra, Protex: Aaaaahhhhhh!

Blink: We have to get out there! Shes going to kill him!

Before finishing off Protex, Cassandra: You never stood a chance.. Any last words.?

Telepathically, Protex: NOW!!

Intercepting the message, Cassandra knows if she leaves Protex lay, he could still very well be the end of her(Receiving the message, Blink Teleports the three within ten feet of Cassandra). Finishing Protex off with a huge burst of flame and telekinetics, she races to mind control, but has already lost her powers...

Fulling wrapping up Cassandra, PlasticMan: I know I don't need to do this.. But I've been locked in a ball position for 50! YEARS!.. Guys gotta get some sort of action- even though it is from a 1,000 year old grandma.

Holding an already passed out Morph, Blink: Suffacate her. But don't kill'r... Theres been enough of that already...

Bracing as the Bat Cave shutters, Tap: That means Kal-El is back... Lets get this over with...

Genis x2, Blink, Plastic Man and Tap Vs. Green Lantern (Kal-El)

o, yea



Like That.

Nico is done
Harlekin said:
AS, you know characters aren't allowed to remember their death. I know it's your 'thing', but they're not supposed to.
Well, I say, as long as they can see everything up to thier death.... They know they died... Plus i don't see what it effects... at all.

besides, He doesn't remember it. Hes confused about what just happened(see as he did see a dragon go to step on him...
They cannot know they died. If they know they'll come back after dying, then death becomes meaningless and it cheapens its use in battle. So the characters need to forget that they died, and anything that would let them remember or conclude that they, or their teamates, died. The best way to handle it is just not mention it again.
wiegeabo said:
They cannot know they died. If they know they'll come back after dying, then death becomes meaningless and it cheapens its use in battle. So the characters need to forget that they died, and anything that would let them remember or conclude that they, or their teamates, died. The best way to handle it is just not mention it again.
To some characters death matters no matter what.

Plus the rule is that we can have them remember past battles and THAT THIER IN A LEAGUE of the champions.

Thats just a dead give away right there...

****All they have to do is pull a little 'Common Sense'... And, BLAM!
[/COLOR]The Collective POWdER of the Superegos

Cassandra Nova 1 2 3 4


Prometheus 1 2 3


Green Lantern (Kal-El) Since this character was a one shot deal, there is no direct link to his powers but he would possess powers of Superman with a Green Lantern ring. Superman Green Lantern


Shaman BIO 1 2


Morph (eXiles) BIO 1 2

Excellent job High Evolutionary. You have proven your worth last week with that imressive win.

Well, we were certainly not going to fail once again.

Indeed. Well for your glory, I will allow you to rest so you'll be ready for another day.

So what about the others?

Well the other four returned for another week. The only change was the one who replaced you. Her name is Cassandra Nova.

Cassandra....yes there was a large affair involving the Shi'ar Empire and the X-men. She was powerful enough to take them on together, so I could see why you have brought her in.

Scene fades to the four others being joined by a new guest at the Crystal Palace.

"Where am I? What's going on here."

"Man doesn't that sound familiar. So what's your name? Is it Miss Daisy or Big Momma?"

"Cassandra....Cassandra Nova...."

Everyone looks at each other not knowing the frail looking woman that stands before them. How can she be of any assistance to us they thought.

"Easily my children. I can tell you that two of you belong to an alternate universe with different names and faces that neither of them I recognize, one of you belongs to that Canadian X-men want-to-be team, and another one of you watches too much porn."

"My vote is on the indian."

"Shut up Morph", as the four others seem to say in unison.

"Pfft, so you're a telepath, big deal, so was the purple guy and he can do alot more."

"Aww but some things are more than they appear." And with a thought she uses her Telekinesis to dismantle Prometheus' helmet. She turns and shoots a blast at Morph which knocks him down. She then uses her telepathy to shut down Shaman's mind before he could reach into his bag.

"Such a waste, I am nothing...," Shaman blurts out before slumping to the ground

Seeing enough, Kal-El reacts quickly and uses his heat vision. "I hate to use it but she must be taken down," he thinks to himself.

With a blast he burns right through her torso and right before his eyes he sees her body reform herself.

"Come child, don't be afraid," she states as her psi-plasmic armour forms around her, "I have only come to help."

But before they should engage further a loud voice echoes through the room.

ENOUGH, you will stand down. You must learn to cooperate, if you should get beyond your next competitors. Here are the names and faces of the ones you will meet next. End this childish behaviour now or our next encounter will not be as pleasant.

After a brief introduction they began reviewing the recent information they obtained.

Captain Marvel (Genis x2)
Plastic Man (Dark Knight Strikes Back)

AFter looking through the names Morph eyes light up. "Oh no, not Blinky. She can't be involve in this. You can't expect me to fight my friend."

"Silence mutant, we have no friends in this competition. The earlier you realize this the better. Obviously Morph has a problem in facing Blink so he should stay as far as possible from her."

"Well from the Crystal Palace we have information on Captain Marvel, and Blink. So by the looks of it Kal-El seems to have the most appropriate powers to deal with Captain Marvell."

"Yeah, get blue tights over there to take the pummeling. I enjoy seeing him fight the big ones."

"I don't understand why you keep referring me as blue tights but I will accept this challenge."

"Continuing on to Blink, who should we have meet up with her?"

Morph, appearing rejected from this news he knows who they will decide to face Blink.

"I will take her out just for the fact that this is our very own loud mouth's best friend."


"Easy boy, I will take good care of her. Trust me, I will show her a good time."

"I SWEAR, if you hurt one hair on her body, I will program that little helmet of yours to make you continue punching yourself in the franks and beans..."

NO! I will take on Blink. From what Morph has told me, an alternate universe of me use to be good friends with her. I will subdue her without terribly injuring her. I believe that is what my...I would have wanted.

"Fine, Shaman will face Blink. Moving on, these other three must be part of this universe you come from Prometheus."

"Yeah Plastic Man is an obvious decision. His powers are quite similiar to Morph so he would be the most logical choice. He even has an annoying sense of humour. Maybe they can take each other out, and we don't have to deal with either one's excessive blubbery anymore."

"Hmm, really? Well if that's the case, I am going to have get ready for my date. Should I wear the black or red dress? Oh my, so little time, so much work to do. My stars, what should I say to him? Does he like blondes or brunettes..redheads...oh I know, I bet the bald ones get him going...."

"Damn it, shut up Morph," Prometheus strikes back. "With that settled, let's move on to our next combatant, Protex. From the information I stole from the JLU I have a bit of information on him. Protex has Martian strength, speed, invulnerability, vision, telepathy, invisibility, and shapeshifting powers. I think you would be the best match for him Cassandra."

"Hmm, so be it. I will face this Protex. So that leaves Tap to face you Prometheus. Is there anything you can tell us about him?"

Not really sure about this one. Suggesting from his name, he must somehow "tap" into others powers maybe. He must alter them in someway or steal them. Of course I could be way off base on this. Luckily I can adapt to the situation but we are going to have to be careful with this one. Stay away from him as much as possible and if I am in trouble, Cassandra will have our minds linked so you'll know right away.

"So that's that, lets go get some rest. We will be fighting in Wayne Manor tomorrow. Does anyone have any idea on this location?"

Everyone looks at each other with blank stares.

"Could it be Wayne Gretzky's house? If so, I got to get his autograph, he's my hero. He married Janet Jones when she was hot. "

"With that said good night."
The five appear in a dark cave, unknown to our combatants, this is the legendary Batcave.

Cassandra immediately puts a shield up of their minds. "This should keep any telepaths out of our heads until we get abetter idea who we are facing."

Hmm, using my super hearing I can tell they are about 85 feet away and closing and two floors above us.

Prometheus takes a more of an interest of his surroundings. When is eyes are caught by the unmistakenable outfit hanging like a shrine. "Robin?" He continues searching around the room, a wide array of weapons, tools, a large computer, and then sunddenly while almost bumping into it. "OH MY GOD! It can't be, this is the Batmobile! We are in the batcave! This is Batman's lair, this is where he lives," as he ponders some more. "Wayne Manor? Could this be...Bruce...", but before he would finish he gets interupted.

"Prometheus!" With a deafening teleapthic shout Cassandra get's his attention. "Get your attention back into the game. You can come back to this later"

"Ok guys, spread out our forces just like we talked about. Individually we take them down, and go to the next person who needs help. "

With that said Kal-El shoots out of the batcave entrance. Shaman teleports himself onto the top floor of the mansion and Morph transforms himself into liquid and goes up the pipes of the mansion.

"Man how come I get all the ****ty jobs around here, litterally. They won't need a telepath to find me, they will probably smell me a mile away. If only Wolverine was around, he would be happy to know I can smell now."

"Oh well. (singing to the tune of "I've been working on the railroad") I've been climbing up the sewer pipe, just to pass the time away. Can't you see that I really hate this, why do I get stuck with the worst jobs...."

Prometheus goes up directly the stairs. "All your secrets will be mine after this. I will know everything about you now, you won't be able to hide once this is done."

Cassandra vs Protex

"So that leaves poor little me. What shall I do?" As she uses her TK to soar in the air and than phasing through the cave's ceiling. Continuing her trek she passes through the house's foundation and floor boards until she reaches the main level.

"Thank you for saving me the effort of trying to find you. You remind me of a sweet old lady but I have been told enough about you to know that you must be finished quickly." And with that said he tries to take Cassandra out with a powerful mental blast.
"Oh darling, you think you know what I am capable of. You have no idea. Let me show you some wonderful things."

"No, get....out of my.....head.....I will fight you....."

"Oh you will, but that doesn't matter much. I have beaten telepaths stronger than you. You will fall to a far more superior being, fall to your master."

"I must fight on...can't let you in....."

"Oh my, is there something the matter," she says calmly as a drop of blood flows out of her nose. "Ah yes, there we are. You shouldn't have tried to attack me with your telepathy, if you hadn't you might have been able to hold out until help arrived. But little chance that would have helped anyways. Good night."

"Must....Can't...go on...." And just like the lights of the room, Protex's mind is shut down. Nothing moves but the pool of blood that continues to grow in size from all of Protex's orifices.

"My what a mess, thankfully I don't have to clean it up. Hmm what shall I do now? My teamates can help themselves not that I care anything about their fates, and if they can't beat their opponent, I will just beat whoever is left."

Shaman vs Blink




"Damn I can't find her anywhere," Shaman states as he continues to teleport from room to room and all over the compound. "I must find her before anyone else does."

What's this? As he goes to pick up a torn piece of cloth. As he bends, for closer inspection he hears a sound just behind him. <BLINK> He turns as a foot collides with his jaw sending him careening into the ground.

Blink doesn't let up as she knows this isn't her friend, but she still doesn't want to hurt him. She has had to do that alot in her time as an eXile. Hurt those she has cared about, those she had respected, those she had believed in.

With a fury of punches and kicks, she realizes she is running out of time. She is no match for a powerful mage and she is at a disadvantage.

"I will send you to Savage Land. You will be safe there and I won't have to hurt you. You can find your way back. Good luck," she says as she sends him away.

"Well that was easier than expected, who shall I help now."


"No one," as Shaman throws some sleeping dust over her and Blinks drops to the ground. "That should put you out long enough to end this match. Morph is right, I cna see how I could be friends with you little one."

Plastic Man vs Morph

"Let's get ready to RUMBLE......"

"In one corner we have the undefeated champ. The ever dashing, extremely popular, natural wonderboy, with perfect teeth and a perfect ass, the courageous, the mighty, the gorgeous......MORPH...."

"And in this corner we have complete opposite. We don't even know why he bothered showing up, this guy takes the cake to the Annual "Legion of the Losers" meeting. He actually is co-chairman....the weak,the slow, the ugly.....PLASTIC MAN....."

"Who picked out your name, was it Rubbermaid? I haven't heard such an original name since the Human Torch. I mean come on.....your made of fire, you need a cool name, not the name of a plumbing tool."

"Your funny, if it wasn't for that god awful smell I would hug you, but instead I think we should take care of business."

Morph and Plastic Man continue to trade clever banter and insults. But no matter what, neither one could hurt the other one. After a strenious few minutes (which is a lot to ask for both) they slow down.

Man, this is ridiculous. We're going nowhere. So you want to take a break?

"Sure why not, I thought I saw a plasma TV was in the other room."

"Cool, I think Days of Our Lives is on."

"Wicked, do you think Marlena is going to remember her past...."


"Shush," and with that said Shaman casts a spell to freeze time. "Hmm doesn't look like Morph was making any progress, I will have to use another spell to subdue this Plastic Man. Ahh yes, I know which one."

He releases his time freeze spell and Plastic Man turns to him. "Oh sugar, honey iced tea..." as the mud ball hits him. He solidifies and a stone barrier is created around him.

"That should hold him for about a half hour. Let's go see who is left."

Aww man I was just getting into my show...

Shut up Morph


Prometheus vs Tap

Prometheus finally reaches the end of the stairs.

"Jesus, I thought they would never end. No wonder bat boy is always in shape. He has to walk a mile to go piss each time."

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. I have now removed your powers."

"Ahh but you made an error, you failed to realize that I don't have any powers, I am just a regular human. I use my technology to give me abilities otherwise unatainable by your average human. For instance, I am currently downloading the fighting abilities of the best fighters of DC, and I am going to use it to wipe the floor with you."

And with a flying kick and a few karate chops he knocks down tap in a bloody pulp. "Hmmmfff too bad you didn't give yourself some powers of your own...SPIT..."

Captain Marvell vs Green Lantern (Kal-El)

Well it's just you and me I presume.

You can surrender now a and avoid this if you wish.

"And why would I do that. Just look down below. Protex just blew a blast through Cassandra Nova and is now helping out Tap to take down Prometheus. And there is Plastic Man tying Morph around that pole. Hmmph I hear Morph is as bad as Plastic Man. And there is Blink laying out Shaman with her specialty of blinking and hitting. You see your team is losing, they will soon be here to help me and you will be overwhelmed. Give up now and save the trouble."

There is just one problem.

"What could that be?"

I have special superhuman senses and I can see through phoney illusions of energy.

"Well done, than shall we put our powers to the test," as he blasts a photon blasts.

Kal-El barely puts up a green shield which crumbles to the energy blast. He shoots out a green punch which hits CM straight on knocking him backwards.

Kal-El uses his superspeed to stay on top of him and with a shot of light he is and he lands a punch that sends him careening to the ground.

"Got to move quick," and with that said he use his cold breath to freeze CM.


CM breaks free out of the iceberg.

"Nice try but you'll have to do better than that."

"Fine," Kal-Uses his heat vision and blasts down at CM. CM returns the favor by firing a solar blasts.

A few moments draw like eternity as no headway seems to improve for either combatant. Kal-El realizes he isn't using his ring and pulls it out, and firing a blast. The added power and energy overwhelms CM and comes crashing down on him.

The explosion is heard from the remaining team but few what to come to Kal-El's aid, because it could mean death.

"I will go and help him," Morph says to Shaman.

"No, I will go. Stay right here I will will use one of my spells to avoid any deaths today."


Shaman teleports just in time as he sees Kal-El in a furious rage beating down on Captain-Marvel.

"SHUSH," he freezes time once more just as Kal El was going to land another powerful punch. He teleports Kal-El away to avoid arguing with him and uses his shrinking spell to shrink Captain-Marvell into 4 inches. "I will place you in my pouch and release you when the time is ready. There will not be any deaths today."

And with that said a bright flash, shoots out and a voice as loud as thunder appears.

"You have done well my children. I never imagined you would be able to do this without killing anyone, and I am impressed by this compassion for life. Congratulations, I will be in touch with you soon."

"Aww crud, this brings back flashbacks...."

Collective POWdER of the Superegos are the winners
Voting may now begin....

I should have the battle up tomorrow. I still have no information on Tap, could someone just get me the idea of his powers,,,,,
POWdER-man said:
I should have the battle up tomorrow. I still have no information on Tap, could someone just get me the idea of his powers,,,,,
Tap is much like Leech, but he can do it from a distance(about 20 yards or so) and also to magical beings. In JSA, he took Atom Smasher and Black Adam down to nothing as they fought each other.
So they have to be within 20 yards? Does he effect only powers or physical (ie fighting styles and basic strength) and/or mechanical abilities as well?

BTW Cassandra has far more powers than just telepathy (Which she nearly beat Xavier mentally while he was using Cerebro and was only stopped when he put a gun to his head, switch possession of his mind, and took on the WHOLE Imperial Guard with mental blockers), telekinesis (built a body armour suit within seconds from scrap metal), can shoot off energy blasts (burned off all of Wolverine's arm down to the adamantium), can become intangible (phased out just as Wolve's claws hit her and than she went through a wall), strong regeneration powers (she has healed from a broken neck, cyclops optic blast blowing through her torso, and of course she regenerated from cells without a body), a psi-armour made up of flailing body parts that protects around her (fought off the imperial Guard), she can switch bodies (she did so with Charles), she also has the ability to duplicate the DNA code of anyone she is nearby for 10 hours and merge with their bodies (fooled the Master Mold when she merged with Trask), she is also an amazing strategic planner and has advanced knowledge in technology. Just want to make sure you don't downplay her, she is one bad mamba jamba.....
wish you would've told me that before. Now it too late to edit because i have to work.... I lost(unless people will hold off for another... 10-12 hours for me to edit it(in-which cassandra is beatin by blink, tap and plasticman(while she has funny killing Protex))
ummm, you didn't ask and it's stated in the four bios I posted. At least I posted bios (at least 2 - except Kal-El since he was a one shot deal) for each of my characters.

I was more pointing out that you are downplaying her.
AnnoyingSilence said:
wish you would've told me that before. Now it too late to edit because i have to work.... I lost(unless people will hold off for another... 10-12 hours for me to edit it(in-which cassandra is beatin by blink, tap and plasticman(while she has funny killing Protex))
Editing is not allowed and it's also your own fault you didn't ask Powder.
only one thing

1. I can edit all i need to... I havent' finished(and until your finished.... you can edit all you need)

***Okay... I'll just edit the already writen version so that Protex dies...
The Collective POWdER of the Superegos: 5/10
Devistating Silence: 6/10

Claws of Veeshan: 2/10
The Tea Baggers: 1/10
The Collective POWdER of the Superegos: 1/10(no seperation... nothing. it all just happened...)
Devistating Silence: 10/10

Claws of Veeshan: 2/10
The Tea Baggers: 1/10
AS, voting for yourself is useless. It won't be counted.
Not my best stuff but I had to get it out quickly.

And BTW very classy on my write up...:rolleyes:

BTW AS's team has no protection whatsoever against magic.

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