DTL Season 5-Week 5 (Set 4)

DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This is one of four threads containing matches.
The threads will be in use for 10 days. Days 1-4 are strictly setup time for owners to plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help from you, the fan. Owners can debate only when their opponenet has finished posting their writeup.

On Day 5 I will post and tell everyone that voting may begin. Only after doing so will voting start. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count.

Look over the matchups and read the owners strategies and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match up. (Note: The length of a writeup is up to the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, post the team names you think will prevail in each match. Remember, to vote for each match up or your vote will not count! The teams with the highest vote total at the end of the 7th day will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal votes will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: Stryker's Island

The Immortals
Xavier Juggernaut (MU) - Super strong, super durable, "unstoppable" telepath.
Tony Stark: Sorcerer Supreme (MU) - High end mage with powered armor.
Brainiac 417 w/MonElves (DM) - Intanigble tech genius and his three miniature assistants.
"Death"Wolverine (MR) - Mutant with cloaking tech, sword that fires energy blasts, healing factor, super sneses, indestructible skeleton and claws.
Midnighter (DR) - Tech-enhanced fighter with move-prediction, enhanced durability, super speed and senses.


The Nameless Wonders
Silver Surfer (MU)
Dark Flash (DU)
Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes) (DM)
Traci Thirteen (DR)
Zauriel (DR)
I apologise because I have been sick in bed and did not do anything these past few days. I will try and get a write up done sometime today or tomorrow.
Here is an executive summary, in case I cannot get hold of Khell. I apologise but I am sick and I am not up to doing full research and stuff.


Regarding our respective teams it is clear that we have the advantage regarding knowledge of our adversaries. Apart from Midnighter and Wolverine, all the others are relatively unknown to the nameless wonders. Of course, common sense will allow them to figure uot a few things.

Regarding equipment, Brainiac will have access to all the equipment of the 843rd century. I understand some frown on equipping their teammates but giving flight rings is nothing given that was common equipment handed out to all legionnaires. Therefore I suggest that all my team would have them.

The Battle

This is pretty clear cut. Why you may ask. The match up of the ubers in my opinion would be the following:

Stark vs the Silver Surfer

The silver surfer has one weakness and that is magic. Of course, that still makes him an extremely difficult opponent. I see this one ending in a stalemate with Stark's speed at casting spells counter acting Silver Surfer's power cosmic.

Dark Flash vs Xavier

The Flash has one relative weakness and that is psychic. Xavier is the premier telepath and with an invulnerable body Dark Flash will not be able to put him out before Xavier can psychicly shut him down. Let us not forgt the amount of times Fernus was able to do this to the Flash. This would be the same. Xavier would then go and help Stark.

Together they will be able to batter down the Surfer's defenses and eventually should be able to put him down.

Brainiac, Wolverine, and Midnighter vs Blue Beetle, Zauriel & Traci Thirteen

With the flight rings no one has any advantage of flight. I will assume for the purposes of thjis summary that the respective techs of the Blue Beetle and Brainiac will cancel out even though it is more likely that Brainiac with the help of the Mon-Elves, will be able to shut down Blue Beetle's equipment. Regarding the others I would suggest, that my adversaries would actually have the top hand with a magic user and an ex-angel. However, our streetfighetrs are the most deadliest in the business and have on top of that incredible healing factors.

Eventually, Xavier and Stark would join the battle and that would tip the balance in favor of the Immortals.

Again, I apologise but I am really not feeling well. :(
*Sticks his **** in your ear.*

*Yes, YOU, the one reading this.*
Since the Nameless Wonders are ownerless, I'm voting for Khell/Ahura.
The Immortals vs. The Nameless Wonders
I vote The Immortals. I don't have too much to say over such a bare-bones writeup . . . the example of Flash losing to Fernus was good, but I'm not as convinced by "Surfer is weak against magic" (he doesn't have magic, but I didn't think he's weak against it the way Superman or Quasar is.) But Stark is a damn tough opponent so I don't find it unreasonably for him to win.

Ultimately, a minimal writeup is way better than none. I hope you feel better, Ahura!
The Immortals

I'm pretty much in agreement with Tim. The combo of Xavier and Stark should be able to stop the Surfer.
So did those two new guys take over the ownerless teams yet?
i'll vote for the nameless

Xavier Juggernaut (MU) - Super strong, super durable, "unstoppable" telepath.
Tony Stark: Sorcerer Supreme (MU) - High end mage with powered armor.
Brainiac 417 w/MonElves (DM) - Intanigble tech genius and his three miniature assistants.
"Death"Wolverine (MR) - Mutant with cloaking tech, sword that fires energy blasts, healing factor, super sneses, indestructible skeleton and claws.
Midnighter (DR) - Tech-enhanced fighter with move-prediction, enhanced durability, super speed and senses.

that is the worst description EVER. by now every character except for the obscure ones(mount joy IE)... xavier, juggernaut, IRON MAN, Wolverine and midnighter all should have links.

as with wolverine, who only needs a short discription of his extra powers... and the brianiac discription........ 3 little assistants... that can what? be defeated by being stepped on?
i'll vote for the nameless

Xavier Juggernaut (MU) - Super strong, super durable, "unstoppable" telepath.
Tony Stark: Sorcerer Supreme (MU) - High end mage with powered armor.
Brainiac 417 w/MonElves (DM) - Intanigble tech genius and his three miniature assistants.
"Death"Wolverine (MR) - Mutant with cloaking tech, sword that fires energy blasts, healing factor, super sneses, indestructible skeleton and claws.
Midnighter (DR) - Tech-enhanced fighter with move-prediction, enhanced durability, super speed and senses.

that is the worst description EVER. by now every character except for the obscure ones(mount joy IE)... xavier, juggernaut, IRON MAN, Wolverine and midnighter all should have links.

as with wolverine, who only needs a short discription of his extra powers... and the brianiac discription........ 3 little assistants... that can what? be defeated by being stepped on?

They all do in the DTL season 5 thread.

And to add, those description are what the adversaries get. AS, please use your brain or at least look to see the rules before you post.

Your vote is really just to live up to your name as you are not basing it on anything else.
Voting is now over.
Final Results:

The Immortals 6
The Nameless Wonders 1
as with wolverine, who only needs a short discription of his extra powers... and the brianiac discription........ 3 little assistants... that can what? be defeated by being stepped on?
Okay, try that again, but make it intelligible. Seriously, I truly can't quite make out what you're complaining about.

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