Duel of June/July 2010: Green Lantern vs Thor


Nov 16, 2005
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If everything goes on schedule, that is. :word:

1. Which one will have a have a tougher time attracting audience?
2. Which one will have better marketing?
3. Which one is your pre-watching favorite?
4. Which one is gonna come out on top in quality?
5. Which one is going to be the Box Office king?
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Ok here's my thought:

1. Thor should have a harder time finding audience. Without proper marketing they think this is another Eragon. While GL blatantly look like superhero movie with the eye-covering mask.

2. GL is going to have better marketing resource. Marvel will divide marketing effort to both IM 2 and Thor.

3. Clearly Thor. This movie is singularly about Thor Odinson the most powerful hero of Marvel. It's not about space drama, it's about hammer smacking Asgardian god.

4. My prediction is with Thor.

5. My prediction is there's no clear winner, but GL may edge out Thor a little.
To be honest I think GL will be more general audience friendly, neither type of story will have been seen in a CB before, so both could find an audience, but the GA will most likely lap up a space epic rather than a fantasy film about a superhero God IMO.

But, I could easily be very wrong, we'll see.
I think GL will win, at least box office wise. Movie wise, who knows. Supposedly Thor's script is a mighty one...Although GL's script has received very good "reviews" as well.

GL should also be easier to market, as people will more instantly associate it with superheroes, and sci-fi.
What was the last Fantasy epic(that wasn't based on a preexisting novel) that did well? What was the last Scifi epic?

I think that neither one will do over 200 million at the B.O. So the real question comes down to whoever has the best budget restraint. If GL or Thor cost 180 or more then I wouldn't bet on see a quick greenlight for a sequel.
If everything goes on schedule, that is. :word:

1. Which one will have a have a tougher time attracting audience?
2. Which one will have better marketing?
3. Which one is your pre-watching favorite?
4. Which one is gonna come out on top in quality?
5. Which one is going to be the Box Office king?

I haven't read any GL or Thor books so aside from the occasional wiki entries and some cartoon episodes i know very little about the characters themselves other then who they are and what they can do .

1. Which one will have a have a tougher time attracting audience?

It all comes down to how the movie is made and marketed. You could have :
A a movie that's more character driven and it's marketed as an action flick. In other words the audience has a completely different of what they expect. In this case that said movie could have a tough time at the BO.

B You could also have a movie where the the audience does get the right impression of the movie. For example with 300 we knew what we we're getting. Ditto with Iron Man. However that doesn't quite mean that the audience is will be interested. Genereally speaking the popcorn movies ( big on spectacle , no complex storylines) do well in the summer time. If of course they're done right ( Transformers , Iron Man) and not some crap like Fantastic Four.
I think here i would give Green Lantern the edge because it seems more popcorn friendly then Thor. Thor falls under the category of movies like 300 and Beowulf. Fantasy epics. These movies have a slight problem attracting an audience. I can't see Thor turning into a awesome-but-brainless-testostorone fueled movie like 300 because it will need proper storyline. It's kinda like a movie like Thor will need some great performances whereas Green Lantern can do with some light stuff.

2. Which one will have better marketing?
Again this is a tough one to call. Marvel did an excellent job with the Iron Man promotion. But hulk was a different story. It was only in the last two months that we really saw Hulk being promoted. Because DC is focusing on 1 CB movie at the time they can afford to spend a little extra on the marketing. So yeah i can see them promoting the hell out of GL. Marvel will have two movies to promote. Iron Man 2 and Thor. In an ideal world i could see GL and Thor being marketed . However i think the marketing of a movie is also dependant on the progress of the post. prod. Sometimes the first images start appearing very late in the post. prod. schedule . Wasn't that one of the reasons why Hulk wasn't as heavily marketed as Iron Man.

3. Which one is your pre-watching favorite?
I'm a DC guy so yeah. :oldrazz:

4. Which one is gonna come out on top in quality?
Can't comment on this because honestly we have no idea how each of those movies will come out. On one hand i like movies with substance but at the same time i'm also someone who'd watch something like Transformers 7 times just because it's entertaining.

5. Which one is going to be the Box Office king?
It depends on what kind of competition these movies are getting and in what way they're released. One way to boost the BO of a movie is by releasing it in IMAX or IMAX 3-D. WB has a succesful history with IMAX and almost all their recent blockbusters have been released in IMAX or IMAX 3-D.
My guess is that with the visuals of Green Lantern WB will release it in IMAX
3-D. I'm not sure if Marvel will go so far with Thor. Favreau has said that he is considering shooting parts of Iron Man 2 in IMAX and possibly also in 3-D. But at the same time it's a very costly process. With two big budget movies to fund ( Iron man and THor) i think Marvel would only focus on Iron Man 2 to release it in IMAX ( 3-D).
SO that definatelty gives the edge to GL.

But again the competition plays a role. There could be other movies that might prove to be tough competition.
Also has it been confirmed that Green Lantern will be released in June :huh:
July 2007 and 2008 has proven to be a very good month for WB. IN July 2007 they had a huge success with Harry Potter and the Order OF The Phoenix and In july of 2008 a little movie called TDK made headlines :oldrazz:. The fact that WB pushed the next Potter movie to July 2009 shows that they believe it's a very good month to release a blockbuster. For all we know WB might decide to release GL in July.

Marvel could do 2 things.
1 Decide to face the competition
2 Think about the $$$ in which case they'll try to movie the movie to June. That way they could have both their blokcbusters make money ( Iron Man in May and Thor in June) and at the same time ensure that Thor performs well enough to warrant a sequel.
What was the last Fantasy epic(that wasn't based on a preexisting novel) that did well? What was the last Scifi epic?

I think that neither one will do over 200 million at the B.O. So the real question comes down to whoever has the best budget restraint. If GL or Thor cost 180 or more then I wouldn't bet on see a quick greenlight for a sequel.

Eh, I think GL will do perfectly fine on a $150 million budget -- it can do optical and practical effects to reduce CGI costs for certain scenes (forced perspective, model work, prosthetics, etc.). You have big-budget epic films like LOTR that have cost around $100 million to produce and were CGI-intensive.

Warners should then market it to the Iron Man and The Dark Knight crowd -- a smart character-driven story with humor and kick-ass action.
1. Thor
2. Green Lantern
3. Green Lantern
4. Green Lantern
5. Green Lantern
Green Lantern is a lot more marketable than Thor, IMO. So as long as its a solid film, I think Green Lantern will prevail over Thor.

That said, I don't really see a reason why neither one could break $200 million. Though I do think Thor would benefit more from a Holiday release than it would a summer one.
Green Lantern is a lot more marketable than Thor, IMO. So as long as its a solid film, I think Green Lantern will prevail over Thor.

That said, I don't really see a reason why neither one could break $200 million. Though I do think Thor would benefit more from a Holiday release than it would a summer one.

I was looking at some Thor comics today and I thought the same thing. They should release it around November.
What was the last Fantasy epic(that wasn't based on a preexisting novel) that did well? What was the last Scifi epic?

Define "well"? Pan's Labyrinth certainly did "well" in relation to its budget. The Matrix was undoubtedly the most successful sci-fi epic of recent vintage not based on a preexisting property.

But, on to the questions.

1. Which one will have a have a tougher time attracting audience?

I think Thor. A fantasy period piece about a Norse god is going to be a tough sell. Beowulf did o.k., but I think The Hobbit is going to suck up a lot of interest in fantasy films, even if it doesn't come out to the end of the year. GL you probably can sell as a superhero film and a film in the vein of Star Wars. Probably can cast it younger too. The inanimate objects of a GL film will probably be easier to create and look more polished than what Thor has to deal with.

2. Which one will have better marketing?

Hard to say. Marvel hasn't really proven it can market two movies at once though, while WB most definitely can.

3. Which one is your pre-watching favorite?

Probably GL. I'm more of a science fiction guy.

4. Which one is gonna come out on top in quality?

I'd bet on Thor with the Kenneth Branagh factor tipping the balance.

5. Which one is going to be the Box Office king?

I'm thinking GL, although I think we should be thinking much closer to Batman Begins/Superman Returns grosses than TDK/Iron Man grosses.
In Green Lantern's favour, and this is a big thing, is CGI. Surely CGI was invented for Green Lantern.

Thor may confuse people. Is it fantasy or superhero? Is it Lord of the Rings or Superman?
Green lantern, from what i've heard the script is great, i wasn't to sure about the Thor film hopefully it's done right.
I haven't read the GL script yet (although I'm hoping to give it a whirl soon), but I can tell you that the Thor script is good. Really, really good.

Also, why are people saying Marvel will be marketing Thor? It will be Paramount doing the marketing.

And don't forget Green Hornet :hehe:
I think Thor isn't as acessable as Iron Man, another '2nd tier' character.
Thor has the better release date... it will rape GL IMO.
1. Which one will have a have a tougher time attracting audience? Thor
2. Which one will have better marketing? Thor
3. Which one is your pre-watching favorite? Green Lantern - for now
4. Which one is gonna come out on top in quality? Thor
5. Which one is going to be the Box Office king? Thor
What was the last Fantasy epic(that wasn't based on a preexisting novel) that did well?

LOTR did well because every movie in the trilogy had incredible quality and the people involved were very good at their jobs.

Genre had nothing to do with it.

What was the last Scifi epic?

It's been a long time since we've had a real quality sci-fi epic in film.

If GL is great it could start a new trend of space opera films.

It depends on how its executed, marketed and how relevant it in is by the time is released.

I think that neither one will do over 200 million at the B.O. So the real question comes down to whoever has the best budget restraint. If GL or Thor cost 180 or more then I wouldn't bet on see a quick greenlight for a sequel.

Well at least people can see that neither is really franchise material at least at face value.
I think GL has more franchise potential than Thor. I think Thor will less, but Thor will be the better movie (since Branagh is a great director). I see Thor being a major player in future Avengers films, though. I think GL will at least get 1 sequel.

Why do you think Thor has less franchise potential then GL?
1. Which one will have a have a tougher time attracting audience? Thor I guess. Most people will know what they're getting in a GL superhero movie but with Thor the whole Norse God thing is sure to throw people off.

2. Which one will have better marketing? Green Lantern. The success of GL seems like it will mean more for WB than it would for Marvel/Paramount so I expect them to go all out promoting GL.

3. Which one is your pre-watching favorite? It's a close call but I'll go with Green Lantern. Yeah I'll be one of those fanboys giggling with glee the first time the whole lantern oath scene is introduced. :oldrazz:

4. Which one is gonna come out on top in quality? Thor. I think that Berlanti is going to be way out of his league in trying this as his first big movie.

5. Which one is going to be the Box Office king? Thor might be one of those movies that word of mouth could make or break. If it can be as epic as they originally planned it, the movie will do outstanding. It could tap into the superhero genre as well as the Lord of the Ring fantasy genre.

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