Dynasty Entertainment Presents...

Frankenstein/Frankenstein's Monster (Base + "Prime" Form)

I've posted my version of Frankenstein's Monster before, but now felt like a good time to show off more of him. In my universe, he is technically a Titan, although of course via further scientific engineering and bio-tampering. Given what the Eradicator has blossomed into, I sort of wanted to have another version of that character type, but one that was a good guy instead. Frankenstein ended up fitting that mold perfectly & I'm beginning to see a lot of different ways I can play around with his design in the same way I do with the Eradicator.

It's one of those cases where I'll start him in extremely familiar territory and gradually break off into all new directions as time goes on.

And of course, since I wanted to revisit Frankenstein, I figured it'd be appropriate to do the same for Dracula & take a look at his transformed vampiric state but in Titan form.

As for how Dracula even has a Titan form to begin with, all I'll say is: Ministry of Black. Trust me, it'll make a lot more sense a lot later.
Damien Black / The Avatar ("Normal" Avatar form, Titan Form, Aged Titan Form)

The Avatar v. The Eradicator

The first two photos correlate to the very first time that Damien Black achieves his Avatar form. The first being him prowling the streets and the second being later in the night after he destroys the city & is confronted by his older brother Thane Grim.
Kierian Cross (Normal + Transformed)

One of many of the cousins of Kanan Cross, Kierian Cross sticks out because he is a notorious serial killer and thus is more or less the "black sheep" of the family. He's extremely sadistic with a cruel sense of humor & also a fascination with dark occult related activity.

Kierian is a character I've been holding in for a long time, mainly because I could never really get a design for him that I liked enough to want to stick with. But, I recently settled on a pretty fair compromise that combines a lot of the elements I wanted for the character.

Like others I've shown from the Grim family, Kierian is technically a hybrid Titan-human, though who his father is will remain a mystery for now at least. Kierian will also have a very special & unique route to his abilities because it's not something that just "happens" for him as it does other members of the family.

The biggest influence for this character was Chucky. Once I started expanding on the Grim family, even after creating Damien Black I knew I'd want another "bad seed" so Kierian was born out of that line of thought. As I mentioned above, he is into the occult, much like Charles Lee Ray was, and he is a serial killer with a fairly extensive criminal background.

Much like with the Avatar, with Kierian I wanted to explore the idea of an individual just being evil at their core. Kierian has a normal childhood, he isn't traumatized or have some incredibly sad backstory. He's apart of a powerful family of Titans as well as black Samoan warriors. And yet, he decides early on that what he enjoys most is tormenting others. So it's kind of this "perfect karma" situation that when we'll first meet the character, his powers haven't manifested & he's essentially just looked at as a failure in comparison to his other relatives, which is something that bothers him.

All in all, I have lots planned with the Kierian Cross character, and his journey definitely won't be the standard for a supervillain, but will still yield familiar elements that I hope are enjoyed.
More of Kierian Cross transformed:

Ti'Kar v. Darqueness

In terms of the Grim family, this is technically the very first sibling rivalry amid the clan. Being that Ti'Kar is a fair King and Darqueness is a power hungry despot, it inevitably makes them clash and leads to a Titan war that splits the family as well as the Titans generally, especially as this feud lasts millions of years.

The importance of the Ti'Kar and Darqueness feud cannot be overstated. Its culmination quite literally affects every character in-universe.

Thought it was time to start posting more in regards to Jade, especially since I've been showing off Dracula and he is her father. Things are relatively simple with this character. She's a Dhampir who ultimately becomes a vampire hunter. Beyond the more obvious influences, I've kind of drawn a lot of inspiration from the Underworld series (first three) & the Selene character in particular.

So, while we're still on the subject of vampires...

Count Orlok

Much like Dracula, Count Orlok will primarily be seen as a major adversary for Jade. However, unlike Dracula, he doesn't have a direct connection to her. As far as this universe goes, Orlok is one of the first vampires to exist, so that alone is going to give me quite a lot to play around with.

I know Dracula & Orlok are technically one in the same, but I've always seen them as being different characters & Orlok not being a "traditional" vampire is something I definitely want to play around with.
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Diana Carson / Onyx

No words will ever be able to properly express just how happy I am to finally be able to show off this character. I've wanted to make my own Hulk for years, but for the longest time every idea I had was just too derivative. As of now I feel I've struck a perfect middle ground where people can clearly see the inspiration behind Onyx but will still be able to enjoy the character as its own thing and not a less interesting knock-off.

This character is still very much inspired by the Hulk, but the transformation doesn't occur because of anger and Diana starts off with little to no scientific knowledge whatsoever.

All in all, looking forward to showing a lot more of this character as it's another one I love dearly for a multitude of reasons.
More Gremlock:

They've always been prevalent within the character, but I've been leaning more and more into a Hip-Hop-esque style for Gremlock. It's allowed for some really interesting wardrobe options and, imo, it just allows for the character to have a different vibe than you know who.

Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody!

My comic book universe will indeed have leprechauns, though I'm still figuring out the most fun and interesting way to weave them into the overall mythology I'm building up. I sort of want to take a Mister Mxyzptlk approach, albeit not quite as powerful.

Made this theme for Caveira & wanted to keep it fairly in line with the other character themes I've made since they've all been for her family members thus far (Thane Grim, Wildcard, Damien Black, The Eradicator) & I wanted it to feel familiar. Something that's fairly straightforward but hits hard. This is her first theme but I of course have plans to dabble in more for her.

There's a lot on my plate but I absolutely want to & will be making more themes as time goes on, and not just for Grim family members. I've kind of fallen in love with character music because of amazing musicians like Bear McCreary. Listening to his work for things like Godzilla: King of the Monsters & the last two God of War installments are what pushed me to start making these.

Right now I'm keeping them straightforward but they're going to get a lot more experimental and wild.
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Honestly just feels right that for the first anything involving animated content that I start it off with Thane Grim. Feels good as hell too.

Thane Grim (522) (2).gif
Figured I'd give the same treatment to Ti'Kar. I like this one more, to be honest. Neither are perfect by any means, but just wanted to give an idea of what the characters will potentially look like at least being somewhat animated/in action.

Ti'Kar (172).gif
Had to give the same treatment to Damien Black. Conveniently, this also gives a chance to show off Stage II of his Avatar Titan form.

The Avatar (1,448).gif

And last but not least, a little art correlating to the animations for Ti'Kar, Thane Grim & Damien Black:
Cassandra Porter / Blackout

I really enjoy experimenting with Blackout's suits & playing around with different concepts. Hands down, one of the best decisions I made with this character was deciding not to make her superhero persona be animal themed like I initially wanted to.

First official look at Warpath, the vehicle created and driven by the superhero Blackout. This is the standard black and red edition, although there will of course be changes & variants as we continue onward.

It's important for me to note that Warpath isn't just the average superhero car. It has a dual function as an aircraft, so it allows Blackout to have a strong presence both on the ground and amid the skies. More on that later...
Another look at Ti'Kar in his "Full" Titan Form:

Wanted to lean even more into the dragon aesthetic & I'm not disappointed here.



Have always been extremely fascinated with Greek Mythology so that coupled with my love for God of War pretty much ensured I'd eventually incorporate it into my comic book universe. The same goes for Roman mythology. Yes, I know they are technically the same with a few differences, but I want to treat them differently as it pertains to this particular universe.

One day I'll also make my way to Norse mythology among others being apart of this whole thing.
Tokki (supervillain)

Another denizen of Emerald City,
Ti'Kar (Base Titan Form, "Advanced" Titan Form W/ Wings, Mid-Transformation, Full Titan Form)

Kanan Cross (Base Titan Form)

Thane Grim (Base + Dragon God Form)
Caveira Grim

King Kong Grim (Titan Form):

Adelaide Black

Damien Black / The Avatar - Cosmic Demon Titan Form

And just a smidge more of Adelaide Black:
So, I've been fascinated by the idea of werecats for a long, long time now. I've always loved werewolves, but the first couple of Underworld films adding more feline characteristics to their version of werewolves really got me to thinking what that would look like if it was all feline. In doing research it became all too obvious that werecats, by and large, appear to be an overlooked piece of mythology, something I definitely want to change.

This won't necessarily correlate with my comic book characters. I feel like that could potentially detract from the horror element of it so this will be its own thing entirely.

Marisa Shapiro / Weaver - Bioluminescent Form
Joseph Knight / Hyperion | Armor V10 / "Purple Reign" Suit
Marisa Shapiro / Weaver

Wanted to try something new with Weaver, ended up with these. Might be the new standard for the character going forward.
A younger Darqueness:

The Eradicator:

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