

Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
...Can we please get a ban on this word now.

I'm so sick of everyone using this word to describe anyone slightly unhappy. It's getting a little played out now. Let's give it a rest.

If it applies, use it. :up:

Don't use it to name anything you don't like. :down:
People are using it for everything now. It's ridiculous. It really needs to be ended now.
...Can we please get a ban on this word now.

I'm so sick of everyone using this word to describe anyone slightly unhappy. It's getting a little played out now. Let's give it a rest.

I had another word in mind, but b**** just sounds too harsh.
this thread is so emo.....so emoing stupid.

Only emo people complain about the word. :o
Pressing post in this thread makes me Emo

Then a little Elmo
...Can we please get a ban on this word now.

I'm so sick of everyone using this word to describe anyone slightly unhappy. It's getting a little played out now. Let's give it a rest.

i think someone's having an emo moment
How terrible for you. :csad:
It'll go away in a few years. These kids will look back on it and laugh.
And then slit their wrists.
Nah, they'll get jobs and look back at their pictures and think, geez, I looked like an idiot.
People are using it for everything now. It's ridiculous. It really needs to be ended now.

Thats because the people the word is being used to describe make every little thing that happens to them into a melancholy drama, and then mope about it for-freakin-ever...and never have anything positive to say...thus being labeled 'emo'.

If people would just say 'this sucky thing happened, and that sucks' and then turn around a day or two later and start being positive again, rather than wallowing in it, then they wouldn't be considered emo. Just my $.02.
Emo is the new gay.
lol@ banning a word

**** is this dude? The Al Sharpton of Goth kids?
...Can we please get a ban on this word now.

I'm so sick of everyone using this word to describe anyone slightly unhappy. It's getting a little played out now. Let's give it a rest.


Only an emo would say that
My avatar has blood in it. So emo!

....No, I agree with you. It's an extremely annoying word(dont even get me started on the people who call themselves "emo"). Ban? That is not possible. But it is possible to simply ignore anyone who uses the word. It is a stupid trend, but trying to ban the word will only put more wood in the fire.
Just don't use the word yourself :up:
Thats because the people the word is being used to describe make every little thing that happens to them into a melancholy drama, and then mope about it for-freakin-ever...and never have anything positive to say...thus being labeled 'emo'.

If people would just say 'this sucky thing happened, and that sucks' and then turn around a day or two later and start being positive again, rather than wallowing in it, then they wouldn't be considered emo. Just my $.02.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. What bothers me is that these kdis get therapists and never truely need them.
...Can we please get a ban on this word now.

I'm so sick of everyone using this word to describe anyone slightly unhappy. It's getting a little played out now. Let's give it a rest.


Agreed. Most of the tools who keep using it for every single thing have their head up their ass.

It does get annoying when people use it in a serious manner towards people who are just a little sad or something. That does not make them Emo, Emo is a look/style.

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