Comics End of MJ and Pete?


As you can probably tell I'm new here.

But I am also new to comics. I am a big Spidey fan but I have never touched a comic book in my life.

I've done some research and I've heard that this new AMS #539 is supposed to be the birth of a new, darker Spider-Man. Since he is in some ways starting over I was wondering if this issue is a good place to start.

Seeing as I'm a newb, what do you guys think? And how often do I have to buy a comic to keep up? Like once a month?

Your opinions are greatly appreciated. BTW, I'm sorry if this post may be in the wrong section.

As you can probably tell I'm new here.

But I am also new to comics. I am a big Spidey fan but I have never touched a comic book in my life.

I've done some research and I've heard that this new AMS #539 is supposed to be the birth of a new, darker Spider-Man. Since he is in some ways starting over I was wondering if this issue is a good place to start.

Seeing as I'm a newb, what do you guys think? And how often do I have to buy a comic to keep up? Like once a month?

Your opinions are greatly appreciated. BTW, I'm sorry if this post may be in the wrong section.

I don't know if it would be a good jumping on point for a fresh new Spider-Man fan. There have been a lot of insane things that have happened to Spider-Man/Peter Parker in the past year or two in the comic.

But if you want to get into them then it would be a good start if a darker Spider-Man is what you're after. And if you want to follow Spider-Man in all his monthly title you'd have to buy three comics a month. Amazing Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and Sensational Spider-Man. Those are basically the three main core books that follow the regular universe Spider-Man.
speaking of core titles, i wish they would bring back a good spectacular spider man title and continue the numbering from the first series, except going back to the old name: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man :)
i dont remember peter ever being an emo when he had his black suit. i find it amazing stupid for 'back in black' to be regarded as depressed angry peter
I don't know if it would be a good jumping on point for a fresh new Spider-Man fan. There have been a lot of insane things that have happened to Spider-Man/Peter Parker in the past year or two in the comic.

But if you want to get into them then it would be a good start if a darker Spider-Man is what you're after. And if you want to follow Spider-Man in all his monthly title you'd have to buy three comics a month. Amazing Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and Sensational Spider-Man. Those are basically the three main core books that follow the regular universe Spider-Man.

spiderman family is coming up too
try marvel adventures spider-man:spidey;
speaking of core titles, i wish they would bring back a good spectacular spider man title and continue the numbering from the first series, except going back to the old name: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man :)

They actually did bring back Spectacular Spider-Man a few years back. The second volume of it only lasted 26 issues though and it got cancelled. Paul Jenkins wrote most of those issues and they were pretty good actually. I believe that Spectacular got replaced by Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man if I'm not mistaken.
They actually did bring back Spectacular Spider-Man a few years back. The second volume of it only lasted 26 issues though and it got cancelled. Paul Jenkins wrote most of those issues and they were pretty good actually. I believe that Spectacular got replaced by Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man if I'm not mistaken.

yea i have some of the issues, but i wish the numbering scheme followed after issue 261 from vol 1 or whatever number it was....i have the issues from vol2 just never read the ones i had, just read the summaries on
my complaint with people trying to end MJ and Pete... is... didn't they try all this already and it failed horribly?

MJ blown up in plane, peter goes single and lives with roomates in apartment (FAILED)

MJ returns and decides they need time apart, she goes off to california to persue her acting carreer, spidey becomes emo, (FAILED) and they got back together in a great issue :) due to fan's wanting them to stay together
it was bound to happen...i kind of smell seller's gimmick
its just going to fail again... why the hell do they need a new sellers gimick anyway? lol its been one after another, the spidey books are far from hurting
its just going to fail again... why the hell do they need a new sellers gimick anyway? lol its been one after another, the spidey books are far from hurting

ASM is hurting....for a good story.

Yeah, this is going to fail again. Just like before. Personally, I find any attempt to kill off MJ rather stupid. She's a staple to the Spidey Mythos (yes....she is). She's been in the comics, the movies, the cartoons, and even the video games. Killing her off, divorcing them...whatever. It's stupid and pointless. What are they going to do? Undo the marriage? Then we all sit around with our thumbs up our asses and our fingers up our noses waiting for the inevitable reunion between the two?

Argh...why not MOVE FORWARD as opposed to constantly backtracking?!
The Comic has become the bit*^@!ch of the movie, even though that should be Blasphemy, and many people don't seem to give a hoot.

That's why.
he means that the movies are infuencing the comics too much and it should be the OTHER WAY AROUND:spidey:
i dont remember peter ever being an emo when he had his black suit. i find it amazing stupid for 'back in black' to be regarded as depressed angry peter

I don't think the intention is for us to assume that Pete only dons the black costume when he's all sad and cutting on himself, but just that he's doing it this time as a gimmicky excuse to have it on come May.
maybe pete thinks "iron spider AGGH i'd sooner go back to the alien costume than wear starks monstrosity again ...hey why not i know where my old non symbiote copy of it is"
They actually did bring back Spectacular Spider-Man a few years back. The second volume of it only lasted 26 issues though and it got cancelled. Paul Jenkins wrote most of those issues and they were pretty good actually. I believe that Spectacular got replaced by Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man if I'm not mistaken.

I liked 'em too - but hated what he did with Spidey's power...His powers have always been perfect as is to me...
I am honestly at the point of not caring about comics anymore: ASM/616 appears to be going down fast, Sean McKeever is leaving Spider-man Loves MJ as of #20 ( I think he got hired on exclusive to DC ) so there's not telling how long that book will last, if it does past his departure. Thank goodness for USM, Never thought I'd say that of as late but ( USM 104 spoilers: beware )
Peter finally got the kick in the rear end he needed and told MJ he loves her, so that may be the only place we can see them together in the future
if MJ dies....or if Peter and MJ Divorce...if it's ANYTHING other than them parting ways for awhile until it is safe for them to be back together because of the Idenity issue, or something to that tone...

well...then i'm gonna get into my car, hunt down, and kill Joey Q....or i'll just stop collectin the comics till they get back together...which ever comes first.
if MJ dies....or if Peter and MJ Divorce...if it's ANYTHING other than them parting ways for awhile until it is safe for them to be back together because of the Idenity issue, or something to that tone...

well...then i'm gonna get into my car, hunt down, and kill Joey Q....or i'll just stop collectin the comics till they get back together...which ever comes first.

i'm with ya
The Comic has become the bit*^@!ch of the movie, even though that should be Blasphemy, and many people don't seem to give a hoot.

That's why.

Spider-Man isn't the only superhero with a movie that had it's comic messed with because of the said movie. Batman, Superman, Ghost Rider, etc.

If you want to blame anything blame the people with really low attention spans because that's why Marvel and DC do what they do.

I believe I read somewhere that Marvel and DC do it because Marvel didn't anticipate the success of the first X-Men movie and didn't capitalize on it in the comics which really hurt them actually.

But, hey, whatever floats your boat.

As you can probably tell I'm new here.

But I am also new to comics. I am a big Spidey fan but I have never touched a comic book in my life.

I've done some research and I've heard that this new AMS #539 is supposed to be the birth of a new, darker Spider-Man. Since he is in some ways starting over I was wondering if this issue is a good place to start.

Seeing as I'm a newb, what do you guys think? And how often do I have to buy a comic to keep up? Like once a month?

Your opinions are greatly appreciated. BTW, I'm sorry if this post may be in the wrong section.

Don’t bother Amazing Spider-man is convoluted and crap these days.

If you want to read a well written and slightly 'darker' take on the webhead, read Sensational Spider-man.

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