Comics events



hi guys, disssertaion nearly finished just one final question, do any of you attend Spidey conventions. are there any?
do any of you meet outside of this forum?
thanks so much.
shaunam said:
hi guys, disssertaion nearly finished just one final question, do any of you attend Spidey conventions. are there any?
do any of you meet outside of this forum?
thanks so much.
Comic Conventions... I'd like to go to one... may-be the one in Dallas this fall.

Good luck. I'd like to read your paper when it's done. :)
I've gone to one convention so far...and ended up spendin' my whole time there at th' 50 cent bins. Soooo addictive.
I've gone to one convention so far...and ended up spendin' my whole time there at th' 50 cent bins. Soooo addictive.

50 cent bins? Is that something they do at all comic conventions? Sorry if I sound like a complete newbie but I've never been to one.
I go to Heroes Con in Charlotte every June-July. It's a pretty good-sized convention (this year it'll be HUGE). I'm currently working in the comics industry, so I go there every year, get a booth, and mingle. Comic Cons are the best place to find deals on comics, statues, etc. They're also a great place to meet the pros and hang with other fans.

As for the 50 cent bins....oh, man...they are great. You can find all those odd comics you were into for next to nothing! Me, I spend all my time looking at the statues and such that I cannot afford. That, and looking at those pricey back-issues that I can't afford.

Last year, I held Amazing Fantasy #15 in my hands.....I've never been that tempted to steal in my life...!
Maybe, Raging. Like I said, only been to one so far...goin' to another in August (hopefully). All I know is you find some sweet stuff in there like Shin said.
I've been to MegaCon in Orlando a couple of times. My husband and I go to get comics and memorabilia signed by creators. The comics there can be a deal, but not always; I've learned to be picky. What is great is the variety, though. There's stuff there my LCS would probably never carry.

Probably the highlight of the last con I went to was sitting in on a Q&A with Joey Q himself. (Not that I like the guy that much, but it's interesting looking into the eyes of the powers that be that control Spidey).

I've never met anyone from this forum in person (aside from my husband who posts here as MaraJanesSlave).
Yeah, I met Joey Q. a few years back at Heroes Con. back when he was had just taken over, and the Ultimate Universe was starting up. I was in awe.

This year, Joey Q and JMS will both be there, and I'm going to have a hard time trying to be nice.

Luckily, Mark Millar, Bryan Hitch, Mark Bagley, J.G. Jones, and a SLEW of other big name pros will be there, too, so I'll have plenty to talk to people about. Not to mention that the con falls on Superman Returns opening weekend. All the pros will probably go and see it.

Here's the link for Heroes Con, if anyone else lives around the Charlotte, NC area and would like to go.
shinlyle said:
Yeah, I met Joey Q. a few years back at Heroes Con. back when he was had just taken over, and the Ultimate Universe was starting up. I was in awe.

This year, Joey Q and JMS will both be there, and I'm going to have a hard time trying to be nice.

Luckily, Mark Millar, Bryan Hitch, Mark Bagley, J.G. Jones, and a SLEW of other big name pros will be there, too, so I'll have plenty to talk to people about. Not to mention that the con falls on Superman Returns opening weekend. All the pros will probably go and see it.

Here's the link for Heroes Con, if anyone else lives around the Charlotte, NC area and would like to go.

Sounds awesome.

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